Kerry definitely won the first debate. It'll be a miracle if Bush shows for the next two. You can almost bet they'll pull the bail-out handle because of some lame excuse. If they don't, they'll find some way to fix the next two for Smirk. If he blows the next two debates, don't be surprised if bin-Laden is 'captured'.
Because of the fucked up debate format, Kerry was using a popgun - and Bush folded like a cheap lawn chair. If Kerry would've been able to ask direct questions and have direct rebuttal, Bush would've had a nervous breakdown. There's no way he could handle it. There is no way Bush could stand up to anyone to negotiate peace, security, and cooperation. He presented no defendable reason why we hit Iraq - repeating that lame message over and over again even though Kerry cited the 9/11 commission findings Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11. No wonder Bush gives millions of people further reason to hate us - and fear us. He has the capability to launch a nuclear strike on anyone!
We need someone tough to negotiate our asses out of this mess - not a pussy daddy's boy. We need truly democratic [Zell Miller, Joe Lieberman, and other real flip-floppers not included] and wise leadership at all levels of government, or we will cease to exist as a nation. Why? Because we are at our most divided and our leadership is the weakest in history! We do not need a bunch of yes-men saying 'Good Job Mr. President'. We need big-picture people. Right now.
Anybody who thinks Bush won it either didn't see the debate and is relying on corporate media or right wing friends to tell them about it, or they actually saw it and are lying their fucking asses off for Bush. Either because they are as stupid as Smirk, influenced by a family member, delusional, scared, or think Bush is a truly God inspired patriot..
The above examples are no excuse. If anyone thinks Bush is capable of handling the presidency better than Kerry - they are a damned traitor. Why? Because they simply do not care enough about this country to make the sacrifices needed to get us back on track. One of those sacrifices is admitting they have followed the wrong leader for four years - a leader who does not believe in doing the right thing. Just doing things out of greed, wrath and sloth.
Another sacrifice is making the time available to fully research and evaluate everything the Bush Administration has stood for. To find out what he has has done to harm our world reputation, quality of life, and security. If Bush supporters would only get off their asses and look around themselves - they would find out who the real flip-flopper is. They would honestly find George W. Bush not fit to be our leader and vote accordingly.
Can America be saved? Yes. Think for yourself. Do the research.Vote for your Life. Make the right choice.
After last night's debate, the choice should be clear. If it isn't, you are a traitor.
Matt H
Hey Bart,
I don't think Sen. Kerry left asswipe off the
I just watched the debates, and Kerry just tore
bush a new ass.
And the chimp was looking his usual self, fucked
I think Kerry drew bush in, and then just screwed
him over.
And they had interviews later, with both parties,
and Rove
looked like he just went thru a wind tunnel.
I think Roves now
knows that he is backing a loser... Just my thoughts...
Thank you
Hey Bart!
Did you notice that when Kerry accused Bush of
fighting the wrong war,
Bush confused Osama and Saddam AGAIN?
Maybe he just can't distinguish between the two.
I think we finally have a fighter on our side!
Keep up the good work, I check in every day.
Nancy, you're the best!
I'll never forget DC.
Joe Conason - What Kerry needs to tell us:
Not only did Bush threaten a veto, but
every republican senator voted against the
$87B before they voted for it.
The first vote contain the amendment to roll back taxes for the rich. This Kerry and the democrats voted for.
every Republican put giving tax cuts to their rich friend infront of funding our troops for the war.
Randall P