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Subject: I'm back from Iraq

Hello Bart,
>> Are you in Florida now?
>> Are you finished with Iraq?

Yes, I am in Florida taking some classes, trying to change careers. I would like to try something else
besides truck driving so I can actually live in a house or apartment. I came back from Iraq Dec '06.

>> What's your take on the war now?

It will bankrupt the U.S. and be a monkey on our backs for hundreds of years (not exaggerating). 
There is too much money tied up in it now and too many scams well underway for it to change 
anytime soon. Even while I was there, I was emailing Waxman to tip him off about rampant corruption 
among the contractors. But honestly, we are talking about multi-billion dollar corporations and I've 
come to the conclusion that they can't be touched. You hear about slight changes here and there in 
accountability, but when you are actually in Iraq everyone is just laughing as they hoarde the 
easiest money of their lives (me too).

>> What's your take on Obama vs Hillary?

I was pretty much set on Obama and went to see him speak in Oakland (right after I got back from Iraq).
Then I started noticing that all the Republicans were still totally focused on sliming and savaging Hillary
so I did a lot of thinking about it. A few months ago I switched over to supporting Hillary because she has
survived the ultimate tests in battle with the GOP.

Anyways, right now I am kind of depressed because so many progressive/liberal blogs 
are resorting to some of the most vile GOP-style attacks on Hillary. 

That is very true - and Koresh forbid you say, "I'm not sure Obama has the experience."
If someone says anything that inflammatory, the shriek is like a smoke alarm.

I have been called every name in the book and banned from sites (like Americablog) just for defending her. 
I honestly don't know what is happening. Yours is one of the few sites I can stomach any more. 

It would be nice if a Democrat could have an opinion without being punished for it.

You really tell it like it is regardless of where the chips fall.
Thanks so much for being a beacon out there.


I'm glad you made it back in one piece.

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