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Bruce Yurgil Toon-Off Semi-Finals Finale Round 7



 Vote for Moore Punch  or Boarding House Blues  or Knew Too Much  or Deep Smirk

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 See all of Bruce's work at 


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  This is the original Gangbusters.


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Your votes were counted - Winner of Round 39 is...

Your votes were counted - Winner of Round 40 is...

Your votes were counted - Winner of Round 41 is...

Your votes were counted - Winner of Round 42 is...

Your votes were counted - Winner of Semi-Finals Round 1 is...

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Your votes were counted - Winner of Semi-Finals Round 3 is...

Your votes were counted - Winner of Semi-Finals Round 4 is...

Your votes were counted - Winner of Semi-Finals Round 5 is...

Your votes were counted - Winner of Semi-Finals Round 6 is...

Your votes were counted - Winner of Semi-Finals Round 7 is...

Your votes were counted - Winner of Semi-Finals Round 8 is...


Your votes were counted - Winner of Semi-Finals Round 9 is...

Your votes were counted - Winner of Semi-Finals Round 10 is...

Your votes were counted - Winner of Semi-Finals Round 11 is...

Your votes were counted - Winner of Finals Round 1 is...

Your votes were counted - Winner of Finals Round 2 is...


Your votes were counted - Winner of Finals Round 3 is...
 It was the most votes ever received for a toon.

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