Church allowed abuse by priest for years
 Aware of his record, archdiocese still shuttled him from parish to parish

Church-sanctioned serial rapist John J. Geoghan

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 Since the mid-1990s, more than 130 people have come forward with horrific childhood
 tales about how former priest John J. Geoghan allegedly fondled or raped them during
 a three-decade spree through a half-dozen Greater Boston parishes.

 Almost always, his victims were grammar school boys.
 One was just 4 years old.

Again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again
and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again
and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again
and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again
and again and again and again and again the Catholic Church commits this most-horrific of crimes.

They KNOW  their priests are raping children "in the name of God," but they refuse to fix the problem.
Why do they keep this dirty secret, and again and again and again and again and again?

Twenty years from now, I'll be saying, "It's the year 2022 and the Catholics are STILL allowing these predator thugs to rape young boys and the church STILL refuses to do ANYTHING about it."

When one of them gets caught, they send him to a new parish where he can start fresh - with new victims.
It's the real world, sexual predators have to register with the local police department.
But in the world of Catholics, they just rape and rape and rape and rape and rape.

That's how Catholics DO things.
That wasn't even the reason I got out, but it's one reason I stay out.  has more dignity, accountability and credibility than the Catholic Church.

Reminder: I was never a victim, I'd say so if I was, but I can't stand the thought of the Catholic Church
WILLINGLY allowing this to continue, again and again and again and again and again and again and again.
Those poor kids are going to grow up funny because the Church doesn't care!

The archdiocese personnel who approve the transfers of these monsters should do hard fucking time.
That's the only way this will stop, but nobody has the balls to say anything to the Catholics Church.

As I've said a thousand times - religion is the problem.

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