From Vol 148 - We'll Always Have Waco

Rush spent most of Friday (August 27) whining about Waco.
Typical Pigboy ambush with half-truths, omissions, lies and distortions.

He was whining about the Delta Force guys being there.
He kept asking, over and over,
"What did the Delta Force expect to learn?"

Hey, asshole!
Did you ever think they might be there to teach?
Those Delta Force boys aren't kidding around.

Goddamn, you're a stupid mother-effer, Rush.

He kept on and on and on and on about the horrible death the religious people suffered.
He said Koresh and his religious followers were "just like" the pilgrims and
the founding fathers of our country.

That's true.

The Mayflower was loaded with AK-47's and Kevlar-piercing bullets.

Hey, Pigboy!

Years ago, you admitted that Vern started the goddamn fire.
I heard you admit that myself.
So why are you lying about that now?

To hear Pigboy tell the tale, Vern and his innocents were in a circle praying when
Janet Reno's tanks suddenly kicked in the walls with flame-throwers.

Then the unconscionable bastard had this question:

How many kids died in Littleton?
How many kids died at Waco?
Twenty four?

Rush, you're an ignorant son-of-a-bitch, you know that?

Your ditto-monkeys in Colorado didn't give their victims 51 days
to leave the high school, you lying mother-effer.

Your ditto-monkeys in Colorado didn't watch helplessly
as the kids there CHOSE to fucking die, you ignorant prick!

Of course, Rush didn't bother to clarify that the cannisters were fired
at a different goddamn building 6 hours before Vern set fire to those kids.

No, in the more-God, less-education ditto-monkey universe,
facts will only confuse the sheep, so just give them half the story.

Rush knows the pro-Koresh, pro-McVeigh crowd is his bread and butter.
He looooooooooves to whip, whip, whip them into an anti-government frenzy.

Then, when they explode, like ditto-monkeys always do, Rush always says,
"How in the world can you blame me for this?"

Goddamn, ...I'd like to take him hunting sometime...

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