Back in the 50's
Carol Burnett made her name as a nightclub
performer with
a song called "I Made a Fool of Myself Over John
Foster Dulles."
If the Al Gore campaign had a theme song for the
past week it
might well be "I Made a Fool of Myself Over Elián González."
But even Mr.
Gore's craven act of political child abuse may not match the
marathon foolishness
of George W. Bush's self-immolating grudge match
with the gay
Log Cabin Republicans.
"It's really
comical, if not farcical, it's so ridiculous," says Robert Stears, the
chairman of
Log Cabin's board. It's not clear, though, that it'll end happily.
While the cold
war being re-fought by proxy in Miami is increasingly
ancient history
as far as most Americans are concerned, Mr. Bush has
stumbled into
a lingering culture war that, while waning in much of the
country, could
well rage in the Republican Party through the convention
and Election
This particular
battle in that war began in November when Tim Russert,
mindful of Bob
Dole's mean-spirited rejection of a Log Cabin donation
during the '96
campaign, asked Mr. Bush on "Meet the Press" if he'd meet
with the gay
group, and the governor replied "probably not," saying it might
be a "huge political,
you know, nightmare for people." A few weeks later,
when the question
failed to go away, the Bush campaign rebuffed Log
Cabin again,
explaining that its candidate "didn't see the point" of meeting
with groups
"he disagrees with." But then Mr. Bush appeared at Bob Jones
University --
and justified that meeting by saying "it is important" to bring
his message
"to people . . . I don't agree with."
So if it's right
to meet with racists and anti-Catholic bigots with whom he
disagrees, why
is it wrong to meet with gay Republicans? To answer that
question, Mr.
Bush and his emissaries have floated a series of other
variously saying that the governor's initial statement on "Meet
the Press" was
"misinterpreted" and that his real beef against Log Cabin
was that it
had made a "commitment" to John McCain. In truth Log Cabin
had made no
such commitment at the time of the Russert interview -- it
only raised
money for the McCain campaign after being spurned by Mr.
Bush -- but
even if it had, does that mean Mr. Bush won't meet with
McCain supporters either? Somehow I doubt it.
At one point,
on the eve of Super Tuesday in March, Mr. Bush even told
The San Francisco
Chronicle "yes, I would consider meeting with them" --
a statement
widely publicized in other news media as a change of heart,
though once
the primaries had safely passed it was never acted upon. Next
up is a some-of-my-best-sycophants-are-gay
gambit: A covey of Bush
among them some dissident Log Cabin members, is being
rounded up for
a meeting in Austin next week.
But this strategy,
reminiscent of Mr. Bush's recruitment of fringe veteran
activists to
attack Mr. McCain during the South Carolina primary, is
backfiring already,
by opening up another rowdy front in the internal
G.O.P. war over
homosexuality: a noisy civil war among gay Republicans
Mr. Stears draws the line clearly by saying that any Log Cabin
meeting minus
its leadership is "a sham" and speculates that the gay
who turn up in Austin would be seeking jobs in a Bush
and "a pat on the head." On Wednesday David Hanson, the
head of Log
Cabin California, wrote a letter to Mr. Bush spurning the
meeting as "an
effort to end the media story concerning Log Cabin
rather than a serious attempt to "deal forthrightly" with gay
civil rights
Who are these
nightmarish Log Cabin leaders who instill such fear in the
heart of George
W. Bush? You'd think from all the noise they must be a
G.O.P. auxiliary
of Queer Nation. As it happens, Mr. Stears is the
owner of a lobbying business in New Jersey, and Mr. Hanson
is a 62-year-old
retired pharmacist who's voted Republican "since the
second term
of Dwight Eisenhower." Richard Tafel, the executive director
of Log Cabin,
is an American Baptist minister who spent six years under
the tutelage
of the Harvard Divinity School eminence Peter Gomes, who
preached the
National Cathedral sermon for George Bush Sr. at his
inaugural. We're
not talking Rupert Everett here.
In his six years
as Texas governor, George W. Bush has never met with
the leaders
of Texas Log Cabin either. Whatever fear is driving this
aversion, it
wasn't shared by his father, who invited a Log Cabin leader to
a 1990 White
House signing of the Hate Crimes Statistics Act. And as the
Dole campaign's
contortions over Log Cabin became a metaphor for its
mishaps in '96,
George W. Bush's nonstop battle with his own party's major
gay organization
makes a self-styled "compassionate conservative" and
"uniter not
a divider" increasingly look like a hypocrite.
What the growing
tiff with Log Cabin also reveals is just how out of touch
Mr. Bush is
with mainstream America in the new century. The governor is
fond of citing
Ronald Reagan's visit to Bob Jones as a precedent for his
own, and in
1980, it's true, no one looked askance at the Reagan visit -- just
as there would
have been widespread shock if Mr. Reagan had met with
Log Cabin (which
dates back to 1978). But we're not in 1980 anymore. In
2000, the Bob
Jones visit was the shocker for most Americans; a gracious
Log Cabin meeting
would have been a routine one-paragraph news item
(as Mr. McCain's
meeting with the group was).
Mr. Bush seems
clueless about how fast American attitudes about
are evolving. Fresh Newsweek polling last month shows
that more than
three-quarters of the country thinks gay Americans deserve
job and housing
protection against discrimination. The magazine also
reported that
a majority believes that gay spouses deserve some legal
benefits of
marriage (such as health insurance) and that, for the first time,
fewer than half
of Americans label homosexuality a sin. While homophobia
is hardly extinct,
voters tend to punish politicians who stoke it. Anyone who
thinks the murder
of Matthew Shepard in Wyoming wasn't a contributing
factor to the
surprise downfall of religious-right Republicans in the '98
election is
kidding himself.
Gay-baiters want
to believe that the culture has brainwashed Americans
into accepting
gay people -- whether in the form of TV's "Will & Grace" or
latest Best Picture, "American Beauty," in which the only
"normal" couple
is all-male. But this is another delusion. Exit polls in '96
show that 5
percent of voters identify themselves as gay, a figure roughly
equal to the
total number of Hispanics and approaching double the number
of Jews. As
more gay people are out, more Americans realize they have a
sibling, child
or parent who is gay, and that it's far from a "nightmare."
This is a huge
constituency, more crucial in a national election than any
homophobes the
Texas governor has pandered to in and beyond Carolina.
Mr. Bush doesn't
seem to have heard the news. And even were he to
declare a truce
with Log Cabin tomorrow and invite its entire membership
to the governor's
mansion for a rodeo, such a meeting would still amount to
empty symbolism
and fail to quiet debate about the real substance of the
issue -- his
actual record.
His positions
on gay civil rights range from nonexistent to fudged to hostile.
He opposes gay
adoptions. He has said that as "a symbolic gesture of
values" he would veto any attempt by the Texas legislature to
repeal medieval
statutes that criminalize gay people for practicing sex in
their own bedrooms.
As for job protection for gays, Cal Thomas reported
in his column
for The Los Angeles Times syndicate last fall that Mr. Bush
told a group
of Christian conservatives "he would not 'knowingly' appoint a
practicing homosexual
as an ambassador or department head, but neither
would he dismiss
anyone who was discovered to be a homosexual after
being named
to a position." Gee, how compassionate can you get?
So far in his
campaign Mr. Bush has been dogged by queries about
his drug history
and his knowledge of foreign leaders. These
questions seem
to have faded away. But the questions that began
five months
ago with Log Cabin aren't about to let up; they're going to
gather force
and specificity, and become impossible to dodge. Far from
concerning the
candidate's nose or even his brain, they get to the crux of
the very organ
he has made the selling point of his campaign -- his heart.