- Turned around an inherited economy that was in recession.
False on two fronts:
A recession is two downward
quarters in a row.
That happened under Bush, not Clinton
If we were in recession, why
was Bush proming tax cuts "because the economy's
going strong?"
- Record home ownership among African Americans
Objection: Assumes facts not in evidence,
but I have a feeling if it's true,
they're using Clinton's "recession" buyers to
make it true.
- Passed tough new laws to hold corporate criminals
to account as a
result of corporate scandals which took place
in the 1990s.
ha ha
Yeah, we all know how tough Bush is on big corporations.
- Signed 2 income tax cuts ---- 1 of which was the largest Dollar-value tax cut in world history
True, this helped created the Bush depression,
the biggest Since Reagan's in 1982
- Reduced taxes on dividends and capital gains
True, he killed the incredible economy Clinton
left us with crazy tax cuts for the super-rich,
and who did the super-rich hire with their unearned
windfall? No-effing-body.
- Increased small business incentives to expand and to hire new people
Possibly true, but it says "incentives
to hire" instead of "hired."
Nobody got hired, and Bush is still
in negative numbers of job created.
- Eliminated the Estate Tax (AKA "Death Tax") that was taking small farms and businesses from families
He eliminated the "estate tax" on millionaires
with million dollar estates.
98 percent of the poorest Americans lost money
on this, but the super-rich did great!
- Signed into law the No Child Left Behind legislation
delivering the most dramatic education reforms
in a generation (challenging the soft bigotry
of low expectations)
ha ha
Nobody in America knows what
"the soft bigotry of low expectations" means.
Bush promised kids some money, then refused to
fund it ...and Kerry's silent on this, too.
- Killed U.S. involvement in the International Criminal Court
Translation: We're Americans - we don't
answer to anybody because our military is bigger.
- Disarmed Libya of its Chemical, Nuclear, and biological WMD's without bribes or bloodshed
Objection: Assumes facts not in evidence.
Did we all miss the destruction of Libya's weapons?
- US Military cooperation with Vietnam (as requested
by the Vietnamese government) to fight Al Qaeda
in South East Asia including reopening some US
military bases in that nation.
We opened bases in Vietnam?
Please list those bases we opened and the number of US military personnel
in each.
- Told the United Nations we weren't interested
in their plans for gun
control (i.e. the International Ban on Small
Arms Trafficking Treaty)
Bush wants to make money selling weapons to both
sides in every war.
- First President to fund embryonic stem cell research
Bush slammed the door on science to please his
wealthy witch doctor contributors.
- Passed Medicare Reform (authorized $39.5 Billion
per year for preventive medicine
such as drugs and doctor visits as well as included
a ten year Privatization option)
Bush raped every senior in America by selling
out to the pharmaceutical companies.
- Has CONSTRUCTION in process on the first ten
ABM silos in Alaska and
California so that America has a defense against
North Korean nukes
The world was safe until Bush told N Korea to
"Bring 'em on"
- Pushed through THREE raises for our military
Increased Defense Dept
funding which had deteriorated during the previous
8 years
Bush tried his damndest to cut
the pay to men getting shot in Iraq.
- Signed TWO bills into law that arm our pilots with handguns in the cockpit
Is there a single gun in any Americam cockpit
right now?
- Successfully executed 2 wars: Afghanistan and
Iraq. 50 million people
who had lived under tyrannical regimes now live
in freedom
ha ha
Horseshit like that tells me all 41 of these
"facts" are handjobs.
This is what Bush's "success" looks like:
- Captured Saddam Hussein
No, the Kurds captured him and handed him over
to us with an unloaded pistol.
Or do you think the brutal dictator went on the
run with an unloaded gun?
- Executed a WAR ON TERROR by getting world-wide
cooperation to track funds/terrorists
(has cut off much of the terrorist's funding
and captured or killed many key leaders of the al Qaeda network)
His "war on terror" involved getting rich chasing
non-terrorists and letting Osama run free.
And "worldwide cooperation?"
The whole world hates our invading guts.
- Brought back our EP-3 intel plane and crew from China without any bribes or bloodshed
He got on his knees and begged China to
let them go.
When they refused, he got back on his knees and
double-begged China to let them go.
When they refused, he got back on his knees and
triple-begged China to let them go,
and gave them Koresh-knows-what in concessions
to please, please let our people go.
If Clinton had ever shown such cowardice, the
GOP congress would've impeached him...
- Convinced the Chinese government to allow President
Bush to speak directly to the Chinese
people about the "real America" and share his
religious beliefs without censureship
Don't know, don't care.
Is this is an "accomplishment," why not list,
"Chewed a pretzel and survived?"
- Started withdrawing our troops from Bosnia and
has announced
withdrawal of our troops from Germany and the
Korean DMZ.
He needed more men to send into his Iraqi meat-grinder
- Signed the LARGEST nuclear arms reduction in
world history with Russia,
Initiated comprehensive review of our
military, which was completed just prior to 9/11/01,
accurately reported that ASYMMETRICAL
WARFARE was critical.
Don't know, don't care, but a minute ago you were
bragging about his new missle siloes*
Can't you make up you mind?
- Created NATO's Rapid Response Force
To what?
Russia is our ally now, remember?
- Changed the tone in the White House, restoring HONOR and DIGNITY to the Presidency
ha ha
Stop it!
Sure, the whole world knows about "Bush's dignity."
-Reorganized bureaucracy...after 9/11, condensed
20+ overlapping agencies and their intelligence
sectors into one agency: the Department
of Homeland Security.
Translation: Reorganized government with
a program that makes everybody answer to the BFEE
and the secret shadow government that only the
BFEE knows about is run by Iran-Contra felons.
- Currently pushing for full immunity from lawsuits for our national gun manufacturers
Perfect - more gun deaths is just what America
was lacking.
- Ordered Attorney-General Ashcroft to formally
notify the Supreme Court that the OFFICIAL
U.S. government position on the 2nd Amendment
is that it supports INDIVIDUAL rights to own
firearms, NOT a leftist-imagined *collective*
The GOP's motto: More Guns, more God and
less education.
- Signed the 2004 Omnibus Budget 1/26/2004 that
now MANDATES that gun buyers' background check
information be fully and permanently destroyed
within 24 hours of the completion of the check, no matter what.
No matter what, let's get more guns into the peoples'
hands and destroy those records ASAP.
That way, after a school is murdered, the cops
will be blind, clueless and helpless..
- Won an agreement that U.S. Navy sailors may
now freely board thousands of commercial ships in international
waters to search for WMDs under a landmark pact
between the United States and Liberia, the world's No. 2
shipping registry (signed Feb 11, 2004), and
Panama 5/10/2004
If Bush had read and acted on the PDB Memo of
August 6, 2001, we might not have needed this.
- President Bush pledged to Israel on 4/14/2004
that it could keep parts of the West Bank,
giving international legitimacy to Jewish settlements
Only a crazy Monkey would list enflamed Middle
East as an "Accomplishment of Bush."
...and how nice of Bush to give Israel permission
to keep their land.
- Denied Palestinian refugees any right of return
to what is now Israel,
saying they should be resettled
in a future Palestinian state instead
ha ha
Screw your homeland.
We'll give you somewhere to live at a later date
in time.
- Bush diplomacy led to the peace accord that ended a 20-year civil war in Sudan
That's another Bush success?
- Initiated discussion on privatizing Social Security and individual investment accounts.
"Initiated discussion" - that's an accomplishment?
- Orchestrated Republican control of the White House, the House AND the Senate.
He orchestrated that like I orchestrate the weather.
- In process of eliminating IRS marriage penalty.
I'm "in process" of becoming Pope, too.
This list was written by a moron on his best
- Reorganized the INS in an attempt to safeguard
the borders and ports of America and to eliminate
bureaucratic redundancies and lack of accountability.
Translation: Reorganized the INS
to eliminate accountability.
- Signed trade promotion authority
- Committed US funds to purchase medicine for millions of men and women and children now suffering with AIDS in Africa
Bush "committed funds."
He didn't give them funds, he "committed
US funds."
With Bush, just look at the color of the people.
If they're black, Bush only "commits" funds.
If they're white, and they vote, they might
get some money.
- Urging federal liability reform to eliminate
frivolous lawsuits Supports class action reform
which limits lawyer fees so that more
settlement money goes to victims
"Urging" and "supports" are not
What kind of Monkey wrote this?
Was this written for small, gullible children?
- Submitted comprehensive Energy Plan--awaits Congressional action
The "accomplishment" here is the submission of
a plan?
- Endorses and promotes The Responsibility Era
That's a handjob in a bottle.
Endorsing and
promoting are not
- Started the USA Freedom Corps
That might be something - what the hell
is it?
- Initiated review of all federal agencies with a goal to eliminate federal jobs
"Initiated ...with a goal to..." is not an accomplishment
- Challenged the United Nations to live up to their responsibilities
This is so stupid.
I should have read ahead, because this is so
Was this written by The Bird?
Was this written by Bob Booger?
Was this written by Ken
- Changed parts of the Forestry Management Act to allow necessary clean-up
That's all a handjob meaning, "He
sold out forests for pennies per acre over the
objections of the forest rangers who risk
their jobs if they dared to speak out."
- New Forest Rules Gives States Power Over Federal
Forests Inside Their
Borders Significantly eased field-testing controls
of genetically engineered crops.
Translation: Bush
took their lobbyist's money to secretly alter your food.
- President Bush signed the workplace verification bill to prevent hiring of illegal Aliens.
Was this needed?
America has become a jobless hellhole under Bush.
- President Bush signed a federal ban on Partial Birth Abortion
Bush is getting between a woman and her doctor
so his religious superstitions
will control what your doctor can tell you, not
medical science.
Bottom line" Women are "too stupid" to control
their lives, so Bush and Jim Inhofe
and Tom Delay will decide how many children you
can have.
decide for you!"
- Stopped foreign aid that would be used to fund abortions.
One of the very few that I believe to be true.
Almost every other "accomplishment"
has been a big lie because the truth and Bush
don't get along very well.
- Signed E.O. reversing Clinton's policy of not requiring parental consent for abortions
If Willie Horton rapes your daughter and if Dad
is religiously insane,
this gives Dad the right to force his religious
insanity on his daughter.
What is the GOP's answer to a pregnant girl who
cannot face her parents?
"Screw her! Let her take her chances
with a neighborhood butcher's coat hanger?"
- Killed Clinton's CO2 rules that were choking off all of the electricity surplus to California
Translation: Made the air more dirty
so Enron could screw California to death.
- Killed Clinton's "ergonomic" rules that OSHA
was about to implement;
rules that would have shut down every home business
in America
Oh just suck me.
This whole list has been one lie after another.
This is as credible as the Gold Star Mother's
story and the Clinton Death list.
The GOP makes this shit up because the truth
is their enemy.
- Killed the U.S. - CCCP ABM Treaty that was preventing
the U.S. from deploying our ABM defenses
Translation: Took people's fears
and their tax money and awarded BFEE friends a multi-billion dollar contract
to shoot incoming missles out of the sky - as
long as they're armed with transponders we can lock in on.
Bottom line:
Bush's "accomplishments" include killing 1052 soldiers in a fake war,
he went to sleep allowing bin Laden
to explode New York, he substituted religious insanity or lobbyist
money for sound science and he gave away
our economic future by borrowing hundreds of billions of dollars to
give to the already super rich.
He deserves a second term like Sirhan and Charles Manson deserve their freedom.