Shooting Obama is fun
'Shoot' the black man holding
'Health Bill' and wearing presidential seal.
Hey, they should be
working on Rape Control, not shooting our president
Catholics: "Shoot the
Nigger President, win a prize."
The Secret Service is investigating
an amusement company's use of a target-shooting game
that challenged players to hit the heart and head of an image
resembling Obama.
Irvin Good Jr., president of Lynch Amusements, said Wednesday he didn't
imean to offend anyone
by offering "Alien Attack" at the Our Lady of Mount Carmel fair in
Roseto. But the game sparked a complaint.
"I guess we made an error in
judgment, and we apologize for that," said Good, who ran the game
"I voted for the man. It wasn't meant to be him. If they took it that
way, we apologize."
wasn't meant to be Obama?"
A Black "alien" man holding a Health Care bill and
the Presidential Seal?
Lying sons of bitches...
They want him dead so bad they can f-ing taste it.
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