Chicago Pokerfest - July 16, 2005


 Note: We want someone to "call" the big poker game for BCR.
 Got a good voice?
 Know anything about poker?

 Days Inn Lincoln Park North

 4 PM Saturday, July 16th with a party on a tall roof Friday night.

 If you want in, PayPal or snail mail $104 to
 That will pay for two $50 tournaments, which last about 2 hours each, with $4 going to PayPal.
 If you snail mail, just send $100 but do it right away.

 Also, we're adding $20 per person to help with the cost of the room, so for $124,
 you will be in two tourneys, but surely more games will occur.

 For the first time, we'll try to accomodate non-players, if you chip in $20 for the room.
 This is bring your own beer, wine, booze, whatever - (must be 21 to drink). We will have
 ice, cokes, 7-Up etc, but not fringe mixers like Cranberry Juice, milk or tonic water.

 We have the room all evening, so the party will start at 4 with the first deal.

 Where to stay
 The Days Inn Lincoln Park is sold out  BUT
 we have some rooms reserved with a password.

 We work out further details (by popular vote) at the game.
 Maybe we'll do $25 tourney's instead of $50s, it's up to the players.

 If you plan on coming, don't wait.
 If you have to snail mail - do it today.
 Once we fill the tables, more players just isn't an option.

 If you want in, PayPal or snail mail $104 to

 No money will change hands at the Fest.
 Winners will be paid the following week or two.

Who's coming so far?

Chicago Jim, our host
Richard R from St Louis
Corey the LRB from MN
The Hollywood Liberal
Disasterman (local) and
Mrs Disasterman,
Deb from LA,
Roland from LA,
BIG Tom from Pontiac, MI,
and Trevor the world traveler,
Bob from Chesterfield, IL
...and Bart

Victoria's coming all the way from
Carolina just to party with us!

...and Lance is coming from
Michigan just to party with us!

...and Sam Dent is coming to co-host :)

We have 5 locals,
3 from CA,
1 from Mo,
1 from MN
1 from MI
...and the Okie Rube.

C'mon, you locals - get with the program.
Remember, you can't just walk in and play.
We need to know who's coming to plan.

 Comments?  (Put 'Poker' in the subject box)

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