Assessing the
character of Presidential candidates is among the
most subjective
(and most often bungled) tasks that the political
press self-righteously
assigns itself every four years. In the case of
Al Gore, the
media’s collective failure has been virtually complete.
A mythology
of compulsive lying has been fabricated by sloppy
reporters at
such august institutions as The New York Times and
the Washington
Post, then embellished by parrot-like pundits everywhere.
Nearly all of
the examples of supposed prevarication by Mr.
Gore—from Love
Story to Love Canal—have been effectively
Still the slanders on Mr. Gore persist, thanks to the
Republican National
Committee and certain eager media accomplices,
whose fidelity
to facts is far less reliable than a Firestone tire.
The latest frenzy
involved two statements by Mr. Gore during his first debate with
George W. Bush
in Boston. The Vice President said that a Florida girl "has to
stand" in her
classroom because there weren’t enough desks for all the students.
The school principal,
a Republican, disputed this remark and the press dutifully
branded it as
another Gore "lie."
Actually, Mr.
Gore was simply repeating what the girl’s father—also a registered
had said in a letter he wrote to Mr. Gore, along with a Sept. 10
clipping from
a local newspaper that included a photograph of Kailey Ellis standing
during her science
Kailey eventually
did get a desk when a fellow student politely gave up his seat, so
Mr. Gore’s use
of the present tense was technically wrong. According to the
Sarasota Herald-Tribune,
however, he was essentially right about Kailey’s plight.
The newspaper
reported on Oct. 5 that scores of students have been left without
desks in terribly
overcrowded classes due to recent budget cutbacks. Even with the
ease of Internet
access, none of the brilliant analysts in the national political press
could be bothered
with a glance at the local daily to learn the truth.
Then there was
Mr. Gore’s assertion that he traveled to Texas in 1996 with James
Lee Witt, the
director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, to visit a
area. Not so, apparently; instead, the Vice President had made that
particular trip
with the agency’s deputy director, confusing it with one of the 18
other disaster
inspections on which he did accompany Mr. Witt over the past
several years.
That was hardly an intentional falsehood by any reasonable standard,
and yet the
media blew up the tiny blooper to discredit the Democratic nominee.
It does seem
strange that nearly every word spoken by Mr. Gore is pulled from
context and
parsed beyond recognition to prove his unworthiness, while Mr. Bush
rarely suffers
even nominal scrutiny of a murky corner of his background: his
military service
and his business career.
Back when he
was being compared with John McCain, Mr. Bush was asked about
his 1968 induction
into the Texas Air Guard at a time when he was vulnerable to the
Vietnam draft.
Despite testimony under oath indicating that he received special
as the son of a prominent Texas politician, both he and his father
denied any misuse
of Bush influence. There the matter has rested, except for a few
articles in
Newsweek and the Boston Globe. But research by Marty Heldt, an Iowa
farmer and former
railroad brakeman, and Robert A. Rogers, a retired pilot with 11
years service
in an Air National Guard unit, has unearthed disturbing new facts
about Mr. Bush’s
Air Force documents
unearthed by Mr. Heldt (and posted on
appear to show
that after receiving costly training to fly the F-102 jet fighter in
Texas, Mr. Bush
blew off the final two years of his sworn six-year commitment to
the Guard. He
cleared out of his Houston airbase and went to Alabama in 1972 to
work in a Republican
Senatorial campaign. Mr. Bush claims he returned to duty, but
there is no
evidence to support that contention. There are documents indicating that
he ignored two
orders to report for duty—and that he "failed to accomplish" the
annual physical
examination required by the Texas Air Guard, resulting in his
suspension from
flight status in August 1972. Somehow, though, Mr. Bush’s poor
attendance record
and suspension didn’t prevent him from being honorably
discharged months
before he had fulfilled his commitment.
The documents
provided to Mr. Heldt and Mr. Rogers under the Freedom of
Act are incomplete because of privacy restrictions. They don’t show,
for example,
whether a Flight Inquiry Board was convened to investigate Lieutenant
Bush’s suspension,
as would have been normal procedure, according to Mr. Rogers.
Is Mr. Bush telling
the truth when he says he "did the duty necessary" to his
country? Maybe
some of Mr. Gore’s tiresome tormentors should try to find out.