Dear BC,
Thank God for your web-site. Without people
like you, Ted Rall, Tom Tomorrow, etc.,
I would think I am the only one who feels as
if the country has gone to hell and no one else has noticed.
What happened to my democratic representatives,
for Pete's sake?!
Your commitment to speaking out has really energized
me. I am a Ph.D. student in Greek Philosophy
-- in the past, I've kept my nose in old books
and remained aloof from politics. But now I've had it.
I want to enter the fray. So from now on,
I'm going to take time out of each week to respond to
Ann Coulter's horrible columns. Someone
needs to expose her writing for what it is, and who
better than someone trained in the methods of
analytic philosophy.
My response to today's column is below.
9 Out of
10 Caribou Support Drilling
by Ann Coulter
Ed "The Truth Is Illegal" Markey responded
to Teamster support for ANWR by
dismissively sniffing, it was only "one
issue." Luckily, the Democrats have all
those other issues dear to the heart of
the average blue-collar worker: abortion on
demand, gay marriage and taxpayer-funded
crucifixes submerged in urine.
Comment from Bart:
With Barbara Olson having Hell to Pay, Ann Coulter lies
alone at the top of the dung heap.
Why can't the GOP see how much she's hurting them? She's
the poster girl for Nazi hate-with-a-vagina,
even using the death of her good friend Barbara Olson as a tool
with which to attack the Clintons.
She's certainly the most petty, divisive and hateful female in
the world of journalism.
We can only assume Scaife pays her extra for each wild-ass gratuitious
Remember, she was fired by Jonah Goldberg for being too much
of a harpy bitch,
and Jonah grew up with Luci the Bat for a mother!
Thanks for kicking me in the rear.
Best wishes,
Stanford, CA
David's answer:
I hadn't realized that rejecting drilling in ANWR
was equivalent to "sabotaging"
"the country's" energy policy. I haven't
read the administration's plans, but I am to
gather from Ms. Coulter that the policy *just
is* to drill in ANWR and nothing more.
Well, *that's* quite an energy policy.
I suppose Democrats are being narrow minded and
self-serving in rejecting
the President's vision. Clearly our country's
consensus is: whenever we
feel worried about oil supply or gas prices,
immediately open a wildlife
refuge or national park to drilling. Now
that's an energy policy for the
21st Century, and thank heavens our president
refuses "to nuance [sic]."
I also hadn't realized that, in releasing the
video "ANWR in the Winter",
Gale Norton was a "Republican telling the truth."
Are the oil companies
really going to drill only in winter and then
pack up by the time spring rolls around?
I didn't know Ms. Norton was a Republican politico.
Which congressional district does she represent?
And I must admit that demanding increased fuel
efficiency standards *really is* as
absurd as demanding that everyone drive in sardine
cans or that automobiles run on
grass or hot air. I mean, the only way
German, Swedish, or Japanese companies have
made more efficient cars is by completely abandoning
quality and size.
Thank God we don't have to drive those pieces
of crap.
I only have one quibble. I don't think the
country would have a
serious energy policy if caribou voted.
They're just dumb animals.
But thanks for enlightening me,
David J