In order of when it arrived:
 Dennis C   $100 JHS Fundraiser
 Nancy M  $  50 Here is my JulieFest contribution. If the Juliefest doesn't go through
                          I don't want my money back, send it directly to Julie.
                          (Nancy, you're going to meet Julie Hiatt Steele)
 David  C   $  50 for JulieFest. Hope this works out
                      (This is going to work)
 Atrios       $   50, who says he probably can't attend, but wanted to help.
 Larry  W  $   50  JulieFest2002 (from California)
 Darlene C $   50
 Debra R   $   50 (also from California)
 Robert De $  50  If the "Juliefest" doesn't work out, don't return the money.
                           Maybe you could forward it to her.
                           Standing up to Ken Starr is worth more than $50
                       (Robert, you're damn right it is - thanks)
 Shawn D  $ 50 Bart: You can definitely count me in on the financial end of this venture.
                         I would be willing to help in any way possible---so far, there hasn't been
                         anything listed I have the skills for, but if you need grunt labor done,
                         I'm your man. If this falls through, please send this money to Julie-
                         --I don't want it back.
                         (Nothing is falling through. This will happen)
Sub-total $500
Humberto C  $ 50  pre-payment for Juliefest2002
Russell K      $ 50 Since I seem to be a beneficiary of the tax reduction...
                             If this can be useful for JulieFest, great. If not, use it for the site. Thanks!
Patrick S      $ 50 I seriously doubt I'll be able to attend (I've already sworn to my girlfriend that my meager
                            savings will be spent on new floors), but I want to make sure that this event DOES take place.
                           And, if I am somehow able to attend, I want to make sure I have a spot ;)
                      (Patrick, you got it)
William C     $ 25 Bart, I can't make it, but please make sure Julie gets the money for the tooth. MC
                            (William, thanks for that. Maybe we can have her tooth fixed early
                              so she doesn't have to meet and greet people in pain - thanks! )
Robert D      $ 50 Juliestock - Yo BC- I'm there dude. It'll be almost as much fun as the day
                            we make the bastards pay for what they did!
Robert R      $ 50 Who sent check #1040 as a dig at the I.R.S.
Maria C       $100 Juliefest
Norma C      $ 50 Please add my $50 for Julie to appear in DeeCee. Sounds like a helluva evening.
                            Wish I could be there. If this doesn't come through, please put the $$$$$ to good use
Ernie D        $100 This is two $50 payments for me (Ernie D) and my friend Chris M who will be
                            attending JulieFest2002 on April 27th

Sub-Total $1025
Matthew A   $ 50 This isn't a contribution as much as it is a payment for the huuuuge debt that we all
                            owe to Julie. That and Julie is simply a CLASS ACT (and quite beautiful) We simply
                            CANNOT let the bastards continue to win or get away with what they did. I definitely
                            do NOT want this back - but I know that this event WILL happen. I wont be able to
                            be phycially there but I am with you.
Double M    $ 25 This contribution is sent in support of Julie H. Steele, a beautiful woman, and a true American hero.
                            I cannot attend JulieFest2002, but I'm sure it will be a wonderful event.
                            Best wishes to all who do attend, and especially to Julie.
BartCop      $100 already in her hands.
Mary Anne  $100 she deserves this.. whether i can show up or not.. - mary anne
Kai              $ 20  I sent Julie an "Andrew Jackson"
David B       $100 "Steele This!"
Andrew B    $ 50  Julie Hiatt Steele "Juliefest"
Vance E      $100  We hope to be there
Martin S      $  50  all the way from Colorado
Tina W  RI  $  50

Sub-Total $1670

Sport-MN    $100  Juliefest
Derek P      $   50
Shirley B     $   50  Bart: Your enthusiasm for Julie's courage and determination is infectious.
                            I surely hope this comes off and you deserve a lot of the credit.
                            This is money well spent. Thanks
                          (Don't thank me, thank you.  I always have a good day. Julie hasn't had one in a while)
Samuel D    $100  Hoping we can both make it- if not, it's still money well spent. Sam
Deb Hrn      $ 50  for Julie, whom I admire very much
                          (Deb, you are correct!)
Jill C            $ 10  I cannot attend, and I can't give more because my husband is a casualty of the Bush Recession
                             -- a skilled network engineer, laid off in January, and nary a nibble on his resume.
                            But I want to help. Please just throw this into the pot, and good luck with the event.
Jamie Y       $100 (Jamie has been a hueueueuge contributor to the page)

Sub-Total   $2130

Robert B     $  50 For or for JHS, your choice!
                          (My choice would be JHS)
Lori C         $100  a heavyweight K-Drag Demo (but she's thin)
Wendell D   $  50  Iowa
David G      $  25  Florida
William H    $  50
Eric K         $100 at
Eric K         $ 50  unter
Joan K        $ 50  bellsouth
McCook     $ 50  Tampa
Virginia R   $100 Alamo Town
Tamara R    $ 50 Dublin
Jerome S     $ 50 Schmendrick
Patrick S     $ 50  telocity
Anne Dogs  $ 50

Sub-Total  $2955

raincat100   $ 50  Seattle
Janet Y       $100 Arlington
Rob Cacci   $ 50  Hicksville
E Ventura   $100 Claymont
G Clark       $ 50 Keene NH
R Phillip s    $ 50  DC
P Turner     $200 who is stable
Patty O       $ 50  Conshohocken
C Badley    $ 50 + $50
W Pankow $ 50   is getting married

Sub-Total  $3755

Kathy R     $100 at (already sent to Julie)
Pat J          $100 in Mesa AZ (That's a long drive, Pat :)
Sally Mac  $  50  in snowy Denver (another long drive)
Tamo B     $  50  in snowy Minneapolis  (snowy people support Julie!)
Sue R        $  50  Harrisburg, PA
Rob F        $  60 Willow Spring, NC   It doesn't look like I'll be able to attend personally, but please
                         accept this donation anyway. Julie is a great reminder of what courage and dignity
                         looks like, and you keep proving that laughter is a great weapon to use against the Smirk.
                         My thanks to both you and Julie for helping me keep my sanity and sense of humor
                         during these somewhat bleak times.
Slaebo       $ 25 Julie Hiatt Steele - just for the hell of it

Sub-Total  $4190

John G       $ 50  Downers Grove IL
Gary R       $ 50  Union Planters bank
Fashions     $ 50  longtime  advertiser
Ann Philly  $500
Humberto2 $ 50 Take this extra $50 to help JHS
Karl E        $100 Hola Bart! Not even a Grand Jury subpoena could keep me away (Raleigh, NC).

Sub-Total  $4990

March 11
MadDog    $ 50  I want to help. Bart, I also sent Julie $50 because I can relate to her dental problems.
Mary C     $100  Royal Oak, MI - Julie's a true patriot and a hero. Her book will belong on
                           a shelf next to biographies of Susan B. Anthony and Rosa Parks.  (yes!)
Lee M       $ 50  from Princeton
Ken H       $ 50  "omostts"  I will probably not be able to attend, but here's my kick-in to support Julie's party.
                           Thank you for helping her out. And to Julie, my thanks for standing tall against all they
                           threw at you and yours. I admire your strength and enjoy your writings. Ken
John B      $ 25   Mauston, WI   WWII vet (salute)  Read you daily, send me ten stickers!  (in the mail)
Karen S $250  in GB. Michigan  "JHS"
Mike G  $500  in Benecia, CA "Juliefest2002!"

Sub-Total  $6015 (Catholic math took a torpedo)

See Contributor List Part 2  HERE

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