<ntropyman> what a WHINEY ASS bastard
<blockbush> LOON
<Cayobo> and I got Tax relief
<OldHag> obligation to spend
<Socks> if this asshat gets elected again,
i'm pulling my moneyout of my ira and investing in canned food and ammo
<kidshaleen> I did not get a tax break
<Sano> Mark lol
<RealDCC> Trickle upon.
<sodbuster> school?
<Weezil> somebody said school was so divorced
from reality. I have some eye-popping stories from today
<editorial> It has been said that school is
fine, applications are stressing me out, sodbuster
<Daedalus> job's are added
<Volt> Bush comes from no school.
<Jae> thought?
<Bill> I paid no taxes last year because I
didn't make any money.
<RealDCC> Jobs?
I inherited Clinton's bad economy..."
<onehandle> Kerry needs to mention his "stealth
<OldHag> boy if dems said that the repubs
would have a fit
<Zomar> Then you started a fucking war.
Now we have a 1067 person LIFE DEFICIT!
<axess68> Uhhh.. WHAT money in their pockets?
<russian33> Yankees are up 5-1, 6th inning
<lipreader> small businesses begin to grow?
<calgal> Yeah, I got $122.28
<_chazman^> added jobs??
<Keglined> Especially when they have to pay
for programs that are increasingly expensive
<BinkyBoy> uh, those damn facts just don't
agree, though
<Claypatch> He's avoiding the question
<azul> fuzzy economics
<gratuitous> So you've had three years.
And yet deficits continue to mount.
<lipreader> I hate the Yanks
<CupOJoe> 13 months...
<Mark> the sky is purple in my world
<w3ski> where is my tax relief ? I made over
30 k and got 300 back .
<Bill> Negative jobs were added.
<HoustonGirl> that was good when Kerry brought
up medicare and said Shrub lied 4 yrs ago in a debate
<factor> Bush hello have you looked at the
economy as of late your crap is not working.
<Sano> I'm investing in Sirius, since Stern
is going over in 06
<Tweez> Yeah, I got $400 more bux in my pocket
<gratuitous> Kerry ready to pounce like a
<Bill> We are going backwards.
<Daedalus> I can't believe he brought up job
numbers... what a moron
<Socks> Sano: Good move
<Tweez> worked together?
<sodbuster> who won angels vs. red sox?
<Cayobo> spend and tax?
<OldHag> more money in my pocket, not after
health care premiums
<russian33> red sox
<Bill> He is making shit up.
<Volt> Work together to baloon the deficit.
<Anniesmomjill> SOX
<psunumber1> sox
<Socks> Stern will crush XM
<russian33> It's hard work people!
<Throgg> Socks, I'll develop a taste for Spam.
<calgal> What's a veto? D'oh
<Mark> Kerry is laughing
<Tweez> HUH?
<Sano> Socks: with Stern moving over...
it'll make radio as we know it obsolete
<BinkyBoy> like No Child left in my behind
<CarvilleIsMyGuy> uh bitch you already have
<blockbush> we had to cut taxes becasue of
the ressession
<w3ski> bush is the deficit
<Claypatch> "Lak you ah am cuncerned about
the defucit"
<Bill> He is bringing the Clinton surplus
under control.
<gratuitous> The economy has already lost a
lot of jobs.
<solarize> The tax cut helps all of my friends
who got layed off this year...
<Claypatch> Liar Liar Liar
<Jambo> I'll spend yOUR money til im blue
<Atsix> He put the troops in harms way to begin
with. He wants us to forget that.
<w3ski> bush cost us jobs
<Zomar> Except in their paychecks and medical
<OldHag> liar
<JohnTomato> rethuglicans working with rethuglicans.....
<russian33> i wish Kerry would say 'Let me
begin by saying, President Bush is full of shit'
<monkeyfister> and I'm not gonna short-change
my friends at Halliburton
<Socks> Sano: And i'll finally be able to
listen to him with out downloading him over usenet
<Sano> Bunnypants is begging Kerry... "Slap
my ass and call me Sally"
<Socks> and that's worth it alone
<OldHag> raising taxes does not cost jobs
<Throgg> hahaha
<Sano> Socks me too. I love Howard
<Claypatch> LOL: sano
<Tweez> Bush is gasping like a landed fish
<Bill> go Johnny go
<Volt> Smack the fool.
<whoowhoo> 5.6 TRILLION!!!!!!
<factor> Give it to him Kerry TRUTH>
<kidshaleen> here he goes
<Socks> Howard hates bush too
<dr> Howdeeeeeeee!
<lipreader> In a way, this is sad people
<Claypatch> YES
<Zomar> blinnnkblinkblink
<Anniesmomjill> but..9/11!!
<Sano> LOLOL lose jobs
<Volt> Bush doesn't do number well.
<Socks> howard will throw the election
<gratuitous> Stupidhead has squandered EIGHT
* lipreader keeps W in his prayers
<Sagitta12> W clenching his jaw
<w3ski> touche johnno
<Jambo> BOOM !!!!
<factor> the first prez in 72 years that sucked
so bad.
<Socks> for kerry
<Volt> George W. Hoover.
<gratuitous> First tax cut in war time
<Anniesmomjill> Clinton got a blowjob
<Daedalus> "others knew how to lead"
<Mark> WHACK
<Tweez> grinding his teeth he is!
<Throgg> I agree, Lip. goddam sad.
<Sano> Grat isn't that disgusting?
<Mark> WHACK
<Zomar> blinnnkblinkblink doodle
<Claypatch> "First President in 72 years that
is a goddamm monkey"
<Bill> yessss
<Daedalus> past-tense
<lipreader> poor W!
<CupOJoe> -op
<Jae> chimp's looking pale
<sodbuster> he should stop saying turnaround,
maybe 'bungling'
<Anniesmomjill> 1%
<Cayobo> Helenbo needs to turn this off
<kidshaleen> why is Bush doodling
<Anniesmomjill> blink blink
<sandyclaws> 89B$
<CarvilleIsMyGuy> bush is probably drawing
pictures of kerry getting stabbed
<Throgg> poor US.
<dr> Go Kerry go!!!
<CarvilleIsMyGuy> and giggling
<Tweez> YES!
<Bill> Finally the truth come out.
<Jambo> ELITIST MOF MFO !!! yeahhh !
<Phelix> 1% top earners = 117 US households
according to the IRS
<Volt> Bush will have to change the subject
<lipreader> THAT should be our "spin"! What
can we do to get W the help he needs?
<Tweez> AGAIN
<Sano> Chimp looks like a little limp, pale
penis with big ears
<Tweez> more please!
<Atsix> See him tapping his foot
<Zomar> He's doodling so we don't see him
<Mark> Bush is losing it
<Tweez> Gibson
<gratuitous> Bush has just figured out that
he's not earning less than $200,000.
<drbomb> Chimp is a CHUMP!
<Tweez> Oh boy!
<Claypatch> Good question!
<Sagitta12> antagonistic moderator
<Volt> A penis with a transmitter on its back.
<Anniesmomjill> LMAO
<w3ski> they put shock pads on shrubs teeth
so he doesnt grimace
<Keglined> Bush answer: "Look at the budget...
WAIT, don't"
<RealDCC> Make sure? How?
<Sano> Budget? When has Bunnypants ever
looked at the budget?
<Volt> A GOP Congress.
<Zomar> It's all congress's fault!<Daedalus>
Clinton's fault
* drbomb is enjoying the debate intensely
<CarvilleIsMyGuy> no it wasn't
<calgal> Bush is a total asshole
<blockbush> W. makes no sense
<Mark> like you have ever vetoed anything
<RealDCC> You talked it down!
<Anniesmomjill> It's Clinton's fault
<russian33> damn Clinton!
<CarvilleIsMyGuy> the decline started in march
<BinkyBoy> repeat of a lie
<azul> Veto ? zero
<whoowhoo> LIE
<CarvilleIsMyGuy> of 2001
<onehandle> LIE
<ntropyman> 6 months PRIOR ??!?!?!!
<whoowhoo> LiE
<Mark> it is all clintons fault
<Bill> Make sure the congress doesn't overspend???
<w3ski> a butthole witha mike
<Sano> LIAR
<Cayobo> dudes... I make way more then 200,000
a year
<nmp2000> ^ months keep coming up
<Mark> what a asshole
<Weezil> hmmm... a asshole is going to get
fucked...i take it personally when people go after Fud's buddies
<Tweez> clinton
<Anniesmomjill> that Clenis!!
<gratuitous> Uhm, 1929? 1987?
Check your history, Chimpy.
<blockbush> repeat the lies
<Sano> W LOL
<Throgg> overspend? you pissed away the surplus
you dumbass
<nmp2000> LIE
<Schmendrick> Bullshit.
<RealDCC> OH yeah?
<Keglined> That's like chopping down a tree,
feeding it some fertilizer, and then saying it's growing faster than ever
<Weezil> yeah is that demented or what
<Bill> The entire Congress is Repig!!!
<whoowhoo> Can anyone say "double dip"
<onehandle> NOTHING IS BUSH'S...oh forget
<Zomar> Because you cut taxes and creatred
a deficit, YOU MADE IT WORSE!
<Anniesmomjill> YES!!
* lipreader is done feeling sorry for W
<drbomb> What's this "WEB" Bushit? How about
YOUR rethuglican ass?
<lipreader> liar
<Daedalus> promises AFTER 9/11
<w3ski> smaacko
<Mark> WHACK
<Anniesmomjill> and he fucked up
<drbomb> WE, that is!
<mrbisco> how can you say something that is
still happening was something?
<Cayobo> Most of our projects are more then
<monkeyfister> Wait! Bush's Pundits declared
there WAS no recession... hmmmmm
<Mark> whoot
<Volt> The facts don't lie.
<blockbush> hey tom
<factor> ok, time for Bush to leave.
<gratuitous> Missed his projected jobs by
almost 7 million. Lost 2 million jobs.
<Zomar> Also, Chimp used to blame the recession
on 9-11! Why not now?
<Anniesmomjill> but..this is hard work
<Cornbread> My God. I didn't think he'd
wipe the floor with chimpboy twice, but he has.
<Tweez> $25bn
<Daedalus> Enron
<Sagitta12> Theresa Heinz Kerry will cover
the debt
<Bill> And Greenspan raised interest rates
all during 2000,
<BinkyBoy> needs to point to big business
tax cuts too
<Atsix> ENRON! YEs
<whoowhoo> ENRON!!!!
<calgal> Go johnny Go
<onehandle> ENRON!!!!!!!!
<Weezil> enron is getting a pass by the right
wing media
<RealDCC> $254 million to ENRON!
<Weezil> i think enron is getting a pass by
the right wing media
<kidshaleen> Bush is starting to look like
<Bill> saying the economy was overheated.
<neoconstipated> chimp DID create Kerry Campaign
jobs,...give him that
<lipreader> Anyone thinks the whores will
call this for Bush???
<BinkyBoy> repeat the words Big Business
<Claypatch> ENRON
<nmp2000> ewww a DUHBYAH STARE
<RealDCC> Mercy mercy mercy.
<Claypatch> Excellent
<gratuitous> Short and sweet and to the point:
YOU're my priority.
<ntropyman> Big Score for K
<Cayobo> I do not mind paying my fair shar
<jay2^> enron bomb dropped
<Tweez> Much better debate tonight!
<Jae> F U
<Bill> Meanwhile bush claimed we need tax
cuts to stimulate the economy?
<Volt> Another plant.
<Zomar> Nazi Youth.
<Sano> This guy looks like a Log Cabin Republican
<lipreader> I agree Tweez
<factor> good question
<Tweez> YES!
<w3ski> bush is fallwells sputum
<Keglined> Absolutely
<BinkyBoy> who the hell is this asshole?
<drbomb> Bush = In Corporations We Trust...and
our massive into the collective asses of the American people they'll thrust.
<OldHag> he mentioned enron
<Anniesmomjill> YES, I WILL
<factor> Whoo hooo
<Claypatch> WOW
<Atsix> That's what the man just said, dickhead
<lipreader> this is "better" than the first
ass whuppin'
<Keglined> YES
<kidshaleen> softball
<Daedalus> Holy shit
<Zomar> GOOD MAN!!!!
<Weezil> well, Holy shit is is even on UPN
<mrbisco> that question seemed just a lil
bit stage
<gratuitous> Hey stupid, he's said it about
fifty times tonight. Try listening for a change.
<Sagitta12> let's breed more kids
<bushwacked> READ MY LIPS
<ntropyman> ouch read my lips
<calgal> JK, our next President
<Zomar> PLUS PARTICULARS!!! How un-republican!]
<w3ski> No morekids
<Tweez> I'm in love with a man....and it feels
<onehandle> smirk couldn't even find the camera
<Anniesmomjill> how many times have I said
<Mark> lol
<Tweez> I wanna marry Kerry
<Sano> Doesn't President Elect Kerry speak
so eloquently, and look so Presidential?
* Azrhey is about 3 minutes delayed in her streaming..you
guys are giving me spoilers
<Volt> That was the idea. This is a GOP plant.
Gibson let it past him.
<Mark> lol
<ntropyman> gibson picked that ? he
must've had an ifill moment
<Bill> crunch crunch
<Anniesmomjill> yup, sano
<factor> Kerry is not going to raise taxes
for me YEAH!
<FauxPasIII> Wha? Mary Carey?
<kidshaleen> He is STILL SMIRKING
<Tweez> I will gay-marry Kerry
<Jambo> Now make SMIRK get in the camera andd
promise he wont attack any more countriues !
<Andymon> rubin looked so bad after clinton's
terms that he aged as much as most presidents do
<onehandle> the PRESIDENT'S deficit haha
<JoeBacon> PAY AS YOU GO
<Volt> I would love to see those notes.
<sandyclaws> ooooh, my hooker has arrived
- byeeeee
<Tweez> YES!
<Cayobo> Walking in wage is $100 take home...
I'll pay the benefits
<Zomar> I'll WILLINGLY pay more taxes to fix
the nation!
<gratuitous> Kerry speaking clearly and evenly.
Chimpy squealing and fussing.
* Claypatch plans on continuing to spoil for
<drbomb> The smirking blinking chimp!
<lipreader> I get Theresa then Tweez
<azul> yes no more countries
<Sano> I wish the camera would zoom in on
SMIRK's red crayon he's doodling with
* Scorpion has a delay too
<Anniesmomjill> heehee
<Throgg> doesn't matter if the questioners
are plants. Kerry is on top of all of 'em.
<nmp2000> BOOM
<Atsix> LOL no lobbyist left behind
<CupOJoe> look at his back, anyone see that
earpiece thing?
<Mark> OH YES!!!!
<Claypatch> Sorry Scorpy
<whoowhoo> I love it
<Bill> ha ha no lobbyist left behind
<Cornbread> cupojoe think so?
<_chazman^> John Kerry our next President
<Daedalus> Rollback to Clinton
<Keglined> 39.6% ooh how oppresive
<RealDCC> When people made a lot of money.
<Tweez> Rollback= tax increase
<drbomb> Go Kerry go! Stomp that chimp!
<factor> hehehe he said when people made alot
of money.
<Volt> Cite the Big Dog.
<Jambo> HAHA
<Daedalus> get the laugh...
<Sano> LOL....
<lipreader> lol!
<Sagitta12> haha Kerry good one
<Daedalus> good
<Cayobo> respect to Clinton
<Bill> haha
<Anniesmomjill> yuk yuk
<w3ski> BIGGG DAWG !
<Claypatch> Good one John
<Tweez> laugh-line
<lipreader> kick ass!
<kidshaleen> WTG
<Claypatch> Excellent!!!
<onehandle> GOOD JOKE
<whoowhoo> EXCELLENT!
<Bill> fuck you bush
<Sagitta12> W yer so lame
<Claypatch> KICKING ASSS
<Keglined> That's why everyone laughed in
agreement - he's not cerdible
<gratuitous> He's just not credible!
Whine whine whine!
<Tweez> the caps
<lipreader> he's inedible!
<Claypatch> And taking Monkey names
<w3ski> whiner
<Cayobo> Not credible???
<whoowhoo> LIE
<Volt> Kerry had them laughing and Bush is
<Sano> Why does Bush stick his neck out and
wag like a turtle? He looks constipated
<Bill> bush is liying again
<Throgg> even Gibson is laughing at smirk
<nmp2000> walks like a chicken looks lie a
<Zomar> "That's MY line! He's not credible!"
<Daedalus> Bush calling someone not credible
<Atsix> People were still laughing at what
Kerry said when Bush started whining
<Tweez> I believe it
<_chazman^> Whaaaa!! not credible
<NeonLX> Why does Chimpy's head bob like that?
<russian33> whaaaa, whaaa
<Keglined> You should know, Georgie, about
NOT being credible
<blockbush> as though bush is a fiscal conservative
<drbomb> It *IS* credible! We liberals are
now the TRUE fiscal conservatives, you smirking ass!
<w3ski> sniveling chimp
<solarize> how can bush be called fiscally
<Daedalus> I think my head a splode
<monkeyfister> He was FORCED TO in REPUBLICAN
<gratuitous> Like Chimpy has been the soul
of credibility.
<neoconstipated> he called Kerry a liar
<onehandle> Kerry looks..so...damn....good.
<Jambo> CHIMP has no RIGHT to even SAY " fiscal
conservative " !!!
<sodbuster> is his ass as red as his face?
<Mark> OMG he just keeps lying
<lipreader> READ MY LIPS W! You punk!
<gratuitous> Where are them WMDs, George?
<Cornbread> onehandle yep
<Keglined> Not funny
<whoowhoo> How DO YOU PAY FOR THE WAR, George
<Jambo> it should make his head explode !
<Tweez> wha
<FauxPasIII> WHat ?
<Jae> huh?
<Bill> Bush has only proposed 6 trillion dollars
in new spending.
<Keglined> Audience doesn't like him
<nmp2000> hahahaha was that a joke?
<kidshaleen> Everyone had to vote for those
to keep the gov running
<Sano> green eye shades? WTF is that?
<Atsix> battling green eyeshades??
<Cayobo> GWB appeals to the lowest commen
<russian33> you also said there are WMDs,
and you were wrong, so shut up
<Zomar> Quit story-telling, Chimp. Give
us facts.
<NeonLX> battling green eyeshades.
<RealDCC> Battling green eyeshades?
<FauxPasIII> Battling green eyeshdes ?
<Schmendrick> Look at the Clinton record on
budget balancing versus yours, chimpy. Who's credible???
<onehandle> I can't wait until January 20th
<Tweez> green eyeshades?
<Anniesmomjill> huh?
<Bill> HUH?
<Mark> uh I forgot what Rove told me
<gratuitous> Bush looking like he's developing
a Nixonesque hunch.
<Claypatch> WHAT?? "Battling Green Eyeshades"?????????????????????
<lipreader> When this is over let's pick Kerry's
<BinkyBoy> what?
<Anniesmomjill> green whut?
<Bill> HE is going to break the promises?
<Sano> See? I always knew he's a fuckin
hillbilly at heart
<Zomar> Sounds like a video game.
<Keglined> Just like daddy
<factor> Bush is an idiot,
<Cayobo> tax and spend
<russian33> your time has been up for a while
<jay2^> time up? lol
<Anniesmomjill> I uh,,,
<Cornbread> "battling green eyeshades"= competing
<w3ski> something to do with accounting
<Jambo> Im an IDIOT !!! hahaha
<neoconstipated> Chimpy McHunchback
*** Mode change "+v trane9318" for channel #bartcop
by Muddro
<Volt> Accountants used to wear green eyeshades.
<Sagitta12> W can't defend his action so he
attacks Kerry
<lipreader> ooo
<whoowhoo> YOUR CLOCK IS UP
<russian33> go to Crawford!
<kidshaleen> it is
<gratuitous> Your clock is up. and all
<RealDCC> Your clock IS up!
<Cayobo> I ahhhh
<blockbush> lowest common denominator will
not be watching, imo
<Daedalus> hahaha... laugh with JK, laugh
AT the monkey
<Tweez> do you get those on the internets
<Fud-> i knew he would say one stupid thing
after anonther
<azul> more BS then
<drbomb> What about *YOUR* broken promises,
you dumbshit?
<Volt> You Time is up.
<Throgg> I got nothin to say, chuck.
<nmp2000> Here comes the "Iooked into his soul"
<TreeHugger> ??"{:-i uh
<lipreader> honk honk yoor time is up!
<ntropyman> bush WANTED the clock to be expired
<Mark> I keep panding like I am a Coke binge
<Bill> He said that look at me like time is
up line again, moron.
<onehandle> ENERGY PLAN ha ha ha ha
<Keglined> "NO, sir, you have about three
and a half months leftr"
* factor notes bush meant to say keep the RICH
taxes low.
<Sano> "the way to grow this economy?"
His lexicon is very poor and certainly lacking.
<w3ski> before computers
<Cayobo> we just got a report
<Tweez> he's pacing
<Anniesmomjill> I'm growin'
<calgal> Bush could make Ronald McDonald look
<Phelix> Bush, your clock is UP! Yes,
it IS hard!
<whoowhoo> change the subject
<Weezil> whoowhoo: that doesn't look right
<JoeBacon> your clock is up, president asshole!
<Bill> Economy is growing? WTF?
<Volt> He is stretching.
<Cornbread> does that left hand help him keep
his balance?
<Cayobo> wanna read it?
<FauxPasIII> Damn right that's the fundamental
<azul> Growing for who?
<Zomar> 1.9m million new jobs - at 6 hours
a week each!
<kidshaleen> yep his growing THE
<Daedalus> fuzzy math
<Sagitta12> fuzzy math
<nmp2000> were GROWING this ECONOMY?...hell
I grew more tomatoes
<Sano> fuzzy math lol
<Tweez> You go Charlie
<gratuitous> Who's gonna keep growin' this
economy? Well, not you, President Fuzzy Math.
<sodbuster> so tell me how many budgets you've
balanced, W
<Anniesmomjill> fuzzy math
<YellerDawg> No Dubya, your clock is at 3.5
months and counting down
<Mark> netzz
<w3ski> my economy is Not growing
<Jae> fuzzy math..lol
<Bill> It's growing so much that I can't find
a job.
<Anniesmomjill> voodoo economcs
<onehandle> smirk
<Keglined> Kerry ought to direct viewers to
<drbomb> Good luck! The *CHUMP* doesn't do
math! Bad on a strained brain, y'know...
<Keglined> LOL
<Schmendrick> Actually, in 13 months you need
to produce 1.9 million jobs to keep up with population growth.
<onehandle> blink
<Sano> Jesus, at least Charlie is asking some decent questions, unlike that GOFP WHORE, GWEN
<russian33> on Olbermann's blog Kerry is leading
2 to Bush's negative 1
<Tweez> it gets better and better
<neoconstipated> chimpy McFuzzmath
<onehandle> smirk
<Daedalus> 1985
<Sagitta12> shut down the corporate welfare
<onehandle> blink
<Jae> using the McCain card
<Cornbread> Keglined good idea
<sal002> wow..novak's blog is horrible.."That
was a pretty good answer"
<gratuitous> Closing corporate tax giveaway
<Atsix> "John McCain and I" - fantastic!
<CupOJoe> how long is this supposed to lasy?
<factor> YEAH, KERRY
<Anniesmomjill> take that, BITCH
<Weezil> YEAH, KERRY is walking a very thin
line there
<Tweez> 30 sec
<CupOJoe> last?
<Volt> 103 Days.
<w3ski> chimp , shrimp , shrub
<Tweez> funny
<Zomar> whine....
<azul> same BS
<blockbush> that was BAD
<Tweez> 98
<nmp2000> just like OSAMA?
<Mark> he has record
<kidshaleen> Kerry looks like a President
<Cayobo> Fiscal Democrats?
<factor> raise the taxes of the RICH not the
<Bill> another Reagan slogan gone bad
<RealDCC> Look at the record?
<Jae> Kerry must be osama
<whoowhoo> TRITE phrases sound trite
<FauxPasIII> Makeup figures? Green eyeshade?
<gratuitous> Oooo, you can run but you can't
hide. Look at the record.
<Volt> Yes they are made up.
<Tweez> you made up those figures
<Mark> just like you in mexico
<Sano> running for the President?
<CupOJoe> er...they ARE make up figures, W
<blockbush> you can run, but you can't hide.
look at the RECIRD
<drbomb> *Run but you can't hide!* How REAGANESQUE!
<Keglined> "A record" - is he a criminal?
"You can run, but you can't hide"? Is this a gunfight?
<Zomar> You want cheese with that whine, Chimpy?
<Sano> ROTF
<Mark> and alabama
<Daedalus> Most liberal in the senate
<Daedalus> ?
<NeonLX> Liberal as a bad word again.
<Cayobo> Look at the record
<Socks> i hate how the stemcells are going
to be out of primetime
<neoconstipated> what?
<RealDCC> ha ha
<Phelix> Bush is right, they DIDN'T name Kerry
most liberal
<Jae> he can run but ya can't hide
<Bill> No one says he is the most liberal
in the senate.
<Sano> what an idiot
<Weezil> i heard an idiot was a bigger threat
<CupOJoe> they keep saying he never shows
<gratuitous> Keeps citing that bogus National
Journal article.
<Tweez> not credible
<TreeHugger> liberal=bad
<Tweez> not credible
<Phelix> what a MORAN
<Volt> Look at HIS record???
<Weezil> a moran is right
<RealDCC> Straining and whining.
<Sagitta12> can't wait to see the Daily Show
after this one
<Cornbread> lolol he shouldn't push
that "look at the record" thing
<Cayobo> look at the record
<RealDCC> whine whine
<OldHag> most liberal
<RealDCC> oh oh
<CupOJoe> how much vacation time have you
had, W?
<Throgg> 2nd half hour...Kerry destroys the
<Bill> HAHA he isn't gonna balance budgets
<nmp2000> not credible another Rove
<Sano> hahahaha
<w3ski> whoooo
<YellerDawg> ROFL
<Bill> WTF?
<Sano> environmentalist
<kidshaleen> BUSH LOOKS LOST
<Daedalus> Ooh... environment
<blockbush> LOOK AT THE RECORD!!!!1
<Socks> screw the enviroment..talk about stemcells
<Jae> name names idiot..who's they?
<neoconstipated> absolutely nothing
<OldHag> not credible
<whoowhoo> OH THIS WILL BE GOOD....
<nmp2000> oh ho
<BinkyBoy> no daily show tonight
<Sagitta12> excellent question!
<Anniesmomjill> thnk you for that
<ntropyman> get ready for a flood of lies
<Daedalus> watch bush lie
<Tom_Hunter> an environmentalist?!
<gratuitous> Uh oh, environmentalism.
<TreeHugger> come on James
<Daedalus> uhh
<Volt> One of our plants.
<Keglined> He's a "compassionate environmentalist"
<Mark> this should be good
<Atsix> We added arsenic....
<Sano> BUSH--->liar
<onehandle> uh ummmm
<Mark> uh
<Sagitta12> no Binky?
<solarize> haha...most liberal...he's not
really that liberal. He voted for a lot of defense stuff that I don't
agree with...
<Tweez> NOTHING is what!
<whoowhoo> DIESEL???????????????????????????????
<Claypatch> "Ummmmmmm....absolutely nothing"
<Tom_Hunter> lol
<Mark> uh
<russian33> mr. president, do you know how
to spell environmentalist?
<onehandle> uuhh ummm
<bushwacked> DISASTER
<Bill> Offroad diesel engines?
<w3ski> shrub and the enviroment !
<Mark> diesel engines
<nmp2000> Off road Diesel engines?
<marty> allowed more arsenic in the water
so it'll taste better
<OldHag> bush is sounding pretty shrill
<Sano> off road diesel engines???????
<gratuitous> Off road diesel engines?
<NeonLX> Take them diesels off road.
<Mark> WTF
<Sano> WTF?
<Daedalus> uhhh
<Tweez> uh
<HoustonGirl> tree hugger pantywaists
<Bill> moran
<Keglined> "I got a plan to make fields more
<Schmendrick> 3 million what?
<Anniesmomjill> I'm an envioronmentalist preznent
<gratuitous> What is that, five trucks?
<kc8uca> yjays it... all done
<Mark> he is a complete idiot
<Daedalus> HA HA omg I'm gonna pee my pants
<Cayobo> The Reef is dying off Key West
<sodbuster> by 3 million inches
<drbomb> *What's the plan, CHIMP?!?!?*
<kidshaleen> Look at Houston after he was
<Zomar> Christ. By destroying the economy
so they never run?
<HoustonGirl> SORE SPOTS===Shrub needs some
<Volt> A plan??
<Tweez> sore spots
<Rambro> he's being prompted
<Daedalus> this is great
<neoconstipated> cool, 3million new wetlands
<Weezil> somebody said a plan was to have
interferometry meets and hook 10-20 of their telescopes together
<RealDCC> clear skies?
<Keglined> "I got a plan to make your liver
spots sore"
<donsem> he's off script
<Throgg> 5-1 Yanks in 6th.
<nmp2000> Clear skies?
<Bill> Clear skies initiative.
<TreeHugger> 3 million what dumbass
<RealDCC> get him!
<OldHag> offroad diesel engines
<gratuitous> Inner city "sore spots"?
Quelle la fuque?
<blockbush> devolopment in the ghetto = environmentalism
<Cornbread> all humvees must have fiberglass
<Atsix> hmmm.. a pause until the handler told
him the right word?
<Bill> Yeah right.
<Sano> off road diesel engines.........stop
stop stop....I can't take this anymore
<OldHag> ?<HoustonGirl> We can't breathe
here in Houston dats fo sho
<Claypatch> "Clear Skueyes"
<JohnTomato> 2 million what?
<solarize> refurbish sore spots...haha
<bushwacked> SPIT IT OUT
<russian33> kerry is having too much fun
<JohnTomato> 3
<Volt> He was prompted on sore spots.
<Bill> Dirty skies initiative.
<Cayobo> Our Reef is Dying
<Jambo> And i got a plan to RIP ALASKA TO
<Mark> I was fought for? what the hell is
<w3ski> reduce mercury from where
<onehandle> CLEAR SKYS? GET HIM JFK!
<nmp2000> set aside land for iol drillers
<monkeyfister> wired?
<sodbuster> conservation reversal program
<RealDCC> 2 million square cenitmeters.
<sal002> Any watching CBS's instant poll?
<calgal> 3 million wetlands? Is he going to
flood Florida?
<marty> farm land for habitats?
<Claypatch> Sorta like "Nukleer Skueyes"
<whoowhoo> Mercury? He ignored mercury recs
from his own EPA director, who then quit
<nmp2000> loggers
<Bill> Healthy forest bill.
<azul> 3Million what?
<BinkyBoy> habeetat
<Tweez> green eyeshades? internets? sore-spots?
<w3ski> healthy flat forrests
<Throgg> so many lies...
<Bill> Forest rape bill by loggers.
<Sano> ROTF
<Schmendrick> healthy forests bill -
cut em down before they burn.
<HoustonGirl> makign the world safe for CLEARCUTTING
<Tom_Hunter> kyoto kyoto kyoto!
<Mark> he is forgeting what to say
<Keglined> "They they they they
<drbomb> I have a plan to help fire your lying
smirking, drunken, blinking ass out of office, *CHIMP*!
<Daedalus> "I'm going to propose a bunch of
orwellian-named programs, then underfund them"
<kidshaleen> Yep if you have no trees you
have no fires
<Zomar> Hep wahldlahf
<nmp2000> they they they rrrrrr
<Atsix> He's LOSING it
<blockbush> over grown forests
<Sano> lousy federal policy.... oh yeah, like
<marty> maybe he meant the ghost of freddie
<BinkyBoy> duh
<onehandle> sputter
<Volt> I'm for flooding Bush's ranch.
<gratuitous> Healthy forest initiative --
uhm, you don't know what you're talking about.
<Claypatch> "No forests left behind"
<Cayobo> they grow to be not harvested
<Sano> <--I'm gonna pee my pants
<neoconstipated> RAPE - Rape Alaska's Pristine
<blockbush> I flew over there.
<Mark> I have flown over there
<JoeBacon> Is he gonna bring up the Boston
Harbor shit?
<NeonLX> Well, at least Bush doesn't sound
<Fud-> kerry is laughing his ass off at him
<Keglined> "Too many trees equals fire hazard...
solution: CUT 'EM DOWN, BOYS"
<Mark> this is classic
<Schmendrick> cut down the trees to save them.
<RealDCC> Lousy federal policy? You
have been the president for 4 years.
<ladylarkin1> cut em down to save them
<Sano> "lousy federal policy"
<neoconstipated> no forest, no forest fires
<Bill> Let's protect ole fucking trees.
<Anniesmomjill> go pee sano
<ladylarkin1> yeah thats it
<RealDCC> Why now?
<Tweez> What's whong with those forests is
they're not harvested..oooooh
<jay2^> cut the trees to save the forest?
<TreeHugger> I think Dubya needs to give me
a rim job
<Bill> and kill the tree huggers
<solarize> haha...forests are over growing...haha.
<Volt> Trees are EVIL!
<OldHag> lousy federal policy, they're not
<russian33> Yankees lead 7-1, 6th inning
<onehandle> WHAT
<nmp2000> we can destroy them with TECHNOLOGY
<BinkyBoy> common sense? hahahaha
<Zomar> Protect old stands of trees by cutting
them down and turning them into lumber.
<HoustonGirl> hydrogen um automobile??
<Azrhey> hey marty leave F Mercury alone !
<OldHag> LOL
<drbomb> "Wood good, kids bad."
<JoeBacon> It worked for his daddy!
<RealDCC> One billion? Yeah.
<Claypatch> "We had to destroy the forests
to save them"
<OldHag> common sense
<mrbisco> hydrogen auto?
<marty> clean coal?
<Mark> he proposed the hydrogen automobile
<Sano> clean coal technology LOL
<Rob> someone should hold up a banner "Get
a Brain Morans!"
<Daedalus> LIE
<Weezil> i guess common sense is very uncommon
these days
<Atsix> clean coal?
<Anniesmomjill> clean coal
<blockbush> hydrogen generated automobile
<Keglined> He proposed a hydrogen-fuel automobiile?
<libcurmudgeon> well, see, the onliest way
i know of to really protect all them thar trees is
to send them to jesus, which is why dick and i are letting the logging
companies cut 'em all down
<w3ski> "seen one redwood tree , ya seen em
<Bill> I'm for hydrogen, in 30 years time.
<sodbuster> hydrogen bomb, i mean, autermobile
<calgal> GE - we bring good things to Life
<kidshaleen> OIL MAN wanting hydrogen
<BinkyBoy> hydrogen generating automobile?
<Daedalus> LIE
<OldHag> man he is unbelievable
<Mark> LOL
<Tweez> NOT!
<Throgg> no polluter left behind
<Cayobo> OK... I really abhore this guy
<blockbush> auto-movbile
<Mark> LOL
<mrbisco> why do you want all the oil, then?
<Keglined> That's like saying he invented
the internets
<Sano> WHAT????
<Daedalus> LIE
<factor> Bush wants to make more NUKES
<onehandle> oh my god
<gratuitous> "I'm a good steward of the land."
<Daedalus> LIE
<tio> He mentioned an H2 auto - thats all.
<Anniesmomjill> I'm a steward preznent
<kc8uca> He Invented it you know!!
<Cornbread> hell, I proposed the hydrogen
car. right after I invented the internets
<NeonLX> A good steward of the land.
<Daedalus> wow
<Atsix> "I'm a good steward of the land"
<Weezil> horseshit is a better all purpose
<RealDCC> Good stewart?
<HoustonGirl> air is cleaner LIAR LIAR LIAR
<bobbo> Bushy PROPOSED the hydrogen car?
<neoconstipated> bullshit lie
<sal002> Anyone?? CBS?
<Tweez> lielielie
<russian33> is he making shit up as he goes?
* Claypatch passes Cayabo the spliff
<Cornbread> keglined I owe you a beer
<Bill> The air is dirtier since he's been
<Sagitta12> love the look on the questioners
<gratuitous> Watch out for a bolt of lightning.
<TreeHugger> lying fuck
<RealDCC> Please don't laugh Kerry!
<ntropyman> electricity to produce hydrogen
cell is dirtier than the replaced technology
<Claypatch> You need it man
<Throgg> OKI, God, strike him down.
<Volt> His EPA doesn't take reports.
<Daedalus> HAHA world of reality
<Jae> what a freak
<Jambo> Bring it KERRY !
<Mark> YES
<Atsix> You notice he only thanks certain
<nmp2000> Joh should say I need to get my
boots on
<Fud-> he said he is a component instead of
a proponent
<Anniesmomjill> heehee
<kidshaleen> I love the land, I screw it every
time I get a chance
<w3ski> cut em all let halliburton settle
it out
<blockbush> he's not living in a world of
<HoustonGirl> pass me the dutchie
<Sano> go kerry
<Sagitta12> no kidding Bill, he screwed TX's
<JohnTomato> kill him john
<Daedalus> holy shit
<drbomb> My cleain air act: Telling Chimp
to take the cotton out of his ears and stick it in his mouth!
<Weezil> holy shit is is even on UPN here!
<Cayobo> Phuch you for your answer, Dubya
<Zomar> That sounds like Chimpy invented the
<w3ski> slaaap
<Anniesmomjill> labels are shit, bitch
<ntropyman> not real hahahaha
<Mark> bitch slap him
<HoustonGirl> YUP
<Keglined> I don't get the RedSox reference
<HoustonGirl> YUP
<sal002> I think Novak is drunk
<ladylarkin1> cianide in water
<HoustonGirl> THWAPPP!!!
<marty> thought chimpy said the internets
<azul> environment?
<Daedalus> ok... Environment?
<_chazman^> wow
<blockbush> the audience doens't look happy
<Sano> I'm still snickering about "off road
diesel engines"
<Daedalus> he's still on labels
<Anniesmomjill> labels are shit, bitch
<_chazman^> Kerry was ready
<Daedalus> ok, back to environment
<Jambo> YEAH !!!!
<MakesmeRalph> It's St. Louis. They
live, eat, and shit baseball.
<Zomar> Whoops. They just caught Chimpy
snorting a finger of coke.
<kidshaleen> yep
<Mark> watching on cspan
<Claypatch> Go John GOOOOOO
<Keglined> ORWELLIAN
<RealDCC> there3 you go
<Keglined> YES
<w3ski> bitch label fits bush
<Rob> w00t
<ntropyman> orwellian!!! lol
<Bill> slap him Kery
<Azrhey> Stewart of the Land ? man he has watched
Lord of the Rings one too many times
<HoustonGirl> OREWELLIAN
<Anniesmomjill> labels are shit, bitch
<HoustonGirl> YES
<Atsix> "orwellian name" GO JOHN
<Tweez> Still, a much better overall PERFORMANCE
from the chimpinator tonight
<Jambo> BOOM !!!!!
<Daedalus> I'm prescient
<Throgg> *spank*!
<factor> hehehe orwellain refrence cool.
<Volt> Spap him again JK
<solarize> Oh man...I wish I could see this...
<HoustonGirl> FILTHY AIR ACT
<NeonLX> Chimp does seem like he's on speed
<Bill> YESSS
<Anniesmomjill> spank
<Schmendrick> steward is a bible code word.
<drbomb> You damn skippy, John! Tell it like
is is! (Man, it's like a Rollins engagement here)
<HoustonGirl> everybody in Houston has asthma
<axess68> NICE
<Claypatch> EXCELLENT
<Sano> yah he did.
<nmp2000> blinking like crazy
<neoconstipated> this is Kerry's shining moment
<w3ski> johnno isnt STRONG enough
<Keglined> YEP
<kidshaleen> stroking the mike
<Rob> is it just me or is chimp talking in
a different accent?
<Tweez> YES
<Anniesmomjill> blink
<Sagitta12> facts Kerry!
<axess68> He's slamming CHimpy
<Volt> Yessssss my precious environment!
* lipreader is getting tipper
<whoowhoo> BUSH is in the pocket of the extractive
industries, all who have lackeys in the EPA
<azul> Backwards
<Sagitta12> chimpy sounds like a hick
<lipreader> er tipsy
<HoustonGirl> pass the dutchie
<Tweez> SMIRK
<Keglined> "Science? What
<ladylarkin1> they got hte mix of alcohal
and drugs right tomight
<MakesmeRalph> Tweez: Are you serious?
He look like a damn crazed minister?
<Jambo> YEAH BOOM !
<NeonLX> Problem is, Bush isn't a Steward.
<Weezil> i heard "science was the record of
dead religions." - Oscar Wilde, author
<dubyaD40> HE'S MAD
<Keglined> s that?"
<nmp2000> He looks like he knows his ass is
going to jail
<ladylarkin1> but the slurring is worse
<Cornbread> love it when he mentions GOPers
who have jumped ship
<Claypatch> LIAR
<calgal> bad speed, maybe
<nmp2000> hahahahaha
<marty> kyoto treaty would cost jobs?
<axess68> Pass the Dutchie on dee Left Hand
<Bill> LIAR!
<Keglined> FUcking asshole
<MakesmeRalph> Mad, MAD, I tell you.
<kidshaleen> even more
<Anniesmomjill> Yurp?
<Zomar> Hook up a generator to those eyelids
and we'd have no energy crisis.
<Mark> kyoto treaty
<factor> Bush 1+1 = 0 Kerry 1+1=2
<drbomb> Psst Chimpy...need yer bottle like
the baby you are? You seem kinda *THIRSTY*
<Atsix> Kyoto would have cost jobs??
<onehandle> EUROPE
<Sagitta12> liar
<Sano> WHAT?
<gratuitous> America lost a lot of jobs anyway,
you dumbass.
<w3ski> what an arrogent asshole swagger
<nmp2000> LIAR
<Tweez> you cost America a lot of jobs Asshole!
<blockbush> wow. it cost a lot of jobs to
elect HIM
<Mark> poplar with the Euros
<whoowhoo> WHAT IS IT? YOu said a better way,
<Cayobo> What he say?
<Throgg> OK, ax. filling a bowl
<Bill> Bush said he would sign the Kyoto treaty
in 2000.
<kidshaleen> WTF
<Sagitta12> lol block
<Keglined> Treaties are bad
<lipreader> How is Olbermann scoring this?
<OldHag> would have cost jobs
<sodbuster> 'and europe shouldn't mess with
<whoowhoo> LIFESTYLE
<Daedalus> "I'm going to repeat my lies for
the freepers that may have had their volume too low earlier"
<OldHag> like he didn't
<Tweez> 30 sec
<solarize> sure...we have a dead planet, but
man, are there a lot of jobs!
<Zomar> Because the industry has all been
exported to india and china.
<JoeBacon> Yes, Bush and the Republicans are
going to PRAY the BAD NBAD pollution away!
<blockbush> But he's a BUSH. THat's as far
as he goes environmentally
<Keglined> Jeez
<kidshaleen> How can he keep lying like this
<marty> standard of living vs. environment
<Mark> Lying piece of crap
<retroper> idiot son of an asshole
<Tweez> dead
<Claypatch> "Treaty Bad Me Good"
<Jambo> Bush Technolgy = make you buy a Lung
machine from Halliburton !
<Anniesmomjill> wishes Kerry would say..."Shut
up, Bitch!!"
<OldHag> idiot son of an asshole
<libcurmudgeon> "the quality of the air is
better since i became president and had to stop smoking weed and freebasing
<Keglined> Kerry must be doing well - time
is flying
<gratuitous> We walked away from 10 years of
work by 160 nations.
<Sano> I rarely drop the *c* bomb, ever, but
President Lying Cunt seems to be a pretty reasonable moniker now
<Tweez> Nicky
<lipreader> Kerry 'members Nicky
<drbomb> BUSH = Bombastic Useless Shit Head
<onehandle> JOBS!!!
<Tweez> she with the poncho
<Sano> What a lying sack of shit
<Sagitta12> lol Dr.
<ntropyman> wow, rememebred that girls name
an hour late
<drfresh> he could have killed bush on the
environment, but only maimed him
<RealDCC> He remembered the name of the person
who raised the international respect question. Great job!
<ntropyman> rr
<Mark> Jobs should be GOOD
<kidshaleen> yep go Sano
<Cayobo> Think the Chimp can spell Kyoto?
<libcurmudgeon> which internet are we on again?
<whoowhoo> Good question
<Zomar> Well, he's a prick. Not a cunt.
<Atsix> What is this woman saying?
<Tweez> lesbian marriage?...........sorry
<Bill> Koyoto
<whoowhoo> We need manufacturing here
<onehandle> ROVE PLANT
<Sagitta12> he don't even know where it is
<lipreader> Poor Jane
<Bill> She's a repig plant.
<Daedalus> Kerry is attacking on every question
<Anniesmomjill> he regrets it
<BinkyBoy> no, thats an awesome question
<Tweez> good Q.
<drbomb> whoowhoo: He smells like a dirty one.
<axess68> YESS!!!
<Keglined> Even Buchanan recognizes that Bush
is going the wrong way on this issue
<YellerDawg> Did Bart bring enough Chinaco
for the whole class?
<Anniesmomjill> blink blink
<lipreader> Good Q, poor Jane
<DaddiO> hey
<BinkyBoy> 88% of new jobs in Idaho have come
in under the living wage
<Sagitta12> yeah Kerry, stop the overseas
<Mark> Bush wishes he was in preschool again
<Sano> look at President Lying Cunt licking
his lips while he's doodlingin red Crayola
<Cayobo> we need to be smatta
<kidshaleen> Kerry is Kickin ASS
<Zomar> blinnnkblinkblink doodle
<Tweez> shut the loophole? mmmmmmmmmm
<axess68> Stop the damn OUTSOURCING!
<drbomb> whoowhoo: Or an anchovie's.
<Bill> Bush is sending out more morse code
blinking messages now.
<DaddiO> I know that woman
<Anniesmomjill> YES!!
<ntropyman> ka fuckin boom
<DaddiO> who just asked that questiojn
* lipreader tries to iagine enough Chinaco for
<BinkyBoy> Outsourcing is less than 2%
<DaddiO> wow
<Tweez> no we didn't
<lipreader> imagine
<JoeBacon> Bart, I was able to fing Chinaco
at $50 a bottle at Bev mo!
<axess68> Bush is blinking MEXXED MISSAGES
<DaddiO> I've recognized two people so far
<azul> I think blinking is a sign he is listening,
<Mark> Bush is doodling
<Volt> His plan is for us to keep getting
<whoowhoo> 1/3 of WalMart employees in Calif
<gratuitous> 5 million Americans have lost
their health care. Bush doesn't give a rip.
<Bill> He failed sandbox in kindergarten.
<neoconstipated> Chimpy McWasteland
<Tweez> put on some lipstick honey
<Zomar> what Chimpy is writing: "KIL Jon Keri"
<whoowhoo> WalMart...good jobs...good wages...public
<drbomb> Kerry is actually telling us the
plan! What has Chimpy said?
<Bill> He kept invading the other kids spaces.
<gratuitous> Bush writing possible names for
his presidential library.
<RealDCC> The one for him, me, and Charlie!
<DaddiO> Kerry looks better in real life...I
saw him last night at the AIRPORT
<nmp2000> saw him draw a big circle wonder
if that was out of disgust
<Sagitta12> haha, that's so funny, the tax
cuts for Kerry, bush and gibson
<RealDCC> Great way to frame it!
<Sagitta12> HAHAHA
<Cornbread> "Him and me and Charlie"
<Mark> just drew a biug circle
<solarize> this is the most fiscally irresponsible
admin in ages...
<azul> listening to a little voice
<Cayobo> I woulda bought Bart some Chinaco
<CarvilleIsMyGuy> uh about india in science
<DaddiO> He looks older on TV...huh
<gratuitous> Crossing out the "memorial library"
<JoeBacon> Dr Bomb, Bush and the Republicans
will Pray for you
<CarvilleIsMyGuy> that's cause no one graduates
in anything else
<Anniesmomjill> blink blink
<Tweez> no child left behind...he used his
own program against him
<w3ski> how can such an impotent lookin whimp
be such a PRICK
<Sano> Look at Blinky
<Sagitta12> EXCELLENT Kerry!
<DaddiO> split screen saves the country
<RealDCC> I'd be drunker than a skunk had
I been drinking.
<Tweez> right
<lipreader> bush drew a big ZERO, cause that's
what he is
<Anniesmomjill> grinding teeth
<bushwacked> BAM,BOOM,BLOP
<Volt> Bush is out of talking points.
<drbomb> All Chimpy can draw are just straight
lines. To remind him of the halcion cocaine days...
<tio> We need someone with an rf spectrum
analyzer in the hall - and a jammer. Give him nothing but Howard
Stern rants in his keft ear.
<CarvilleIsMyGuy> in india and pakistan everyone
wants to be a dr. or an engineer
<DaddiO> ha ha
<russian33> Bush to Rove, Bush to Rove...what
the hell do i say now?
<lipreader> uuuuuuuuuuuuuh
<Tweez> tell us
<Keglined> Bush starts every answer with a
healthy "UH"
<ntropyman> whoah what the hell
<whoowhoo> ANSWER THE QUESTION!!!!!!!
<kidshaleen> NICE
<Tweez> how?
<editorial> Rumor has it how is his hunger
strike going, Tweez
<Sano> uh?
<DaddiO> medical liability reform...which he's
<DaddiO> LIE
<nmp2000> I was a smal business
<DaddiO> LIE
<Volt> Medical liability reform???
<DaddiO> LIKE
<DaddiO> LIE
<Bill> Medical liability?
<DaddiO> LIE
<Sano> I should take a drink every time he
says "uh"
<Tweez> how is that done?
<Weezil> whoowhoo: that doesn't look right
<JoeBacon> I will let you pay the preacher
of YOUR CHOICE to pray for you
<Tweez> how?
<editorial> Rumor has it how is his hunger
strike going, Tweez
<ntropyman> answering a question grom 30 minutes
ago !!!!!
<DaddiO> ha ha, JB
<NeonLX> Why does Bush get more rebuttals
than Kerry?
<Keglined> ketters=trophic plan
<whoowhoo> When you can't answer the question,
<Anniesmomjill> <--was never a small business
<FauxPasIII> incent ?
<gratuitous> Medical liability reform so your
$600 monthly premium will be $597. Won't that be nice?
<factor> Bush's new plan to get him back into
office called "No idiot left behind"
<Bill> What's a cratostraphic plan?
<nmp2000> I lost money catastrophically
<Zomar> tio - porno movie soundtracks
<kc8uca> g'd fer 'mer'ca
<Mark> the church will halp you
<Tweez> and you do this how?
<Throgg> he doesn't have the slightest idea
what he's talking about.
<lipreader> I hope Kerry doesn't coast through
the end of this
<roscoPrick> incent you?
<libcurmudgeon> maybe the battery on the monkey's
earpiece died
<Jambo> Why do I Gotta Own everything all
of a sudden ?
<Mark> he has no clue
<HoustonGirl> oh now shrub is quoting Robert
<Keglined> Dummy doesn't let anybody know
who Reuben is
<Sagitta12> no energy company left behind
<HoustonGirl> bet heis LYIN
<HoustonGirl> LYIN
<HoustonGirl> LYIN
<Bill> duh duh duh...
<Sano> Keeping jobs in AMerica? he just
<BinkyBoy> that was a dumb thing for Bush
to do
<w3ski> energy plan we pay , and pay
<Tweez> Oh well if Rob't Rubin said it it
MUST be true
<HoustonGirl> ex tresury secretary
<onehandle> idiot
<Sano> Can't he make up his mind?
<nmp2000> did he say "USE COLON GAS"?
<Mark> use coal and gas
<TreeHugger> are the bush supporting dumbasses
actually buying this crap?
<Sagitta12> the Enron Energy Plan
<Mark> LOL
<Zomar> Encourages Energy companies to take
your entire paycheck...
<JoeBacon> Hey I had the idiot yell at me
Thursday, she got a $4 discount from her $200 RX. Bwfire the card, the
RX was $135!
<Sagitta12> lol nmp
<lipreader> got it goin' in the senate...yeh
<ntropyman> hahaha
<sodbuster> rubin was clinton's treasury sec,
most respected dude on money
<Daedalus> I love how he keeps blaming the
congress, when he has a majority
<Jae> a smart guy ,Binky
<onehandle> liar
<whoowhoo> Bush Energy Plan = EXXON dividends,
environmental catastrophe
<onehandle> liar
<gratuitous> Robert Rubin, economic bigwig
during the Clinton Administration -- you know, when we had a balanced budget?
<Cornbread> The Big Dog's finance genius
<Volt> Comes from Colon Powell.
<DaddiO> Bush looks like a crooked preacher
on a rant
<russian33> on Olbermann's blog: "Is
my time up?" Minus one point. Maybe he should've borrowed his father's
<ntropyman> colon gas hahahaaa
<drbomb> Bullshit Chimpy! How about we quit
<Throgg> lie
<lipreader> scorps
<onehandle> this again?
<Cayobo> GWB panders to the same people the
"christian" dependants do
<BinkyBoy> no one knows who Rubin is, thats
my point
<axess68> Sub Chapter S-corps?
<DaddiO> he keeps saying the same stupid shit
over an dove
<Sagitta12> let's be NEW president creators
<whoowhoo> FEAR AND LOATHING in Crawford
<Bill> Bush wants us to make us feel sorry
for people making over $200k.
<DaddiO> and over
<Throgg> tired old lie
<DaddiO> IBM documents.
<gratuitous> Gibson interrupting because Kerry
was about to get up in Bush's ass.
<Tweez> Tax cuts work for everything
<russian33> IBM sucks and blows
<MakesmeRalph> this moderate is a fuck.
<w3ski> tax church at like 30 cents on the
<DaddiO> give it to him, Charlie
<lipreader> ouch
<NeonLX> Why does Gibson keep asking specific
questions to Kerry, but not Stupid?
<drbomb> BUSH = Bombastic Useless Shit Head
<calgal> oh, goodie, let's use more gas (at
$6/mmBTU and rising monthly) THIS is an MBA pResident????
<Cayobo> send me 10% ... I'll pray for ya
<Sagitta12> moderator acts angry
<Bill> IBM worked for Nazi Germany
<solarize> you have to tax the outsourcing
craze to keep it in check...
<Jambo> $12 my ass-- you get them for $2 there
<Buck> Bush acts like a snakeoil salesman
<Anniesmomjill> he's a fucking liar!!
<gratuitous> Go for it John! "It's just
not true, what he said."
<whoowhoo> Bush got a C at Harvard MBA
<Keglined> "That would be pandering" - Kerry
gets more in that phrase than Bush gets in 200 words
<Bill> to keep track of Jews in European countries.
<Jae> oh yes
<n_8> Yes!!!!!!!
<nmp2000> IBM will have the headquarters in
CHINA soon
<Cornbread> Neon he's done it several times,
but it works for Kerry. Unstoppable.
<Daedalus> Cheney and Bush are small businesses
<Zomar> Yes. Tax the fucking churches.
No more cover organizations for right-wing extremists.
<Mark> YES!!!
<DaddiO> give me $25 and you'll get in to
heaven or your money back
<Tweez> WHAT?
<Daedalus> "That's news to me"
<lipreader> Bush is a dick
<drbomb> NeonLX: Because Kerry can actually
*ANSWER* questions!
<DaddiO> shit
<NeonLX> Why does Chimpy keep winking at Gibson?
<Jae> timber co?
<Bill> Bush is psychotic now.
<Daedalus> HA HA HA
<ntropyman> well????
<axess68> LMFAO
<calgal> why does God hate Bush?
<Volt> The demon liberal Wall Street Journal.
<RealDCC> $84 timber company
<Cayobo> ALL i WANT IS 10 %
<bart> Gotcha!
<DaddiO> what an ass
<editorial> hmm... well is it strill here?
, ntropyman
<Socks> oh man..that's going to bite him in
the ass
<bart> Gotcha!
<Daedalus> "need some wood?:
<Anniesmomjill> hehhehe
<lipreader> everything is news to him
<_chazman^> ha ha
<bart> Gotcha!
<nmp2000> UH UH piece of wood
<marty> got wood?
<onehandle> shut up
<gratuitous> got wood, Bush?
<russian33> OH MY GAWD
<ladylarkin1> --what an ass
<axess68> Need some wood??
<monkeyfister> WTF?
<Daedalus> HOLY hell I'm gonna die
<factor> Bush = Stupid.
<w3ski> shrimpy chimp you GOT NO WOOD
<tio> Got wood?
<DaddiO> lumber company?
<gratuitous> Asshole.
<Weezil> asshole is probably going to get fucked...i
take it personally when people go after Fud's buddies
<Andymon> he's dyin up there
<axess68> LMFAO
<Sagitta12> lol lippy
<whoowhoo> They are NOT - They are sole props
<BinkyBoy> shooting self in foot
<roscoPrick> corps
<lipreader> Kerry's got your wood right there
<NeonLX> Jeebus.
<BinkyBoy> YES
<Throgg> smirk has wood
<drbomb> Is Chimpy getting redder?
<MakesmeRalph> I got wood.
<Fud-> holy shit mon
<Mark> 2nd time on sub chapter s corps
<blockbush> sucks after meshcorps?
<Tweez> I got your wood right here pussy-boy!
<jay2^> got wood
<Claypatch> "need some wood? I'll drop mah
<sodbuster> kerry better save that
<axess68> There's a gaffe!
<BinkyBoy> LIE
<Sagitta12> take him out behind the woodshed
<Anniesmomjill> lol Tweez
<bart> Bush has wood for murder
<blockbush> what is he SAYING?????
<Mark> here is my wood
<axess68> "Need Some Wood?"
<russian33> if there are anyone from other
countries here, I apologize for this moron!
<drbomb> Bush is fucking pissed!
<DaddiO> Kerry's boot is deep in Chimpp
<Volt> Bush made a funny. Now he is lying
<DaddiO> chimp's ass
<w3ski> I had wood
<gratuitous> Just repeats the lie, like it
suddenly got true.
<drbomb> Buahahahahahaahahah!
<drfresh> I missed it! What did Bush say
<TreeHugger> sub chapter s-corps? wtf?
<Sano> I bet more Southerners would vote for
Bush if he said he'd take it in the ass for the team
<Cayobo> all hat... no cattle
<NeonLX> My daughter says Chimpy is "getting
<Bill> BULLSHIT business people do not create
jobs, demand for good ans services creats jobs.
<Daedalus> Patriot Act
<BinkyBoy> more small businesses have gone
under while Bush has been there
<Weezil> i heard Patriot Act was a tool to
burn the billof rights.
<bart> Have wood, will travel...
<Tweez> it's Alterman!
<drfresh> right before "News to me"
<factor> the Nazi act
<Tweez> no
<lipreader> Bob Dole can get you some Wood,
<Jae> okayyy
<Volt> Our plant.
<Bill> Repigs keep putting the cart b4 the
<JoeBacon> Well, I bet I know where President
Asshole does NOT get a woody!
<Zomar> He said wood...
<Sagitta12> great question
<Daedalus> "Why are my rights being watered
<DaddiO> don't know that guy
<lipreader> Laura can get you some Weed
<Atsix> HERE is a good question<ladylarkin1>
wow he slurs as much as biush
<Anniesmomjill> I preciate that
<Sagitta12> Joe, ha
<Throgg> all hat, no wood
<w3ski> patriach act?
<whoowhoo> he needs to slow down
<Sano> WHAT????
<onehandle> liar
<ntropyman> i wish someone would ask about
freedom zones
<Sagitta12> geez what a liar
<Sano> WHAT??????
<Tweez> oh yeah?
<lipreader> Got weed Laura?
<marty> if he thought?
<MakesmeRalph> My drink is watered down.
<Weezil> yeah is that demented or what
<NeonLX> Ah 'ppreciate that.
<gratuitous> Sweaty and scared questioner.
Can't blame him.
<DaddiO> I really don't think your rights
are being watered down
<factor> Bush is a liar
<axess68> I'm yer Frennnnnnnnnnd!
<whoowhoo> too fast question
<lipreader> You want some weed?
<Sano> LIAR
<Weezil> hmmm... the whole thing is wierd
<Tweez> terrerriss
<gratuitous> No, it doesn't require a court
<Cayobo> terra-ists
<DaddiO> Who careswhat you think, Smirk?
<Daedalus> I'll email right after the end
<factor> it is ruining everything.
<TreeHugger> big words = bad
<sodbuster> bush hasn't repeated a questioner's
name all night
<RealDCC> That is exactly the problem - no
<bart> Daed, you da man...
<drbomb> Huh huhuhuh....wood...huhuhuh....wood
good....huhuhuuhuhuhuh...kids bad...
<Mark> a secret court order
<tio> Charlie Gibson is a woodchuck.
<Volt> Like lists of books we read?
<blockbush> requires.........uuuu
<Tweez> terrerriss fighters
<DaddiO> lie
<drfresh> every act in the war on terror requires
a court order????
<Cornbread> screwtuhny
<DaddiO> lid
<gratuitous> Secret subpoenas can be issued
without a court order.
<DaddiO> lid
<ntropyman> bush called the questioner a liar
<Tweez> terrerriss fighters
<Zomar> Dcc me some ganga
<ladylarkin1> yet if you are taken under the
act you arent allowed a call or a lawyer
<NeonLX> I think some of these questions were
written by someone else.
<Cayobo> terra-ist fighters
<Bill> Repigs don't say to themselves "Gee
I have more money today. Think I'll hire a worker for no reason then."
<w3ski> Shrub is worlds # 1 Terrorist
<Anniesmomjill> I'm a freedom preznent
<Fud-> yeah like electrodes to the balls
<DaddiO> lie
<DaddiO> lie
<Buck> hes just kickin sand
<bart> where is StlSaxman?
<Sano> WHAT?
<Weezil> StlSaxman is rudee
<JoeBacon> Yeah but right now, I bet Tweety
Matthews has run to the NBC Men's room again
<lipreader> "whoever IS the president" agreed
<DaddiO> ha ha, couldn't talk to each other
<RealDCC> No, that is not true.
<Tweez> so is he endorsing Kerry then?
<factor> I am glad we caught Cat Steven and
<editorial> ... but that is alwys cool, RealDCC
<PG> "workin haarrrd"
<Cayobo> Police State
<Sagitta12> they could have shared w/ o screwing
us in the bargain
<DaddiO> STL saxman is at the Kerry rally
after the debate...
<gratuitous> Your rights are going down the
toilet, because the FBI can't talk to itself.
<PG> on the Internets
<gratuitous> Whafuck?
<BinkyBoy> lie
<YellerDawg> Chimpslap the monkey tomorrow,
<solarize> 95% of actions due to the patriot
act are NOT against terrorists
<blockbush> "must not erode your rights. now
that's a problem" "majes no sense"
<Sagitta12> lol fact
<Bill> People are hired because of need due
to more money in the hands of the poor and middle class.
<Atsix> So fix the FBI, dumbshit. Don't
kill the 1st & 4th Amendments
<Anniesmomjill> I'm a tool preznent
<Zomar> Parts of the FBI couldn't alk to each
other?? Horseshit.
<whoowhoo> Those who would sacrifice liberty
for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin (paraphrased)
<bart> seen StlSaxman?
<axess68> BART, this debate and the BS coming
out of DUBYA'S MOUTH could take up an ENTIRE ISSUE OF BARTCOP!!!
<nmp2000> because part sof the FBI couldn't
<Weezil> StlSaxman was last seen on #bartcop
21 hours, 1 minutes and 30 seconds ago, saying: [Thu Oct 7
22:10:07 2004]
<DaddiO> I' wimped out, too tired to go, bart
<Sano> So the CIA and the FBI needed the Patriot
Act to talk to eachother?
<Sano> what a lying sack of shit
<Volt> Compassionate Fascism!
<Buck> Is Bush on fucking glue?
<JoeBacon> Yeah we daught that Cat Stevens
<TreeHugger> TOOL
<Throgg> how much wood would chuck gibson
chuck if chuck gibson would chuck wood?
<RealDCC> be afraid - be very afraid!
<nmp2000> I DO ASSHOLE
<ntropyman> delusional moroon
<Mark> yeah right
<blockbush> "that's the Past of the 21st C."
<Bill> Making already rich people richer does
not increase employment one bit.
<lipreader> "to find and disrupt liberal web
<w3ski> lakawanna
<blockbush> elaka wanna
<Sano> liar
<Tweez> doody
<bart> lakawanna?
<Sagitta12> yup Bill
<Volt> Good one Throgg.
<OldHag> and you didn't get osama
<Anniesmomjill> doody?
<Mark> the lackawanna cellllll
<gratuitous> Lackawanna? What the fucka?
<DaddiO> he was at Lakawanna? He WENT there?
<FauxPasIII> huhuhuhuh doody
<PG> tommorows issue of BC should be *internets*
or *off road diesals*
<Tweez> snk1
<Bill> He said "duty" hahahaha.
<DaddiO> lie
<DaddiO> lie
<TreeHugger> he said 'abridges'
<NeonLX> What him say?
<blockbush> ....could not have preformed their
dugy withouth the patriot act./...
<Zomar> Dutidootdoot...
<whoowhoo> What about the Detroit prosecution
that busted....
*** No-Dak (yasure@ca-EF1D420C.client.comcast.net)
has joined channel #bartcop
<drbomb> Hey Chimp! Explain New York and the
protests against your party you sick, arrogant, demented, twisted, power-drunk
<bart> I think we just won the election
<OldHag> you din't put a single terrorist
on trial
<JoeBacon> Now we're gonna go after everyone
who had a copy of the Harold & Maude Soundtrack!
<Tweez> fixed
<axess68> DutyDootDoot Doo
<psunumber1> there ia a lackawaana county
here in pa
<whoowhoo> Racicot....
<Weezil> hmmm... racicot is rank amateur
<tio> Please be right, bart.
<w3ski> a lobotomy would fix bush
<factor> yip the nazi act sucks.
<Tweez> his dead body is gonna be renewed?
<DaddiO> hey, brew
<factor> lo brew.
<Volt> Bush sees nothing wrong with the Patriot
act. Bush appointed John Ashcroft.
<Sagitta12> DID you guys hear about Arcata,
CA impeaching Bush?
<lipreader> I agree bart
<ladylarkin1> ubt he certain its good sop
it will be kept
<nmp2000> I went over some abridges to get
to alackawana
<gratuitous> A second lobotomy, you mean.
<Bill> fucking asscroft
<Anniesmomjill> the Patriot Act is haaaarrrd!!
<sodbuster> kerry will get screwed in the
press over the timber thing
<ladylarkin1> certain and Wrong
<calgal> smack smack smack
<Sagitta12> hey brew
* lipreader high fives bartcop
<PG> everying is *haaaaaaard*
<bart> ashcroft is gay
<whoowhoo> John Ashcroft is the anti-christ....let
the eagle drop
<Bill> Bush hates our freedoms.
<Daedalus> Sneak & Peek searches
<Cayobo> thinking people can change bush
<Anniesmomjill> sneak and peek
<MakesmeRalph> hard work.
<Weezil> hard work is definitely it!
<Volt> Especially the wood.
<RealDCC> oh oh ... ass kicking in progress
rated R for extreme violence
<Buck> There's nothing wrong with Bush three
shots of Tequila wouldn't fix!!!
<lipreader> "wood is hard"
<w3ski> asscraft
<brew> who do you think is winning?
<PG> its so haaaaaaad
<Claypatch> Go Kerry GO!!
<gratuitous> Excellent: Sneak and peek
searches. COINTELPRO activities allowed.
<drbomb> IF this were Deliverance Chimpy would
be...nah...he *IS* squealing like a piiiiiiiig!
<Cornbread> get the eagle sore
<PG> haaaaard
<MakesmeRalph> I WISH Ashcroft was gay.
<tio> Flog the polls after the debate.
<Tweez> It ain't over til the door's shut
behind him....I got that from you Bart.
<Bill> Kerry by a landslide.
<blockbush> go into politicla meetings
<factor> Yeah, Kerry.
<w3ski> asscrapp
<Weezil> i guess yeah, kerry is walking a
very thin line there
<nmp2000> It's HARD WORK to be on vacation
all the time
<Atsix> Who was the one senator who didn't
vote for it?
<bushwacked> HARD WOOD
<ladylarkin1> GO K GO
<lipreader> "you want some hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrd
<Tweez> flip-flop
<Cayobo> listen, people
<Volt> DubYa sore has got a Pretty mouth.
<Tweez> flip-flop
<Tweez> flip-flop
<blockbush> ....make fun of him...go johnny
<Anniesmomjill> BUT..
<Sagitta12> stare him down, Kerry
<Tweez> sorry
<DaddiO> cmon, Kerry
<Sano> blink blink blink blink
<Keglined> <--biting lip
<drfresh> BAM
<Sagitta12> ^5 Kerry
<PG> werkin haaard
<w3ski> quit bringing up flip flop
<nmp2000> YES SIR
<Daedalus> yuck...
<Jambo> BOOM
<DaddiO> never let the terrists
<lipreader> ouch Keglined
<Zomar> YES!
<azul> this is good hard and clear
<gratuitous> Oh yeah!
<Buck> YEAH!!!!!!
<Weezil> i think yeah is that demented or
<RealDCC> never let the terrorists change
the constitution!
<bart> Ashcroft is so gay, he's the fem when
he dates Hoover's more manly ghost
<retroper> it's the constitution stupid
<Anniesmomjill> go kick hin in the nuts, John
<DaddiO> change the constitution
<Weezil> DaddiO: that doesn't look right
<DaddiO> okay
<Throgg> FUCKING A
<kidshaleen> Go Kerry Go
<blockbush> never let the terrorists change
our Constitution
<Buck> 3 pointer!!!!
<nmp2000> why is this for him alone
<Daedalus> he said he believed in the patriot
act... the repugs will grasp that
<Anniesmomjill> woooooooooo
<ladylarkin1> the monkey musta gotten an ear
<JoeBacon> STEM CELLS!
<Weezil> stem cells are Soylent Green aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
<ntropyman> did i hear a l ittle spurious
<onehandle> stem cells
<FauxPasIII> Woooot ! STemcells
<drfresh> Stem Cells...
<Tweez> stem cells...YES!
<axess68> Holy SHEET! She's a VULCAN!!!!!!
<drbomb> Ashcroft *IS* gay. He has slap-happy-Slappy
parties with a member of the Supreme Court.
<gratuitous> Uh oh, stem cells.
<Volt> One of our plants
<Weezil> STEM CELLS are Soylent Green aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
<HoustonGirl> STEM CELLS!!!
<Claypatch> Here comes the softball!!
<ladylarkin1> he hasnt raced off his chair
<nmp2000> let the monkey talk]
<Weezil> stem cells are Soylent Green aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
<axess68> Who let the VULCAN IN THE ROOM?!?!?!
<FauxPasIII> Oh fsck
<lipreader> semen transplants!
<onehandle> rove plant
<Cayobo> further sience
<HoustonGirl> YESSSS
<Bill> lying repig bitch
<Atsix> plant
<Sano> Ashcroft had Lady Liberty's bare breasts
covered so the tv cameras wouldn't pick up his fingerprints all over her
nipples during press conferences.
<drfresh> Weezil, saw it ONCE
<Socks> bush is fucked on stem cells
<onehandle> rove plant
<Weezil> drfresh: huh?
<bushwacked> PLANT
<Volt> Correction...One of theirs
<Anniesmomjill> Rove plant
<Daedalus> ahh crap
<Cayobo> yes it would
<Throgg> OK, weez. settle dowm\n
<Tweez> no you don't
<bart> 15 more minutes for Bush to win
<Daedalus> fumble
<brew> haha
<corydalus> The Deliverance image officially
has me nauseated
<DaddiO> sano, haha
<Mark> OMG another Rove plant
<drfresh> saw=say
<lipreader> I really respect yourrr...stupidity
<Zomar> Fucking Fetus-hugger.
<axess68> That lady had SPOCK'S Eyebrows!
<brew> Rove Plant
<Cayobo> just say yes
<Andymon> fucking church lady
<brew> haha
<calgal> OK Stem Cells Are Now to be Provided
by Magic
<bart> BBsoon
<Jambo> Bible lady is there
<nmp2000> I haven't been cured by the fucking
FLU VACCINE either...
<Volt> Its Missouri.
<DaddiO> big blink htere
<RealDCC> I respect it, but ...
<Anniesmomjill> blink blink
<onehandle> nancy reagan
<Weezil> nancy reagan is, like, just being
<DaddiO> there from Smirk
<Volt> Nancy Reagan.
<BinkyBoy> wooooo
<Weezil> i think nancy reagan is just being
<Tweez> YES, Nancy Reagan!
<lipreader> blinky mccokespoon
<azul> what's with his eyes?
<brew> Isn't that conveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenient
<Weezil> nancy reagan is just being self-interested
<Fud-> ask the brainstem about stemcells
<nmp2000> so better throw it out
<Cayobo> just say yes!!!
<Sano> *blinky
<drbomb> Yeah! Go Kerry! Get Nancy! Smirk
is fucked!
<lipreader> he's talking about bush
<Tweez> who, Bush?
<RealDCC> b****slap coming
<gratuitous> Ooh, Michael J. Fox. Gonna
fight Alex P. Keaton, beeyatch?
<onehandle> weezil!
<Daedalus> Embryonic stem cells come from
in vitro fertilization "extras"... the embryos are trash anyway.
Why not use them for good
<Anniesmomjill> <--mother died from Parkimsons/Alzheimers
<RealDCC> Don't take away my hope!
<Daedalus> that's all he has to say
<RealDCC> Hope is on the way!
<Cayobo> science trumps theology
<Claypatch> LOL: gratuitious
<Tweez> hope is on the way
<Sano> Yeah!
<Schmendrick> good question daedulus
<lipreader> My wood is what keeps me going
<PG> soyleeent green is peeeepul!!!
<Sano> pimp out Superman!
<gratuitous> Also, we seem to have enough
human beings on the planet now.
<nmp2000> I can't type blink as fast as smirk
<Mark> Keep the chruch outta my liffe
<drbomb> Facts over fear!
<nmp2000> maybe a B
<Claypatch> Your wood keeps me going Lip
<Daedalus> there it is
<Cayobo> just say YES
<RealDCC> Chris Reeves is a friend of mine.
Superman for Kerry!
<Zomar> Yeah! Don't piss on Superman's
<Daedalus> good job, Kerry
<PG> soylent green is werkin haaaaaaaard
<Buck> Don't take away my hope! Good
sound byte
<Volt> I can see the cartoon with Bush selling
wood in January.
<Anniesmomjill> just sitting in a freezer
<lipreader> thanks Clay
<lipreader> I think
<Claypatch> anytime Lip
<MakesmeRalph> Like frozen peas.
<Claypatch> I gots yer back
<Sano> Volt LOL
<Throgg> Smirk is gonns need Kryptonite to
win this one now.
<Daedalus> argh make something up
<Anniesmomjill> with their leeeetle souls
frozen with them
<FauxPasIII> eep
<lipreader> Girly Girl keeps my wood...nevermind
<Keglined> Kerry is screwing up man
<gratuitous> Get out John, you're stammering.
<Cayobo> Superman is a comic book hero
<Claypatch> HEY NOW
<DaddiO> little brain fart
<Tweez> but they havn't done it yet, so we
better not try
<w3ski> cure bushism
<calgal> Doesn't God hate fertility clinics?
<factor> Daedalus:as long as you do it correctly
and not illegally. Kerry would do this.
<drbomb> C'mon Kerry! You can do it!
<DaddiO> nothing compared with Smirk
<Cornbread> back in stride
<Daedalus> ask for a cure for the stutters
<Zomar> DAmmit, Kerry, gat out of Chimp Mode!
<lipreader> the pills just kicked in on Bush
<Volt> He didn't expect this one.
<DaddiO> I'm outta here
<Atsix> Yeah but at least he's thinking on
his own.
<Claypatch> That's Mrs Claypatch to you pal
<RealDCC> I want the future!
<Buck> BAMN
<Throgg> Smirk is a comic book President.
<Bill> Repigs don't understand science.
<Tweez> Iwant the future
<whoowhoo> LIE
<Anniesmomjill> oh fuck
<Jae> OMG
<whoowhoo> LIE
<Sano> LIAR
<onehandle> liar
<Sano> LIAR
<NeonLX> Lie
<Sano> LIAR
<nmp2000> that many halfway throught the answer
<Sano> LIAR
<PG> Superman is werkin haaaaaaard
<Sano> LIAR
<Keglined> Platitudes platitudes platitudes
<Bill> Bush just lied.
<Volt> Lie.
<Sagitta12> the Iraq war doesn't require the
destruction of life?
<Daedalus> yeah factor... I know. I
wanted him to make the point about the IVF embryos
<Cayobo> he said yes in his own way
<Buck> LIE
<Buck> LIE
<w3ski> abort shrub
<lipreader> Requires the destruction of life?
<axess68> WHAT?!?!?!?!?!
<Mark> THe destrcution of life
<BinkyBoy> God told me sooo
<drfresh> time for a beer
<MakesmeRalph> Hamburgers require the destruction
of life.
<Mark> WTF
<lipreader> life must be destroyed?
<axess68> He ALLOWED it??! BULL!!!
<Claypatch> Monkey: Ook ook gogglel ook
<Atsix> Destruction of what life?
<blockbush> i keep wanting to turn off the
TV every time W. talks
<FauxPasIII> Dammit. Kerry didn't handle
this one
<FauxPasIII> Crap
<Tweez> Your war requires the destruction
of life, motherfucker!
<Jae> yeah, he gets it
<gratuitous> That's because stem cell research
was founded during your presidency, you dunce.
<Tweez> Your war requires the destruction
of life, motherfucker!
<Throgg> yeah, because IT DIDN'T EXIST BEFORE.
<calgal> he can't be cured
<Zomar> Every time you wipe your ass you destroy
life, Chimp. So whay gives?
<Keglined> "I'm the first president to fund
this science . . . which is a whole five years aold"
<Mark> Dubya irritate the crap out of me
<ntropyman> cured from stem cells?
<kidshaleen> He has no clue
<RealDCC> Do you believe we should stop artificial
<bushwacked> GROW W A BRAIN
<drbomb> Buahahahahahahahaha!!!! WARS involve
the destruction of life! Remember Iraq you fucking shitwad!
<Jambo> Bush: We only throw lives away for
OIL---not science !!! dammmit
<Anniesmomjill> those embryos should be implanted
in welfare colored girls
<Cayobo> ethics?
<onehandle> limited resource the way you "did
it" idiot
<Andymon> embryo-based life forms must diiiiiieeee!!!!!!!!
<Sagitta12> LOL Bush
<Sano> Enbryonic stem cells can be removed
<BinkyBoy> ban Kleenex!
<RealDCC> There were not 70.
<w3ski> wheat germ requires the destrusction
of life !
<Volt> Religious insanity vs science.
<whoowhoo> Laura Bush already said no, that
should be it....
<Mark> Iraq has destroyed life
<JoeBacon> I promise not to ask for stem cells
from your aborted fetus, Mr President
<Daedalus> those 22 lines are a lie... they
are all dying out
<blockbush> so is ETHICS
<lipreader> Kerry blinded him with science
<Mark> you fuckstick
<Atsix> He should talk about ethics
<Sano> The Dingo Ate Cho BayyyyyyyyyBeeeeeeee
<Anniesmomjill> those embryos should be implanted
in welfare colored girls
<Bill> "God told me to be prez and stop all
scientific research."
<whoowhoo> BUSH <> ETHICS
<RealDCC> Like in Falluja?
<kidshaleen> He should know he has no ethics
<gratuitous> Blinking fast again; he knows
he's lying about the number of viable lines.
<Cayobo> like Bushco has ethics
<blockbush> ethics....hahahahhaahahha
<Sagitta12> hahahah Bill
<onehandle> idiot
<ntropyman> 22v200000
<Tm218> o.o bartcop with the big channel :P
<Cayobo> LOL
<Andymon> good heavens, cotor rice, you're
<MakesmeRalph> T
<Sano> LIAR
<Tweez> in other words..............uh
<Volt> Bush gets excited thinking about 22
<drbomb> Masturbation involves the destruction
of life!
<Andymon> doctor rice
<Sano> LIAR
<Keglined> I love how Bush slows down his
speech when he's waxing philosophical
<nmp2000> LIAR
<gratuitous> Bush talking about ethics.
I've worn underwear that had more ethics than Stupidhead.
<Zomar> "We can't lose those precious embryos
- they gotta gro up to fight in my wars!"
<jay2^> maybe france will share their cures
<Cayobo> and ah....<drbomb> ...evry sperm
is sacred...every sperm is great...
<bushwacked> BET HE CAN'T SPELL IT.
<MakesmeRalph> Only MALE masturbation, Dr.
<lipreader> "Don't throw away expired TV dinners"
<JoeBacon> Every Sperm is Sacred
<Throgg> Oh Lord, I beg of You, strike this
monkey down.
<Daedalus> YES
<nmp2000> approach from the RIGHT WING NUTS
<Bill> ut oh
<gratuitous> Walking a waffle line.
<Anniesmomjill> ooo..waffle
<lipreader> waffle!
<Daedalus> Bush waffles
<onehandle> he's calmed down. the ritilin
is kicking in
<RealDCC> Walking a waffle line...<blockbush>
now kerry gets mad
<Keglined> YES YES YES YES
<Mark> A waffle line
<gratuitous> Snap!<Jae> LMAO
<Bill> flip flopping!
<TreeHugger> a frozen embryo vs. a coherent
human being....
<blockbush> goody
<bushwacked> HARDWOOD
<lipreader> walking a waffle line!
<Mark> WHOOT
<Throgg> *spank*
<lipreader> Amen!
<Anniesmomjill> sit down bitch
<Sagitta12> mug wump, mug on one side of fence,
wump on the other
<gratuitous> Bush not looking too comfy.
Standing up now.
<Tweez> mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm waffle line
<Andymon> he just crapped himself
<Volt> JK makes a comeback.
<RealDCC> The lines are not adequate
<Mark> Sit down BUSH
<BinkyBoy> SIT DOWN
<gratuitous> Sit down, clown!
<Anniesmomjill> sit down bitch
<Anniesmomjill> sit down bitch
<Jae> you're a fool georgie
<Daedalus> Kerry is a stud
<gratuitous> Shorts riding up?
<Cayobo> love the fetus... dis the child
<Jambo> NICE !!! BOOM !
<nmp2000> looks like he's getting info
<calgal> Waffle line = great line
<kidshaleen> his feed from the ear set is getting
jammed, Karl Rove must be getting a beer
<Claypatch> Sit down beeyatch
<jay2^> tooth grindage
<gratuitous> Got wood, Stupidhead?
<blockbush> cares about life.....
<Tweez> yeah, sit fido
<Sagitta12> lol Daed
<Volt> Roundhose kick, John.
<bobbo> He's gonna LOOOOOOOSE it
<brew> Bush is going to attack!
<blockbush> bullshit
<drbomb> Oh yeah...and menstruation is *MURDER*!
<Tweez> uh
<lipreader> I'm pissed, Senator
<_chazman^> Bush waffled!!!!
<RealDCC> They already existed.
<whoowhoo> LIE
<brew> He is sneaking up behind him!
<whoowhoo> LIE
<Bill> ok monkey, sit down now
<Daedalus> oh, bush hates destroying lives
<nmp2000> what about in TEXAS
<Fud-> lol
<lipreader> stroyde life more
<blockbush> embryo...DECISION TO CONTINUE
<gratuitous> Waffle, wiffle, it's all piffle.
<Throgg> moron...just a goddam moron.
<Cayobo> don't masturbate
<NeonLX> I swear, Bush is getting more rebuttal
<Volt> Don't bend over, John.
<Sagitta12> W is so ethical
<Bill> we heard your lie the first time
<Mark> you did whhen we invaded IRAQ
<Zomar> "Those stem cell lines are owned by
my daddy's friends"
<Jambo> BWHAHAHAH Chimp knows Ethics ??
<marty> balance science & ethics?
<Daedalus> what if we used 1000 embryos
<bobbo> Balance science and ETHICS????????????????
<JoeBacon> Mr President, Can I get stem cells
from Jenna's aborted fetuses?
<Tweez> I thought that was his whole thing,
destroying lives
<n_8> Destroy life, like in Iraq?
<RealDCC> Kerry missed the artifical insemination
<onehandle> whip that head blinky
<azul> just killed children nin Iraq instead
<_chazman^> Bush is a Flip Flopper!!!!
<w3ski> war doesnt matter embyros do?
<nmp2000> whoa caught him backwards on this
<BinkyBoy> who the fuck is he to decide the
balance of science and ethics?
<neoconstipated> science and religious lunacy
<Anniesmomjill> I make decisions to destroy
life nby sending our guys to War
<onehandle> SCOTUS
<bushwacked> UHOH
<bobbo> What a frickin' dork
<Keglined> Jesus Christ
<Cayobo> LOL
<lipreader> bush is SO not ready to talk to
<ntropyman> asshoole
<Weezil> Jesus Christ are you still rambling
on about hot fusion
<Sagitta12> secretive
<nmp2000> hahahahahahaLLIAR
<whoowhoo> GREAT
<onehandle> LIAR
<BinkyBoy> Jesus Christ 2000!
<solarize> it is so ethical to kill thousands
while at war...
<Mark> a conserative nut job
<Bill> I'm not tellin!
<RealDCC> Who would you choose? Stupid
<PG> hey did bush say he owned a timber company??
<Cornbread> balance faith-based science and
faith-based ethics
<Cayobo> he ain't tellin'
<Sano> If some "nigger" knocked Jenna up,
you bet he'd rush her straight to an abortion clinic
<Sagitta12> not funny
<Volt> Lie
<Claypatch> "Ahm not telling! So there!!"
<Atsix> WHAT
<drbomb> "I'm not tellin'!" Gee...how mature!
<Bill> jesus
<gratuitous> "I'm not tellin'!" Uh huh.
<Sano> <-I hate hypocrites
<Daedalus> you're gonna need the votes
<lipreader> ha ha
<retroper> fuck you ass hat
<ladylarkin1> NOT FUNNY!\
<Tweez> laugh it up, you're going down asshole
<russian33> get the fuck out
<Jae> whaaaaa?
<blockbush> bush is a NUT JOB
<Keglined> "Like Scalia"
<TreeHugger> facts..ouch
<NeonLX> Oh sure, no list of SCOTUS replacements.
<Throgg> I'm not tellin'...cause I haven't
been told.
<onehandle> ARRRRRRGH!
<Rambro> god he's an ass
<Sano> He's a lunatic
<russian33> i want them all voting for me?
<lipreader> Damn, he's a regular Bill Hicks
<Atsix> I want thejm all voting for me????
<Volt> Like Trent Lott.
<Tweez> s u r e
<Bill> unlike you?
<onehandle> FAT TONY
<Sano> and a liar
<Mark> just like good ole clarence
<Anniesmomjill> somebody who agree with Bush
vs Gore 2000
<Claypatch> "Ahm not telling! Nyah nyah"
<Andymon> didn't jennua get vaccuumed out
when she was in france?
<blockbush> BULLSHIT
<whoowhoo> Activist judges like Thomas, Scalia,
<Sagitta12> don't allow their personal opinion
to get in the way of the law? then why are you pres?
<Keglined> "Like Uncle Tom... I mean Clarence
<Cornbread> Kerry will knock this one out
of the park.
<bushwacked> LIKE SLAPPY
<onehandle> FUCK YOU
<Weezil> FUCK YOU is gonna croak soon i bet
<RealDCC> Sano, no, that would be A DNC -
not an abortion
<nmp2000> I'd pick someone who pick someone
like me...just say it asshole
<Anniesmomjill> asswipe
<Mark> like activist jusdges
<whoowhoo> REACTIONARY
<lipreader> ooooooooohhhhhhhhhh, big issue
<blockbush> LITMUS TEST..
<Mark> they think
<gratuitous> I believe the nation should impose
religion on everyone.
<Zomar> Fucking asshole.
<kidshaleen> He would pic Tom DeLay
<Cayobo> under what god?
<Bill> He's hiding behind god again.
<onehandle> weezil!
<blockbush> Bush's personal opinion
<Volt> He means like Scalia and Thomas.
<NeonLX> How 'bout "under Vishnu"?
<Daedalus> personal opinion can't enter into
the process... unless it's Bush's
<lipreader> that'll help you get half of your
base out asshole
<neoconstipated> horseshit
<Anniesmomjill> LET THE EAGLE SOAR!!!
<blockbush> I wouldn't put BUSH there
<Weezil> horseshit is probably a better all
purpose term.
<gratuitous> the Dred Scott case?
<Sano> Real, an abortion procedure is the
exact same medical procedure as a DNC
<Cayobo> strictly?
<Anniesmomjill> LET THE EAGLE SOAR!!!
<whoowhoo> Dread Scott
<Andymon> natty dread scott
<Atsix> Did he say what I think he said?
Did he say he wanted judges who would vote for him?
<Keglined> PICKering
<Sano> no different
<ntropyman> dred scott ??? jeeez
<factor> NeonLX:heh
<RealDCC> Clarence Thomas or Scalia ... he
IS on the record!
<lipreader> There goes your base
<Bill> "Dread Bush case"
<brew> He would pick someone who believed
in Dred Scott
<Keglined> kerry should bring up Pickering
<Volt> What???
<Sano> Bill LOL
<OldHag> bush hasnt read first amendment
<Cayobo> Slavery?
<whoowhoo> Give me a break
<bushwacked> WHAT
<w3ski> covering statues with clothes is ok
<Throgg> dred scot may come up again soon.
<Tweez> red litmus turns blue in the presence
of a base....? right?
<Sagitta12> yeah brew
<drbomb> His idea of a cabinet is of Jim Beam,
Jack Daniels and Johnnie Walker.
<Boot_Boosht> lol
<lipreader> The base giveth, the base taketh
<kidshaleen> what??????????????
<blockbush> doesn't know what the hell he's
talking about
<marty> bet chimps read the constitution a
<Claypatch> WHAT?????????????
<Jambo> Like this shithead ever read the cobstituion
<Anniesmomjill> i wouldn't pick someone who'd
bring back slavery
<monkeyfister> what? anti Dred Scott?
<Bill> He's never read the constitution.
<brew> Constitution says 3/5d s ,sm
<BinkyBoy> hahahaha
<Cornbread> for a history major, he sure mangled
Dred Scott
<onehandle> you wipe your ass with the constitution
<ladylarkin1> finishing sentences not in fasion
<Sagitta12> constructionist?
<w3ski> now he wants alavery?
<RealDCC> It doesn't speak to the eqality
of America?
<sodbuster> so bush doesn't like slavery?
<nmp2000> construction workers?
<Boot_Boosht> he dont know shit about the
dread scott case
<tio> Who in his right minde would push Dred
Scott now??
<gratuitous> Does he know anything about the
13th, 14th or 15th Amendments and when they were passed? Kerry's
going to eat him up.
<Volt> Someone tell Bush about Amendments
13, 14 and 15.
<Zomar> "No, the COnstitution should allow
slavery because of CORPORATE property rights!"
<Andymon> strict instructionists?
<Sano> If Blinky would shut his piehole, I'd
gladly give him 40 acres and a mule
<Cayobo> instructionalists
<Keglined> Pickering Pickering Pickering...
everyone think it hard so Kerry will bring it up
<Claypatch> Monkey wipes his ass with the
<drbomb> LegislaTORS?!?
<RealDCC> The Constitution doesn't?
<bushwacked> SCHOOL TIME
<whoowhoo> Judges INTERPRET the LAWS that
IDIOTS in Congress write
<Jae> ohhhh a civics lesson
<w3ski> reconstrustionsist
<Cornbread> so we know he won't reappoint
Roger Taney. Great.
<blockbush> HAHHAHHHAHHA
<Tweez> legis-lay-torz
<Volt> Bullshit.
<Bill> No litmus test, yeah right.
<tio> GGood one Zomar !
<gratuitous> Here it comes.
<RealDCC> No litmus test?
<marty> no litmus tests?
<Throgg> Cain v. Abel was a real toughie.
<RealDCC> Get him.
<OldHag> the constitution doesn't say were
<drbomb> Tooooooooooors! Legisla....toooooooors!
<Sano> no litmus test except how they interpret
the Constitution?
<OldHag> wha??
<Sano> ROFL
<blockbush> no litmus test...except for how
the interpret the constitution
<Cayobo> what he say?
<blockbush> hahhhahahhahhahha
<Daedalus> hahaha
<bushwacked> SLAP
<Andymon> pickering
<Tweez> pH paper tests more like
<Cayobo> remind me
<Sagitta12> touche Kerry
<ladylarkin1> hehehe
<Keglined> LOL
<gratuitous> Ooh, nail him again with is own
<OldHag> whoa
<Bill> holy fuck
<gratuitous> Nice start
<Sano> Uncle Slappy
<Anniesmomjill> heh
<ladylarkin1> BAM!
<Volt> I told you.
<whoowhoo> Excellent....
<Tweez> chemistry jokes rock
<JoeBacon> Ouch I got frozen
<Zomar> Nazis in black robes.
<Cayobo> no apiontments
<nmp2000> bbb
<Mark> Jsut spray him in the face John
<hallucinex> oh it's ok let we kill thousands
of americain soldiers to save the iraq's live but its not not ok to use
embero' to cure ill
<Bill> go johnny go
<NeonLX> Bush couldn't bring himself to say
that we were all created equal.
<nmp2000> bbb
<nmp2000> bbb
<nmp2000> bb
<Sagitta12> Hacks in Black
<drbomb> Scalia and Thomas...yeah, model judges!
<nmp2000> bb
<neoconstipated> does anyone know what the
chimp was talking about just now?
<nmp2000> b
<Throgg> we just need a GOOD JUDGE
<Volt> Bush is so uneducated.
<Tweez> I subscribe to the New york Times
<Sagitta12> nope neo
<Claypatch> YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
<Daedalus> "The mark of a good justice is
that you can't tell who it's written by"
<azul> mark of the beast blinks
<Atsix> Excellent answer!!
<gratuitous> Bush blinking: Potter Stewart?
The colonel from MASH?
<blockbush> he'll pick a judge who forces
kids to pray in school
<monkeyfister> BOOOOM!
<Jae> I'm for Potter
<Claypatch> Kerry is killing him
<Sano> The only litmus test Blinky would give
is to see if they know how to yodel
<kidshaleen> Very nice
<blockbush> and to mention the name of God
<factor> yes very good answer.
<Claypatch> Boom!
<TreeHugger> facts...ouch
<NeonLX> Weknow that Chimp doesn't know what
he was talking about.
<blockbush> his God
<Bill> right on, John
<Anniesmomjill> hint hint
<Throgg> he grat
<marty> that was sherman potter
<Claypatch> SLAM DUNK
<Volt> Harry Potter's father?
<Tweez> SEVEN minutes left!
<Buck> Outta the park - YEAH KEERYYYYYY!!!!
<Anniesmomjill> hint hint
<Sagitta12> cream him Kerry
<Throgg> ha, even
<Keglined> Bush made an audible "ugh"
<nmp2000> The man is out of his league..HE
Should resign
<RealDCC> The future is at state!
<HoustonGirl> Col. Harry Pottetr
<drbomb> Bush hates atheists. I'm an atheist.
Therefore Bush fucking hates me!
<ntropyman> another slap
<Zomar> Chimp wants to nominate Robert Bork.
<_chazman^> I wonder what Chis Matthews will
have to say when this is over?
<Volt> Strong clsing.
<Sagitta12> clap clap for Kerry
<gratuitous> Spoken like a real attorney.
<Sano> Any man who renders himself unconscious
with a pretzel isn't fit to lead the Free World
<HoustonGirl> YESSS
<monkeyfister> Bush "UGH"'d?
<ladylarkin1> as a lawyer can
<NeonLX> He hates real Christians too.
<kidshaleen> SLAMMMMMMMM
<Cornbread> Mr. Potter in It's A Wonderful
<Volt> The GOP will be out trying to pack
the online polls.
<Anniesmomjill> damn..this has gone fast
<calgal> screw tweety
<HoustonGirl> Bush doesn't understand TWO
<Mark> why does Bush get the last questions
<Tweez> ooooh baby
<blockbush> You must Pray IIN public SCHOOL
<Keglined> Ann Coulter's cousin
<drbomb> "Ugh" --GWB --- The most intelligent
thing he has ever said.
<BinkyBoy> ann!
<Throgg> uh oh
<onehandle> rove plant
<lipreader> Ann Coulter>?
<Claypatch> Oh...Babes out for KErry!
<Bill> Oh no another repig plant.
<nmp2000> PLANT
<Anniesmomjill> Rove plant
<FauxPasIII> God. ALL these questions
are plants
<blockbush> another abortion plant
<nmp2000> annes daughter
<Zomar> Coulter wannabe.
<Volt> Missouri!
<Atsix> Just watch.. Bush will thank her for
that question.
<Weezil> it has been said that missouri is
on the route
<Bill> bitch
<Tweez> which is.......
<lipreader> Stop smoking, Ann
<Mark> the old abortion question
<azul> tax dollars to kill Iraqi children?
<marty> I don't want my tax $ going to tobacco,
but I have no choice
<gratuitous> Oh goody, more abortion questions.
<drbomb> IF you think abortion is murder then
DON'T GET ONE!!! Fucking Rovian plants!
<Sano> This girl looks like a puker, you can
tell by the teeth marks on her knuckles
<Cornbread> nice touch by Charlie to end up
on the christian right questions. prick.
<Zomar> Now that one WAS a cunt.
<Cayobo> freedom of Choice
<blockbush> fuck them
<Lenny> Catholic!
<Tweez> Shut up
<Sano> Zom LOL
<Mark> fucking cunt
<Keglined> RIGHT
<blockbush> Make a baby......Be a mother
<lipreader> Ann Coulter is undecided?
<kidshaleen> Very Nice
<hallucinex> yea john
<_chazman^> good answer
<onehandle> vietnam. first mention?
<Atsix> "Can't legislate an article of faith."
<Throgg> a...catholic...good tack
<JoeBacon> Here's the KITTY QUESTION
<lipreader> That's news to me
<gratuitous> Your tax dollars go to support
war, bitch. And it's an article of faith for me that all war is sin.
Why is your belief entitled to special treatment?
<BinkyBoy> Church is going to come down on
<ladylarkin1> or borne again nut
<Keglined> lol lipreader
<drbomb> Yes! Kerry recognizes!
<gratuitous> Twat.
<factor> abortion is not religon it is also
human rights.
<Tweez> Now you're talking, my friend
<Sagitta12> yeah grat
<Cayobo> choose what it correct for you family
<Anniesmomjill> Bush is gonna tell us about
being a Christian
<Claypatch> Who cares if the question was
a plant, Kerry's killing it
<corydalus> Speaking of babes, hey Bart, where
ARE you getting those "Babes for Kerry" pics? Between them and Shrl...
<hallucinex> go john go
<solarize> my dad is a catholic and he's as
liberal as they come. He works for the church, but he believe is
social justice above all else...
<drbomb> Word! In'cho'face...biatch!
<Claypatch> He's rawking the question
<bushwacked> THAT THE LAW
<RealDCC> I can talk about stuff, but as a
President, I represent all the people in the nation.
<Tweez> All the people in the nation
<blockbush> war and killing adults is wrong.
was kills BORN children
<Cayobo> freedom of Choice is valuable
<blockbush> war
<Volt> Drop by here to get a list of sites
with debate polls (Link: http://atrios.blogspot.com/)http://atrios.blogspot.com/
<drbomb> Yes! Go Kerry! Fuckin'A!
<Keglined> Bush again made that noise
<Sano> <--no one has the right to occupy
my body at any time without my permission
<nmp2000> IS Capitol Punishment OK Mr. BOOOSH?
<Cayobo> education is crutiaL
<onehandle> Bush will say no. And then
pander to his base
<JoeBacon> Did Atrios ever find out the conference
call info?
<gratuitous> And sorry cupcake, but people's
rights trump your personal belief. Go whine to your Invisible Cloud
<BinkyBoy> thanks Volt
<RealDCC> I wanna hear about artificial insemination
and the govt plan to ban it.
<Tweez> good point: Go to Atrios
for the polling
<bushwacked> HE GOT GAS
<Boot_Boosht> everyone see the difference
between dubya's cowboy boots and real cowboy boots? The cowboy boots have
the bullshit on the outside.
<Zomar> I have sworn off ALL religion.
Except the one TRUE religion - Easter Bunny-ism.
<Sano> grat LOL
<factor> nmp2000:heh
<drbomb> Let's see the Cimp deal with this!
I wanna see that fuck EXPLODE...AGAIN!
<Volt> Drop by here to get a list of sites
with debate polls (Link: http://atrios.blogspot.com/)http://atrios.blogspot.com/
<blockbush> "family planning"
<Tweez> the back of the head
<ladylarkin1> lmao zomar
<Cayobo> freedom of choice
<Keglined> Good response
<Weezil> rumour has it freedom of choice is
<Lenny> lol Boot_Boosht
<HoustonGirl> don't forget the Invisible Pink
<blockbush> good one. he doesn't need to respect
<Sagitta12> stupid comments
<Daedalus> omg, what a prick
<Claypatch> WHAT?
<lipreader> "I'm an idiod"
<bobbo> he can't understand english
<calgal> Booshit
<Cornbread> want to guess which questioners
will be interviewed after the debate?
<Volt> Too many big words.
<Tweez> He can't figure it out
<Keglined> Something tells me Bush tries a
lot to decipher stuff
<Mark> Bush is trying to be funny
<bobbo> what a fool
<russian33> i know its hard for you buddy,
just use the brain...hahahaha
<Sagitta12> lol Volt
<ladylarkin1> i thought wise ass comments
were disallowed
<Claypatch> "Trying to decifur that"
<onehandle> uh uh it's hard
<NeonLX> Jeez, what a moron.<Throgg> because
you're a dope
<blockbush> we will not spend taxpayers money
on them
<drbomb> "I'm trying to decipher that." Good
luck, Mr. No Brains!
<whoowhoo> This is the LAW, you are obligated,
<onehandle> uh uh
<gratuitous> That answer was considered and
nuanced: "Tryin' to decipher that."
<Anniesmomjill> I'm God's preznent
<Cayobo> and the Monkey licks ass
<Keglined> FUCKING ASS
<Claypatch> what a fookin tool
<nmp2000> BUSH divides America
<Sagitta12> his jokes don't work
<Tweez> don't pay for 'em
<blockbush> that's how you reduce abortions
<w3ski> he is losing it
<lipreader> Bush isn't a comedian
<Zomar> No, last time you spent your DADDY'S
money on an abortion.
<RealDCC> Reasonable people can agree?
<Bill> Bush has lost it again.
<kidshaleen> Dont screw
<Carbon> 129 America haters are here....AMAZING!!!
<drbomb> Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhh!
<Mark> God choose me<lipreader> Kerry has
been way funnier
<whoowhoo> Divider, not uniter
<Sano> <--I would only have an abortion
if the fetus stuck his fist out of my uterus in the Black Power Symbol
<Cayobo> abortion
<libcurmudgeon> "we won't spend federal tax
dollars on abortion, um, unless i knock up another 15 year old or something"
<Weezil> abortion is, like, the wrong choice
<Bill> Another slam dunk for Kerry.
<Sagitta12> yeah lippy
<lipreader> oh
<gratuitous> Yeah, it'll stop three or four
<blockbush> unborn victims
<OldHag> asshole<whoowhoo> Unborn, whatever
<Jae> he couldn't decipher 2+2
<russian33> Sano, HAHAHAHAHAHA
<RealDCC> Oh great.
<BinkyBoy> you mean the ban that was smacked
down by the Supreme Court?
<Volt> Drop by here to get a list of sites
with debate polls (Link: http://atrios.blogspot.com/)http://atrios.blogspot.com/
<Tweez> goodie
<OldHag> abu ghraib was brutal
<lipreader> unborn victims of violence<bushwacked>
<Fud-> bush is a partial birth abortion
<Sagitta12> he signed the soldier and iraqi
murder act
<blockbush> HE cares about the UNBORN VICTIMS
<onehandle> kerry smiles
<RealDCC> Two death penalties.
<marty> culture of life?
<RealDCC> ha ha
<gratuitous> Reasonable ways? Help me,
<Sagitta12> yes Bink<solarize> he is so
divisive...how can anyone feel good about bush?
<Mark> a culture of life
<NeonLX> Culture of life.
<OldHag> hitler was anti abortion too
<Tweez> just sad
<NeonLX> Yeah, right.
<blockbush> Kulture of Lif
<drbomb> Chimpy puts the Duuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh
in Duuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhbuyh!
<Carbon> Oh come on Mark.
<RealDCC> Until you are born.
<Cayobo> it's an option to choose
<marty> propagation of cannon fodder?
<onehandle> oh, shut the fuck up
<Jae> let's just kill the born...okay
<Jambo> until they go in the military !
<Mark> jsut liek Eye-rack<Weezil> it has
been said that shut up is aye aye shutting up now
<kidshaleen> WTF does that have to with the
<OldHag> fetus worshippers
<nmp2000> A CULT MAYBE
<RealDCC> Then, you are on your own.
<Atsix> Look at the adoration in her eyes
<Boot_Boosht> Adoption law?
<Claypatch> Gawd I want to slap HIM SO HARD
<gratuitous> A culture of life that wages
preemptive wars.
<Anniesmomjill> LET THE EAGLE SOAR!!
<ladylarkin1> health care for viagra but not
the pill
<calgal> adoptions by whom???
<Daedalus> Does Bush just want more babies
so he'll have more cannon fodder for his crusade?
<OldHag> once it's born they turn their backs
on it
<Keglined> Culture of life
<Sano> Hey Blinky, you should tell your daughters
to keep their legs closed
<BinkyBoy> so he's surpporting an unconstitutional
<Tweez> but don't fund 'em
<Cornbread> I don't care if it rains or freezes
<whoowhoo> Adoption....that is why so many
orphanages are FULL
<russian33> what is he talking about?
<RealDCC> Culture of life?
<sodbuster> put mothers in group homes?
<azul> no wants their votes
<Mark> maternity group homes?
<gratuitous> Your fucking skull should just
cave in, Bushie.
<Keglined> What the hell is "culture of life"?
<JoeBacon> But every sperm can be a baby,
so President bush is going to lock up all the masterbators
<Zomar> Yeah, but no problem electrocuting
retarded prisoners and slaughtering troops in support of a lie. Pro
<w3ski> we need orphanages !
<OldHag> adoption, cath church loves that
<Cayobo> freedom to choose
<Throgg> like the kid he was gonna adopt but
<YellerDawg> Gotta have more babies to make
more cannon fodder for his empire building
<Keglined> RIGHT
<NeonLX> We tried to adopt within here in
the US...ended up in India.
<Carbon> Call him a LIAR, John!!!
<OldHag> orphanages big money for them
<factor> Kerry 's got it.
<drbomb> Right on Kerry!
<Volt> Drop by here to get a list of sites
with debate polls (Link: http://atrios.blogspot.com/)http://atrios.blogspot.com/
<Boot_Boosht> geez, lets ban birth control,
have more bastards for adoption
<Tweez> you tell him
<Sano> "culture of life" might be some moldy
balogna in a college student's fridge
<lipreader> I'm for retroactive abortions
for Barbara Bush
<bobbo> So, in the last 40 years, has abortion
reduced our population????????????????
<Keglined> GOOD POINT
<w3ski> what the fuck , orphanges/
<onehandle> W is NOT for women! JFK
<Jae> yes!!!!!!!
<russian33> SMACK
<Volt> BOOM!
<Throgg> he talking about Jenna?
<RealDCC> BOP!
<Buck> This is terrible
<factor> YEAH!!!!
<_chazman^> go Kerry
<Keglined> GREAT WRAP UP
<gratuitous> Uh oh, more nuance. Chimpy's
going to lose the thread again.
<Weezil> yeah is that demented or what
<Tweez> you bet
<Anniesmomjill> SLAP
<YellerDawg> W is for WAR
<Jambo> WHooo..but america dont wanna hear
that fathers Rape !
<psunumber1> more babaies keep mothers over
a barrell economically..its all about cheap labor
<Daedalus> Keep talking monkey
<solarize> Yeah, right, how can you be pro-life
when you killed more inmates in Texas than ever before?
<Buck> they playd the god card
<NeonLX> Shit! Bush DOES get more rebuttals.
<blockbush> dumb
<ladylarkin1> not that somple
<Tweez> that's right
<whoowhoo> LIE
<drbomb> Buch fucks up yet again...and again
and again and again...
<whoowhoo> LIE
<_chazman^> Asshole it's not black and white
<lipreader> bush is a tard
<calgal> smack him HARDER
<whoowhoo> DISTORT
<w3ski> w is for weiner
<whoowhoo> FEAR
<lipreader> fucktard
<Throgg> poor jenna
<Carbon> No It's not that simple. Monkey
<RealDCC> He just explained it.
<marty> black or white - chimp sees no gray
<Sano> what's with the bobbing of his turtle
<whoowhoo> HATE
<blockbush> not that SIMPLE
<lipreader> fucktard
<Claypatch> LIAR
<gratuitous> Repeats his point again.
It's still wrong, dummy.
<Boot_Boosht> bush is such a shit
<Zomar> When Dubya was born the baby died.
So they raised the aferbirth.
<RealDCC> Were you listening?
<Bill> There is no such thing as "partial
birth abortion".
<nmp2000> LIE LIE LIE LIE LI
<BinkyBoy> Black or white bitch
<russian33> vote, i can spell that too!
<drfresh> You can run, but you can't hide
<RealDCC> No.
<Keglined> Bush is a jerkwad
<Sagitta12> what a dope W
<lipreader> fucktard
<Tweez> what's a vote george?
<Jae> kerry as osama
<Andymon> smoke em out
<blockbush> not like the simpleton
<Claypatch> "You can run but you cant hide"
<Cayobo> partial birth abortion>?
<YellerDawg> REALITY???
<Sano> he's a lying sack of shit
<Cornbread> I'm willing to leave it there
for the people to judge.
<Weezil> well, REALITY is fungible
<drbomb> Fuck! Fucker invoked Reagan again!
<nmp2000> John should go run in his face NOW
<onehandle> Bush just won his base.
<Boot_Boosht> no, bush is a ssshole baby
<Volt> Bush knows he is dead meat.
<azul> better be good
<editorial> ... but bush is done, Boot_Boosht
<gratuitous> to your left, idiot.
<Carbon> Jenna will get an abortion no matter
what the law is
<factor> Bush is looking around like an idiot
<neoconstipated> if a pregnant woman gets killed
by an assault rifle, the killer gets tried for two murders,...that's very
<Throgg> he can run and he can lie
<Bill> "you can run but you can't hide"
<drfresh> Yuck em up George.
<lipreader> 2 outs in the bottom of the ninth
<Sano> ~shut your fucking face, uncle fucker~
<Bill> another raygun line
<RealDCC> You can run but ... - mantra for
<w3ski> steralise ALL bushes
<azul> Karma
<Cayobo> partial birth abortion?
<Mark> laugh cause I amstoooopid
<onehandle> no he hasn't
<gratuitous> Why are you so darned popular?
<Daedalus> YES
<drfresh> Oh yeah.
<lipreader> Bush has NOT made thousands of
<Jae> ut-oh
<bushwacked> ALRIGHT
<Bill> ut oh
<Anniesmomjill> oooo
<retroper> hah haha hha
* Claypatch rolls his eyes
<Daedalus> this should be fun
<Boot_Boosht> YAAAY
<blockbush> hahaahaahaahaaaah
<Sagitta12> HAHAHA asking W to admit he was
<ladylarkin1> he cannot answer this
<drbomb> All Bushes *MUST* be trimmed!
<gratuitous> bush admit a mistake?
<factor> here we go.
<Atsix> This should be good
<TreeHugger> people actually support W, scary...
<Tweez> trick question
<spurje> I'm so sick of hearing Bush saying
something stupid and thinking he's being intellectual
<Bill> mistake taime...
<ladylarkin1> hes perfect
<Volt> That one is ours.
<kidshaleen> He cant
<nmp2000> and may GOD BLESS YOU I PRAY FOR
<Andymon> oh yeah! nice question
<blockbush> Three Mistakes
<Keglined> "UH" "UM"
<RealDCC> Wrong decisions question again.
<Cayobo> Jeebus
<lipreader> uhmmm
<Throgg> yer a boner biting bastard uncle
<w3ski> totally abort bushes
<_chazman^> heheehe
<tio> perfect
<lipreader> ummm
<Boot_Boosht> lol
<Bill> mistake time...
<lipreader> ummm
<bobbo> stall
<Carbon> Bush = desperate
<blockbush> can't even think of ONE
<calgal> Bush WRONG? NEVER!
<tio> 3
<Keglined> Snicker snicker snicker snicker
<bobbo> er
<Andymon> he can't even think of one
<bobbo> uh
<Zomar> No, the assault rifle will not be
charged. Guns don;t kill peiople.
<Daedalus> stall
<gratuitous> No way he'll admit to any mistakes.
<Boot_Boosht> heheh
<bobbo> um
<lipreader> doh
<azul> was late one time
<Buck> I hope Kerry can parle this one
<PG> weeeeeeeeeeerkinnnnnnnnn haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard
<Bill> appointments to boards?
<lipreader> uhh
<onehandle> BUT NO MISTAKES. Answer the
question, asshole
<Sano> <-I would let Rick Santorum knock
me up so I could abort his fetus on the House Floor live on CSPAN
<Volt> Can we get another 30 minutes?
<bobbo> duuuuh
<nmp2000> get tot the point asshole
<_chazman^> ahh ah ahhh uh ahhh'
<Cayobo> War
<lipreader> uhh
<bobbo> huh?
<Anniesmomjill> I'm a war preznent
<Sagitta12> he just insulted her knowledge
of her country
<NeonLX> Hey, he's unravelling.
<Bill> That's the best he's got?
<OldHag> can he admit it?
<Keglined> All tactics. No strategy
<bobbo> what?
<Boot_Boosht> wait, its everyones elses fault!
<nmp2000> wheres the mistake?
<BinkyBoy> no answer
<bushwacked> ALL OF EM WRONG
<neoconstipated> the monkey has shown his
bipolar side
<azul> forgot to take out the dog
<RealDCC> When?
<drbomb> My family supports Bush. Sad. I don't.
<Daedalus> he makes tactical decisions?
<Fud-> wtf is he talking about
<editorial> When is Cheney/Edwards, RealDCC
<Boot_Boosht> LOL
<onehandle> NO YOU WONT
<Claypatch> SHEEIT he cant think of ONE!!!
<lipreader> I'm human! liar!
<hallucinex> so was that an answer or a dogde
<BinkyBoy> HAHAHA
<gratuitous> Presidents don't make tactical
decisions in war -- that's up tothe generals.
<Volt> He can't think of any.
<tio> Preznit should'nt be choosing tactics.
<RealDCC> When will you take responsibility?
<bobbo> name three
<NeonLX> He's a human?
<whoowhoo> HE WON't ADMIT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
<Sano> the big question?
<bobbo> just three
<Weezil> i heard the big question was how
will the press report the debate
<editorial> Somebody said the big question
is how will the press report the debate, Sano
<sodbuster> i'm perfect bitch!
<JoeBacon> Why Jesus told me to do everything
<Claypatch> lol: Lip
<Anniesmomjill> you asswipe
<Boot_Boosht> AFGANISTAN!
<_chazman^> admit Iraq was a mistake
<drfresh> I AM PERFECT
<Boot_Boosht> lol
<factor> ahhhhhhh/
<bobbo> just three
<Throgg> he's human? I hadn't noticed.
<Bill> Somebody?
<Weezil> Somebody is, like, spinning the berg
story into "he knew mohammedd attas sistersbrotherswifesnieghbor"
<Carbon> Somebody?
<TreeHugger> im only human
<Weezil> rumour has it Somebody is spinning
the berg story into "he knew mohammedd attas sistersbrotherswifesnieghbor"
<Boot_Boosht> lol
<gratuitous> Nope, he can't admit ever making
a mistake.
<azul> kicked the lump in bed
<w3ski> weeeenie , somebody in iraq
<NeonLX> He ignorned Jesus.
<Sagitta12> gee I can't think of any mistakes
<drbomb> What's the big question you fuckwit?!?!?
<bobbo> just three??????????????????
<lipreader> "I've never made a mistake, bitch"
<nmp2000> a mikstake
<kidshaleen> NOT AN ANSWER
<gratuitous> Trying to reframe the question
<Keglined> Conservatives view strategy as
big tactics. They're strategically impaired.
<whoowhoo> Just list three questions......
<factor> they are right NO NO NO!
<Throgg> mikstake?
<Bill> He forgot Huseinn's name already?
<lipreader> "I've never made a mistake, bitch"
<bobbo> liar
<blockbush> "remove somebody" can not
even mention the name Saddam Hussain
<Bill> Somebody?
<lipreader> "I've never made a mistake, bitch"
<Cayobo> you may be Human, but you're a douch
bag too
<spurje> goddammit!!!
<Weezil> Somebody is probably spinning the
berg story into "he knew mohammedd attas sistersbrotherswifesnieghbor"
<Carbon> Wrong decision
<_chazman^> lie
<blockbush> he's a somebody
<bobbo> list three mistakes
<whoowhoo> Just list three decisions......
<Claypatch> So he cannot even answer the question!!!
<ladylarkin1> he so isnt answering
<nmp2000> was thinking
<gratuitous> Not an answer, not an answer,
not answer
<RealDCC> "When they ask about mistakes they
are ..."
<azul> 9/11?
<Weezil> 9/11 is one of those
<Atsix> The report confirmed that decision
my ass
<TreeHugger> no mistakes
<OldHag> no he can't admit it
<russian33> changing subjects
<Boot_Boosht> Iraq! lol BULLLSHILLLLTTTT
<Volt> He will hear about this.
<Jae> WTF?
<bushwacked> LIE
<Sano> "Do I regret that night in a Turkish
Bathouse in San Francisco?"
<ntropyman> still hasn't listed a single one
<bobbo> just list three
<OldHag> not even one
<Claypatch> What a fuckin tool
<w3ski> what the fuch !
<Sagitta12> the report confirmed his decision
to remove Saddam?
<monkeyfister> with Halliburton
<Jambo> I SEE THE FUTURE !!!
<drfresh> I bet Kerry can think of some of
Bush's mistakes.
<bobbo> liar
<nmp2000> OH MY GOD here we go
<Boot_Boosht> OMG
<OldHag> didn't make amistake
L E A S E !!!!!
<tio> Kerry - smack the followup!
<Sagitta12> lol Sano
<whoowhoo> JUST THREE
<gratuitous> Just answer the fucking question,
<TreeHugger> w is perfect
<Anniesmomjill> he hated us!!
<hallucinex> wow what a dogde
<RealDCC> Biggest threat facing Iraq was Iran!
<factor> 9/11 = sadam No! No!
<Rambro> is he gonna answer the question?
<bobbo> liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrr
<Volt> Kerry can finish him here.
<azul> terra ists of course
<marty> just one....
<Cayobo> terra-ists
<kidshaleen> HE CANNOT ANSWERE
<OldHag> back to saddam
<bobbo> liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrr
<drbomb> Duhhhhh...my decisions are ALL correct!
I'm right and everyone else is wrong! What a Freeptard!
<w3ski> how many catch words in 2 minutes
<jay2^> so did we
<whoowhoo> PLEASE ANSWER
<blockbush> on the TAX CUT
<Volt> Drop by here to get a list of sites
with debate polls (Link: http://atrios.blogspot.com/)http://atrios.blogspot.com/
<Bill> He says the biggest threat against
'merica was Iraq. WTF?
<Fud-> a Mcstake...what a dolt
<russian33> i did the right decision?
<lipreader> "I ordered the lunch special"
<n_8> "He gassed his own people"
<bobbo> what a dolt
<blockbush> what is he saying
<Anniesmomjill> Saddam Husein hates my guts
<whoowhoo> PlEASE
<hallucinex> oh
<sodbuster> no mistake admitted yet
<OldHag> wmd and terrorists
<TreeHugger> he tried to kill my daddy
<kidshaleen> HE IS IN TOTAL DENIAL
<Sano> appointingpeople?
<Cayobo> LOL
<monkeyfister> oooooooooo
<Daedalus> Kerry will have no problem coming
up with 3 things
<whoowhoo> NO MISTAKE
<Andymon> you're one of the shallowst
<gratuitous> We aren't talking about the decisions
you think were right.
<NeonLX> Holy shit.
<OldHag> aaaaa
<Weezil> it has been said that holy shit is
is even on UPN here!
<_chazman^> he won't name mistakes
<Keglined> Colin POwell
<Sano> WHAT?
<Boot_Boosht> lolk
<Weezil> Colin POwell is a spineless twit
<Atsix> Who??
<Sagitta12> "I ate that pretzel"
<OldHag> tax cjut
<hallucinex> what a cop out
<solarize> he tortured...so did we.
how can we be better?
<Zomar> Colin.
<axess68> MALLOY must be fuming
<Cayobo> no names
<monkeyfister> WHO?!?!?
<w3ski> I do
<jay2^> lol
<Weezil> no names are needed - I can just
point out to him where he's wrong
<OldHag> aaaaaa
<RealDCC> History?
<azul> Shallow recession? wassat?
<Weezil> it has been said that History is
<axess68> I know I am
<russian33> O'Neill
<onehandle> WOOOO blaming his people
<OldHag> right decision
<Bill> We are still in recession.
<marty> but history doesn't matter
<Daedalus> "Getting on the Segway"
<_chazman^> Clark
<drfresh> Go in for the kill, John!!!
<Claypatch> "Paul O'Neill I want to kill"
<Anniesmomjill> I made no mistakes
<gratuitous> Spineless, brainless. non-responsive.
<RealDCC> I pronounce you guilty!
<Tweez> Fucking, cop-out
<w3ski> bad decisons
<Sagitta12> lol Daed
<bushwacked> HE'S PERFECT
<Carbon> 'But, but...it's Clinton's fault
<OldHag> mistakes in appointing people
<marty> we'll be dead then, remember?
<bobbo> never answered the question
<Cayobo> name them
<Anniesmomjill> heh
<Bill> Since when has he taken responsibility???
<Anniesmomjill> heh
<OldHag> okay that's one
<Tweez> Me too
<lipreader> "He'll accept what history says?"
After he's dead????
<whoowhoo> There will be SHITLOADS from the
historians......that will be a WHOLE CABLE CHANNEL
<Sagitta12> "dropping Barney"
<drfresh> Hueueueuueueueueuge mistakes
<nmp2000> history judges? he NEVER ANSWERED
THe fucking questyion
<gratuitous> Go ahead John, let's catalog
some of those mistakes.
<sodbuster> say the lady's name, john, dammit
<ntropyman> end on bush's mistakes !! YESSSS
<OldHag> take the responsibility
<drbomb> Kick his fucking Freeptarded ass,
<HoustonGirl> catatrophic mistake
<Sano> "I regret getting the ever loving shit
kicked out of me by Laura when I got caught calling Eleanor Mondale for
a blowjob"
<RealDCC> He made a catastophic mistake ....
<gratuitous> Watch Chimpy fume.
<Volt> Answer for him John.
<Sagitta12> yeah nt!
<lipreader> Smack Bush, JFK
<TreeHugger> the mistake was america electing
this dumbass
<azul> uniter? nation building...
<whoowhoo> It's the BUSH MISTAKE CHANNEL,
formerly FOX NEWS
<neoconstipated> switch ccameras, cspan!
<drfresh> Gut check time!
<Daedalus> "Gut check time"
<axess68> Gut Check time!
<RealDCC> Look into your guts ...
<w3ski> gut bush
<Volt> We didn't elect him.
<axess68> LOL
* drbomb made a new word: FREEPTARD
<Tweez> Kerry gonna tell us about at least
one mistake
<drfresh> Hahaha
<HoustonGirl> "I regret knocking up Robin
Lowman and getting caught"
<factor> w3ski:hehe
<azul> simpleton blinky
<Sano> Houston LOL
<Cayobo> believe your eyes, America
<Zomar> THAT'S where the radio is...
<Bill> Bush:Kerry wants France to do a gut
check now, hehehe.
<Keglined> Gut check time. That was
a Bill Maher line last week
<axess68> Isn't a GUT CHECK a hockey move?
<Jambo> HAHA
<HoustonGirl> beyond embarassing
<gratuitous> Bush's jaw working.
<HoustonGirl> beyond dangerous
<Throgg> this was a bigger spanking than the
1st debate. smirk is finished
<Tweez> Beyond pitiful
<lipreader> I can't wait to see the whores
try to SPIN THIS
<blockbush> kerry is so much smarter
<azul> Bill Maher after this!!
<gratuitous> Pissed, pissed, pissed.
<Volt> Bush has TMJ.
<lipreader> yes Throgg
<drfresh> on HBO?
<Carbon> Didn't guard the nuke plants
<Tweez> HOME RUN
<HoustonGirl> body armor!!!
<Volt> More than 3.
<lipreader> This is over
<HoustonGirl> !!!!
<w3ski> bush has body armor
<whoowhoo> OUT OF THE PARK.....
<Carbon> Only guarded the Oil Ministry
<gratuitous> Kerry has visited the injured
-- Bush says, "Can he do that?"
<blockbush> JUDGMENT IS POOR
<RealDCC> Incompetant in the delivery of services
... 850 tons of ammo ... no armor, wrong body armor ... stomping ...
<factor> our prez. does not care for our troops.
<lipreader> Wes Clark for Secy of State
<Lenny> Who won this debate??
<Boot_Boosht> lol!
<Atsix> That's an EXCUSE. YES!!!
<hallucinex> here we go
<Sagitta12> yeah lippy
<lipreader> Oh, Bush did
<Anniesmomjill> here we go
<whoowhoo> LIE
<Boot_Boosht> lol
<Cayobo> it's an excuse
<blockbush> he admits
<axess68> BULL!
<whoowhoo> LIE
<drfresh> Kerry by a whisker
<NeonLX> Wow. Snippy.
<RealDCC> $87 billion.
<axess68> LIE LIE LIE!
<bobbo> hey monkey, the EIGHTY SEVEN MILLION
<w3ski> short of ammo now too !
<Lenny> Who won this debate??
<russian33> oh, he should talk
<drbomb> Gove Chimpy a dose of reality, Kerry!
What candor! What control! Kerry is gonna kick Chimpy's nuts...HARD!
<BinkyBoy> LIE
<blockbush> blames it on KERRY
<Bill> Bush: I gave them armour hot dogs supplied
by Halliburton! hehehehe
<Carbon> Because it added to the deficit
<Jambo> HE DID IT HE DID IT !! even thop im
the PReznit
<Keglined> By FOR
<kidshaleen> it still passed
<PG> Working hard
<gratuitous> Back to the $87 billion question.
<n_8> We love this oldie but goody!
<bobbo> yes billion
<Boot_Boosht> lol
<RealDCC> Get him John!
<bushwacked> CLINTONS FAULT
<Volt> What mistakes did you make numbnuts.
<Boot_Boosht> heheh
<factor> sdam was NOT a risk!
<Cayobo> sloppy rhetoric
<Anniesmomjill> he was abaaaaad man
<ladylarkin1> the troops already on the ground
before the request for the 87
<blockbush> Kerry THINKS so he's called a
flip flopper
<Carbon> Cock punch that Monkey, John!!!!
<bobbo> john kick his ass
<nmp2000> HE WAS A RISK TO MY daddy
<PG> the internets says bush won
<Boot_Boosht> lol
<marty> it's just a difference of opinion
<gratuitous> Someone has to write that boy
a new line.
<drfresh> GO
<RealDCC> Last response ...
<Throgg> that was AFTER they went over there
WITHOUT the equipment
<tio> When is the 87 B$ issue going to be pu
t to bed??!!
<russian33> yes, and 1000 american men would
be alive!
<Sagitta12> I was reallllly scared of Saddam
<solarize> regardless of what heppnes during
these debates, I know dozens of people who will vote for bush...it's
very depressing
<sal002> PG: Where?
<Sano> *hic*
<lipreader> I'm voting against working hard
in Poland if the world is better off
<Anniesmomjill> kick him in the nuts
<w3ski> bush is the biggest risk since bay
of pigs
<Tweez> back.........back..........back..........HOME
<blockbush> shouldn't talk about it
<Claypatch> EXCELLENT
<factor> heheh bush looked silly on that.
<Zomar> YEAH!!
<axess68> Chimpy look
<drbomb> Saddam was irrelevant you Chimp!
<bushwacked> SHAM
<axess68> LMAO
<Claypatch> BAM
<onehandle> jaw wiggle
<Boot_Boosht> lol
<Sano> YEAH!
<russian33> smack him around like a bitch that
he is
<Cayobo> the Monkey just gave us a hand-job
<Daedalus> slush fund to Halliburton
<azul> slush fund
<Weezil> i think HALLIBURTON is so versatile..
or another name for Evil Inc.
<Bill> slush fund for Halliburton
<Rambro> drink!
<marty> slush fund to halliburton
<n_8> Yes!!!!!
<factor> Bush is as bad as Sadam when he invaded
<w3ski> touche!
<Volt> Halliburton.
<Throgg> *spank*
<Claypatch> "slush fund to halliburton"
<blockbush> slush fund to halliburton
<Weezil> halliburton is so versatile.. or
another name for Evil Inc.
<Tweez> I'M DYING!
<Sano> DRINK
<Boot_Boosht> lol
<Zomar> Slush fund for Halliburton!
<drbomb> Damn...Chimpy is RED!
<blockbush> that was good
<_chazman^> goodnight everybody
<Atsix> Good ending
<Volt> Drop by here to get a list of sites
with debate polls (Link: http://atrios.blogspot.com/)http://atrios.blogspot.com/
<Claypatch> "slush fund to halliburton"
<Lenny> who won the debate?
<Claypatch> "slush fund to halliburton"
<gratuitous> He wants your kids to pay for
it -- with your money and their lives.
<RealDCC> Shit
<BinkyBoy> are any of the polls up?
<Claypatch> "slush fund to halliburton"
<nmp2000> AGAIN
<Tweez> Awwwwwwwww
<blockbush> "he wants your kids to pay for
<gratuitous> Siddown, dopey.
<Daedalus> ok, closing time... you don't have
to go home, but you can't stay here
<blockbush> good one
<Weezil> well, good one is a wonderful thing
<Boot_Boosht> lol
<Cayobo> actually...
<TreeHugger> ass whoopiin
<lipreader> Bart, I would use the Hindenberg
disaster account to describe this mess
<axess68> Bush has to get the LAST WORD
<Weezil> actually is bars vertical
<axess68> LOL
<w3ski> rude bitch bush
<factor> Good question..
<hallucinex> free iraq so we can have a milatary
base of op's to invade iran
<lipreader> "oh the humanity"
<Carbon> blink, blink. blink
<Tweez> you're welcome
<ladylarkin1> what was that
<editorial> hmm... that is always cool, ladylarkin1
<Keglined> Good opening
<onehandle> blink
<Zomar> Chimp did better, but still is unarmed
in a battle of wits.
<NeonLX> The repukes get the last word AGAIN?
<Tweez> no you don't
<jay2^> we have a winner
<Volt> Drop by here to get a list of sites
with debate polls (Link: http://atrios.blogspot.com/)http://atrios.blogspot.com/
<russian33> yes, but will you respect him
<Sano> look at smirky licking his lips while
he doodles in red Crayola again
<Tweez> Thank you!
<Carbon> Chi-na-co?
<YellerDawg> SLAM THOSE POLLS!!!
<Keglined> "We both have strong convictions"
Even Rove is blown away by that subtlety
<RealDCC> Innoculating himself from other
charges ...
<RealDCC> good tactic
<onehandle> smirk sure likes his coloring
<Cayobo> get it real, John
<Tweez> Thank you!
<w3ski> we have a tie or a loss no other way
<n_8> "Slush fund for Halliburton" should
have been said months ago
<drbomb> IS it a BLOOD RED CRAYOLA?
<Tweez> Thank you!
<gratuitous> Lower jaw working again.
Mt. Bush is getting ready to blow.
<NeonLX> Shit. Three times in a row the repukes
get the final word.
<Tweez> YES
<gratuitous> Or getting ready to do some blow.
<Zomar> He's coloring in the blood on his
"pichur of Keri"
<BinkyBoy> tie?
<axess68> CHINACO = VILE.. badly needs a chaser!
<RealDCC> n_8, so right!
<BinkyBoy> how can you think this is a tie?
* lipreader buys the room a shot of Chinaco in
honor of President John Kerry!
<drbomb> Poll time! Yeah!
<sal002> NeonLX: They are the incumbents..that
is why?
<onehandle> yep. poll time. look at
links in the forum
<Sano> He keeps licking his lips as if he's
just snorted an 8 ball......<--Blinky
<Cayobo> I wore a tie
<RealDCC> No mention about actual numbers of
trained Iraqis.
<russian33> what tie? he slapped bush
around all night
<NeonLX> It's supposed to be "random".
<lipreader> Kerry has a BIG HAND
<azul> blinking I got it it was Visine to
clear the red from the ... coke?
<Sagitta12> whew, pres. the rest of the world
trusts good one
<gratuitous> Split screen has Kerry's hand
smacking Chimpy in the head.
<n_8> Thanks RealDCC
* drbomb offers copies of Firefox around the
<jay2^> slapping him on cspan
<Lenny> Who won this debate? I missed the first
hour or so???
<Sano> I'd like to see that hand reach back
and slap a big ole purple knot on Smirky's face
<Sagitta12> can't see chimpy's face
<factor> Bush had bad answer over the past
4 years... so far Kerry has all good ones.
<Jambo> BEst Page of POLL LINKS >>> (Click
<RealDCC> Lenny, mercy rules say it was over
60 minutes ago.
<Jae> Kerry won!
<Jambo> get ready eh
<nmp2000> I like the C-SPAN view with Kerrys
hand bitchslapping Bush on the dual screen
<Tweez> But NCLB was MY PROGRAM!
<neoconstipated> how will the whore's on the
alphabet networks react?
<Cayobo> teachers need to make more mony they
sports "heros"
<Volt> Here comes the FEAR!
<Carbon> I see that Chimpy hid his comm receiver
in his codpiece this time
<lipreader> Kerry is President!
<Sagitta12> he gonna attack kerry
<axess68> Clap Clap Clap!
<drbomb> Kerry ruled! Chimpy drooled!
<Atsix> Polls haved opened in Afghanistan
<Tweez> LIAR
<RealDCC> Been enjoyable?
<azul> enjoyable?
<Bill> It's been enjoyable?
<Phelix> Hit
These Polls after Tonight's Debate (Link:
<lipreader> Bush is a fucktard!
<gratuitous> "It's been enjoyable."
One last lie.
<russian33> wow, the woman in the back of
him is disgusted...haha, on cspan2
<Keglined> Bush is so FUCKING STUPID
<onehandle> here comes the bull
<lipreader> Bush?
<Weezil> Bush is the anti-Christ sent from
hell's deepest pits to inflict his evil on a sleepy, unsuspecting world
or hiding a 666 tattoo on his scalp
<drbomb> Uhh...the great contest...
<editorial> I guess Bush is history, lipreader
<factor> heh
<Sagitta12> now they show Kerry's face but
didn't Bush's
<Tweez> LIAR
<HoustonGirl> Re-pukeworthy
<Volt> Like a mugging is enjoyable.
<axess68> Who can lead? Who Can get things
<Cornbread> "who can get things done"
<Tweez> LIAR
<lipreader> Bush is a fucktard!
<w3ski> who can lead AND who will go to prison
<onehandle> idiot
<Claypatch> My gawd, he cannot speak in clear
and complete sentences
<nmp2000> why haven't you done anything in
4 years asshole
<Tweez> LIAR
<lipreader> bush?
*** Signoff: calgal_ (Ping timeout)
<Weezil> bush is the anti-Christ sent from
hell's deepest pits to inflict his evil on a sleepy, unsuspecting world
or hiding a 666 tattoo on his scalp
<Zomar> And it will be good to be rid of you,
<HoustonGirl> teh audience looked sad and
<editorial> Somebody said bush is done, lipreader
<Bill> "Thank you Kerry, I love getting torn
a new one."
<RealDCC> My ass got fried and it was ENJOYABLE?
Fuck. He IS unconnected with reality!
<Tweez> LIAR
<lipreader> err
<RealDCC> On the move?
<monkeyfister> cue Battle Hymn of the Confederacy
<Sagitta12> oh the economy is sooo good, tell
that to the 1.3 million now in poverty
<BinkyBoy> farm i ncome is high because prices
are high
<Carbon> Bush = Fucknozzle
<n_8> Death Tax? Will he say it?
<Tweez> LIAR
<Cayobo> an edujamcated eletorate is a threat
to the neo-cons
<Tweez> LIAR
<Anniesmomjill> LET THE EAGLE SOAR!!!
<Cornbread> he's moving!
<ladylarkin1> day job is title searching
<blockbush> this he practiced
<Sagitta12> lol Bill
<Boot_Boosht> they should have made these
debates more fair! they should have banned 3 syllable words so bush could
have had a chance
<BinkyBoy> income <> farm profit
<lipreader> lol!
<TreeHugger> yell w
<ladylarkin1> homeownership all time high?
<Bill> He said he doesn't watch the news or
read newspapers.
<gratuitous> THE EAGLE IS SORE!
<Tweez> LIAR
<Fud-> i guess he enjoys shitting his pants
is what he meant
*** Gman has left #bartcop
<Sagitta12> they didn't split the screen when
kerry was talking
<solarize> 1.9 million jobs, but how many
were lost?
<axess68> Keep this economy goin'..... straight
into the toilet
<ladylarkin1> im out of wiork
<drbomb> LIES!!! You're a fucking liar, Chimp!
<onehandle> enorn
<lipreader> don't increase the scope of the
federal government?????!~
<Carbon> Multilayered cake reform
<onehandle> enron
<RealDCC> Yeah, that's right. Right down
the toilet towards a Mexico like economy.
<Zomar> Keep the economy going?? on two cylinders
and three flat tires??
<ladylarkin1> also foreclosure are up
<Keglined> WHAT?
<Volt> Drop by here to get a list of sites
with debate polls (Link: http://atrios.blogspot.com/)http://atrios.blogspot.com/
<Throgg> someone jumping off the top of the
empire state building is on the move
<Tweez> home ownership is at an all time high
<factor> dont increase govt. he just created
the homland security buracracy.
<blockbush> god damn i'm so sick of his voice
and lies
<axess68> Now he's talking about BROADS???
<Claypatch> why is that woman sucking her
<Daedalus> "I'm gonna go ahead and spew BS
for the next 2 minutes"
<lipreader> We're at war with YOU W
<Cayobo> Saudi energy?
<NeonLX> Problem is, people will believe this
<Carbon> Broads...chicks and skirts
<Daedalus> 9/11
<drbomb> Pack your shit, Chimp. Yer goin'
<Bill> We're at war cuz of you, fucker.
<Jae> we're at war, and i LIKE it
<Keglined> Iraq is not a foreign source of
energy? Saudi Arabia?
<axess68> Dames
<Sagitta12> ^5 lippy
<w3ski> did he say he is a broad ?
<nmp2000> Thats why I think you should vote
for Joh Kerry
<lipreader> YOU are going DO
<lipreader> Wn
<onehandle> 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11
<Keglined> ROFLAMO
<solarize> we're at war forever...
<Sagitta12> Re-Defeat Bush
<Carbon> hard work
<Weezil> well, hard work is definitely it!
<monkeyfister> 9/11... 2x.. drink, drink
<Daedalus> hunnel al-kayda
<onehandle> 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11
<Keglined> I don't think people will fall
for it
<Cayobo> what about the Saudis?
<BinkyBoy> it does not say that
<onehandle> terra terra terra terra terra
<Anniesmomjill> Bart?
<blockbush> hunnanaman kieda
<gratuitous> Kerry looks like he's thinking
about the band for the inaugural
<RealDCC> What did you asy about Osama?
You said "I don't think about him much."
<Weezil> rumour has it Bart is offering his
services to Kerry on his latest page
<OldHag> another drink
<Tweez> Atrios is overloaded right now
<editorial> Rumor has it Bart is offering
his services to Kerry on his latest page, Anniesmomjill
<nmp2000> hater
<axess68> The great NEXUSSSSSS
<Bill> He invents a war then expects to get
elected cuz of it?
<Volt> Drop by here to get a list of sites
with debate polls (Link: http://atrios.blogspot.com/)http://atrios.blogspot.com/
<jay2^> little Napoleon
<onehandle> terra terra terra terra terra
terra terra
<Zomar> Ahl Kida! Ahl Kida!
<NeonLX> Haters.
<Cayobo> haters
<Anniesmomjill> whaddyta think?
<FauxPasIII> hatas
<factor> do not give Bush WMD's
<Albireo> Haha
<Atsix> nexus?
<Sagitta12> haters like Bush have WMD
<Boot_Boosht> Faith
<Claypatch> haters
<Carbon> Dubya of Mass Destruction
<OldHag> work to be done
* lipreader sets house ablaze
<Throgg> so damn stupid
<Albireo> Don't be hatin on us!
<Bill> HE'S STILL ON WMDs!!!
<Cayobo> LOL
<Sano> why is he smiling whilst talking about
<blockbush> promote freedom
<Claypatch> haters and nexus
<Keglined> "Haters." That was Bush's
appeal to the black voter
<TreeHugger> NEXUS
<RealDCC> Freedom is on the march?
<onehandle> libertee libertee libertee libertee
<Boot_Boosht> we hab faith
<Carbon> More empty buzzwords
<OldHag> terrorists with wmd
<Sagitta12> freedom is on the march out the
window in US
<Azrhey> ok peoples, going hom...tty in 90mins
<onehandle> liar
<ntropyman> no doubt,
clear win for kerry
<drbomb> Fuck you Bush! Tell your old man
<marty> David Cross is on Bill Maher tonight
<Carbon> Koresh Bless
<OldHag> they hate us
<Bill> There were no WMDs in Iraq you fucking
<Volt> When do we get that?
<lipreader> God Bless?
<blockbush> god bless
<gratuitous> Freedom is on the march!
It's marching the hell out of the U.S.
<Daedalus> bart, you still there?
<Atsix> "God Bless"
<w3ski> free smoke for all !
<Throgg> and Iraqi...?
<Zomar> Gobbless.
<OldHag> faith in liberty
<factor> ok is it itme to run to the online
<Boot_Boosht> Iraqi will bee habbing frree
<TreeHugger> FREE
<Volt> Drop by here to get a list of sites
with debate polls (Link: http://atrios.blogspot.com/)http://atrios.blogspot.com/
<OldHag> freedom is on the march
<solarize> freedom is what causes all these
attacks, so should we get rid of freedom?
<lipreader> Red Skelton, ladies and germs!
<NeonLX> That wasn't quite the ass kicking
I hoped for.
<Volt> Drop by here to get a list of sites
with debate polls (Link: http://atrios.blogspot.com/)http://atrios.blogspot.com/
<Jae> off to da polls
<YellerDawg> We'll free those Iraqis if we
<sal002> what are the talking heads saying?
* drbomb fires up the bonnnnnnnng!
<n_8> Direcotr missed the hand shake
<russian33> on MSNBC Kerry is at 72% to bush's
<axess68> LOL! They got in front of the teleprompter!
<nmp2000> Bush has been bitchslapped again
<Tweez> CBS-the liberal media
<Cayobo> I am my own favorate God, thank you
very much
* drbomb tweaks...
<lipreader> drbomb, please passy passy!
<w3ski> adios
<neoconstipated> bush is the awful plague
of mankind, the incarnate of all religious evil
<RealDCC> NeonLX
<Fud-> why didn't he kick him in the balls
on stage instead of shaking his hand?
<lipreader> wooooooooooooo hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooooooooooo
<axess68> Smile lady!
<whoowhoo> Charley just got stomped
<gratuitous> "Wanna go knock back a couple
of cold ones?"
<YellerDawg> sic 'im Bart
<Zomar> No, they reworked little chimpy.
Chimpy Version 2.1
<axess68> Yer PERTY!
<lipreader> yeah baby!
<RealDCC> How bad did the beating have to
<Tweez> Now, The Spin
<Sagitta12> ready for the blather?
<Cayobo> yes I am
* drbomb passes the (cough) bong...