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WELCOME TO BARTCOP.COM A modem, a smart mouth and the truthNews and Commentary NOT Approved by Karl Rove, bcause vicious extremists can NOT be appeased.

The Iraq Situation

OK, Iran was mean to us in 1979-1980.

But Reagan/Bush partnered up with those radical terrorists and made them a secret illegal deal
to hold the helpless American hostages longer than those radical terrorists wanted to hold them so 
"I'll never deal with terrorists" Reagan could get the White House awat from lawful Jimmy Carter.

Once Reagan/Bush got in power, they gave or sold poison gas to Saddam to murder Iranians.

Reagan/Bush backed Saddam the Aggressor when he invaded Iran.
Why was America in the business of helping the aggressor?

So Iraq and Iran fought to a million-dead-men draw during the eighties.
In the early nineties, Saddam asked Bush for permission to invade Kuwait then-president Bush said yes.
But as soon as Saddam invaded, Bush harrumped, "This aggression will not stand."

Why did Poppy Bush give Saddam permission to invade Kuwait?
Because he was known as "Bush the Wimp" and he wanted to get rid of that label.

So Bush fabricated a reason to start a war in the Middle East, which angered Osama
to the point where he declared war on America - thanks to Bush the Smarter.
After militarily defeating his old partner in Gulf War I, Bush gave Saddam permission to fly
his helicopters North so he could machine-gun and gas the Kurds for their uprising which
was also supported and encouraged by Bush the Smarter.

Then Bush the Dumber stole power and when in office, he told the Taliban that he wanted a pipeline 
thru their country and when they refused, Bush told them they could have a carpet of gold or a carpet 
of bombs.  The Taliban said, "Fuck you, George," and they had Osama train his eye on a way to 
hurt America and the 9-11 attack was designed and financed.

After 9-11, Bush the Dumber lied, claiming Saddam was involved.
So Bush said, "Fuck him, we're taking him out" and sent our soldiers into the sand.

Six years and 4,300 dead American soldiers later, Iraq is about to get a new government.
Problem is, the government is Shia, the people Iraq fought and gassed in the eighties.

Bush and America's whore media have veen crowing for years about "bringing down a dictator,"
but from the Iraqis point of view, they traded a Sunni strongman of their own for a Shia strongman 
who gets his orders directly from the ayatollahs in Tehran.

Maybe if the Bush bastards had stayed out of the Iraq-Iran was in the eighties, Iran would've won
and we'd have the same situation we have now - but those 4,300 soldiers would still be alive and
the Twin Towers would still be standing and hundreds or thouasands of female American soldiers
would never have been raped - but that scenario wouldn't work - and do you know why?

The Bush bastards made a profit when Iran illegally took our people hostage.
The Bush bastards made a profit when Iraq and Iran went to war.
The Bush bastards made a profit when they illegally sold weapons to both sides.
The Bush bastards made a profit when Saddam invaded Kuwait.
The Bush bastards made a profit when Saddan was defeated in 1991.
The Bush bastards made a profit when they convinced Arafat to turn down Clinton's deal.

The Bush bastards made very little profit when we had peace and prosperity under Clinton.

The Bush bastards made a profit when Clinton was impeached for having a girlfriend.
The Bush bastards made a profit when the press and the Whore Supreme Court
       installed Bush the Dumber against the will of the majority of the voters.
The Bush bastards made a profit when we were attacked on 9-11.
The Bush bastards made a profit when they blamed the attack on Saddam.
The Bush bastards made a profit when they illegally invaded the wrong country.
The Bush bastards made a profit when they sold weapons and tanks to the US military.
The Bush bastards made a profit when they refused to send enough troops to get the job done.
The Bush bastards made a profit when the Iraqi oil wells pumped for 6 years without meters.
The Bush bastards made a profit when Iraqi assets were (legally) transfered to Bush.
The Bush bastards made a profit when they illegally discarded the U.S. Constitution.
The Bush bastards made a profit when Ohio's Sec of State illegally pulled a "Katherine Harris."
The Bush bastards made a profit when Bush illegally tapped everybody's phones.
The Bush bastards made a profit when Bush illegally tapped everybody's mail.
The Bush bastards made a profit when Bush illegally tapped everybody's bank accounts.
The Bush bastards made a profit when Bush illegally hired Blackwater and Halliburton with "no performance"
       (they get paid every when they don't deliever) contracts that nobody else had a chance to bid on..

Every major White House decision made from the day Reagan got shot in 1981 until
January 20th, 1993 was about the Bush bastards making a profit on the back of the taxpayers...

Look at the Clinton years - 1993 to 2001.

The Bush bastards also made money by sending soldiers to their deaths.

Bush the Dumber got off saying, "I'm proud of you" to the maimed soldiers and to the familes 
of the dead, all the while raking in hundreds of billions, then trillions of dollars in stolen money.

Every major White House decision made from the day Bush was appointed president until January 20th, 2001
was about the Bush bastards making a profit on the back of the taxpayers and the lives of our soldiers.

America has been under the thumb of The Bush Profit Machine for 20 of the last 28 years.

Please - somebody argue with me on anything I've written here.

Since the whore press is corrupt,
since the whore press is owned by profit-seeking, rich Republicans,
you can only hear the truth at independent sites like

The last 28 years have been about the Bush bastards stealing trillions of dollars
and they did it by raping America and the rest of the world.

...and the Democrats just stood there and let it happen.

The stolen elections (three, minumum)
the wiretappings,
the illegal searches,
losing the 4th and 6th Amendments,
the kidnappings,
the rapes,
the tortures,
the murders,
the pre-emptive invasion,
the bloody wars,
all so the Bush bastards could steal more money.

Did I mention the Bush bastards started with a partnership with Hitler?

          "Bart, are you complaining about Bush again?
           Why can't you just relax and go with the flow?"

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