The former defense secretary seems to believe that any remark by Gore
that can be disputed or
nitpicked qualifies as a falsehood. Yet, if Cheney himself were held
to that standard, it is he who
would qualify as last week's most shameless prevaricator. When Sen.
Joe Lieberman jabbed him
lightly about the millions of dollars reaped by Cheney in the private
sector, the Republican bluntly
riposted, "I can tell you, Joe, that the government had absolutely
nothing to do with it."
That moment of macho posturing was more brazen and self-serving -- and
considerably less
defensible -- than any of the famous "fibs" attributed to Gore during
the current campaign.
How could this lifelong politician and federal bureaucrat pretend that
he hadn't profited from
his government service? Did he expect anyone to believe that without
his government résumé,
he would have been handpicked to run a major industrial corporation?
Wasn't Halliburton's
selection of Cheney a rather obvious clue to the corporation's dependence
on the government?
Yet reporters who have needled Gore for so many months over whether
he and his wife were
truly the models for "Love Story" have let Cheney's whopper slip by
almost unnoticed. Almost,
but not totally -- thanks mainly to Bloomberg News, which ran an excellent
story Friday disputing
Cheney's statement. John Rega, a reporter in Bloomberg's Washington
bureau, examined the very
lucrative relationship with the federal government enjoyed by Halliburton
Inc., the oil-services and
construction conglomerate where Cheney served as chairman and CEO for
the past five years
(and from which he has received nearly $39 million in salary and stock
What Rega's research showed is that Halliburton has been a prime beneficiary
of the U.S.
Export-Import Bank and the Overseas Private Investment Corp., both
important but
little-known federal agencies whose programs are sometimes impolitely
derided as
"corporate welfare." The Ex-Im Bank provides loans and loan guarantees
that help
American multinationals doing business abroad, while OPIC offers political
insurance for foreign investment projects by U.S. companies.
Most recently, Cheney sought $500 million in Ex-Im Bank loan guarantees
last winter
for an oil-recovery project in Russia. Overcoming initial objections
by the State Department,
his pleas ensured that the guarantees were approved in March. That
deal was only one of
several Halliburton investments that involved $1.8 billion in Ex-Im
Bank loans or loan guarantees.
Cheney no longer seems grateful for this taxpayer-financed success,
but three years ago he
practically groveled at the Ex-Im Bank's annual conference. His May
1997 speech to Ex-Im
Bank executives took unctuous note of Halliburton projects supported
by the agency in "Algeria,
Angola, Colombia, the Philippines, Russia, the Czech Republic, Thailand,
China, Turkey,
Turkmenistan, Kuwait, India, Kenya, the Congo, Brazil, Argentina, Trinidad
and Tobago,
Venezuela, Indonesia, Malaysia and Mexico" (in short, almost anywhere
that Halliburton
did business). It had all been made possible, he said, by blending
"private-sector resources
with the full faith and credit of the U.S. government."
Concepts such as loan guarantees and political insurance sound more
complicated than they
really are. The chief function of these federal programs is to reduce
the cost of borrowing for
corporations making investments in far-flung places where there might
be serious trouble.
In plain English, this means that corporations like Halliburton take
the profits while American
taxpayers take the risks.
Aside from the corporate welfare that girds many of its foreign investments,
Halliburton relies
heavily on Pentagon contracts. According to Bloomberg, the Defense
Department bestowed
contracts worth about $1.8 billion on Cheney's company between 1996
and 1999; and the
conglomerate's Brown and Root subsidiary was hired to provide "logistical
support" to U.S.
servicemen and women in the Balkans.
Left unmentioned in the Bloomberg article, but also significant, are
Brown and Root's contracts
with state and local governments for the construction of highways and
other infrastructure projects.
Nor should it be forgotten that many Halliburton deals are made with
foreign governments, including
such sterling entities as the dictatorship of Myanmar (formerly Burma),
where Cheney's former
associates built a gas pipeline a few years ago.
There is a touch of irony in Cheney's silly denial that he relied upon
the government during his
sojourn in the private sector. His success depended not only on support
from Washington but
on support from federal agencies overseen by the two men he now execrates
daily on the hustings,
President Clinton and Gore. Cheney and his running mate masquerade
as rugged individualists
when in fact they are nothing but crony capitalists whose achievements
and wealth would have
been impossible without political clout.
And that is also why Cheney's embellishment suggests a larger truth
about the corporate ideology
of the Republican ticket.