Man am I pissed!
After watching the debate last night I was stunned by the flash poll results
on the perceived winner of the debate.  Either the American people have
collectively lost their minds or the news outlets were flash polling the RNC
Headquarters!  Virtually every news outlet reported a 3-2 majority win for
Bush.  Unbelievable!

Foreign Affairs
1. The questioner allowed Gore to go first and then allowed Bush to simply
agree with Gore's position on virtually every foreign policy action or
event.  How does one "win" a debate by agreeing with your opponent?
2. In the two areas where Bush did differ with Gore, Bush showed his
complete lack of understanding and sensitivity on foreign policy.
a. Bush suggested that the IMF loans to Russia went chiefly to "line the
pockets of [Russian Prime Minister] Chernomyrdin".  This is a lie, there is
NO EVIDENCE that Chernomyrdin ever took a dime of IMF monies.
b. Bush suggested that it was a mistake to send troops into foreign
countries where our national interests weren't at stake.  The funny thing
was that the countries he named (Somalia, Haiti and Rwanda) are the only
black countries where we sent troops.  Hardly suprising coming from someone
who purchased and sold a house with a "no niggers" clause in the deed.
Perhaps that clause will get added to our foreign policy under a Bush

Military Readiness
1. Bush said that the military is seriously under funded, over extended and
a. Gore correctly pointed out that we have BY FAR the strongest military in
the world and that Gore's budget plan would have more than double the
funding for military strengthening than does the Bush plan.
b. Bush asserted that the military was over extended and then allowed to
dodge the question as to where he thought it was that we had over extended
the military.
c. Bush derided what he calls "nation building" yet Gore gave several
examples where building infrastructure has been in our best interests from
the Marshall Plan to the Mexican Bailout.

Racial Profiling
1. Bush suggested that Texas had a tough hate crime law but Gore correctly
pointed out that a new, tougher hate Crime bill died in Committee from lack
of the Governor's support.  The Governor lied when he said that, despite the
lack of a hate crime law, the three Byrd murderers were going to be executed
by the state.  The truth is only two will die (and wasn't that a chilling
look into the Governor's character when Bush gleefully mentioned that the
three would die).
2. Bush clumsily tried to turn the discussion on racial profiling into one
of education.  That segue just didn't work.

Gay and Lesbian Relationships
1. Both men were against same sex marriage.  Bush said that gays and
lesbians should have no special rights while Gore allowed for some sort of
civil union between same sex partners.

Gun Control
1. Bush blamed 'hearts turned dark by the Internet' for the shootings at
Columbine.  His answer to stopping this for the future was to have 'faith
based' after school programs.  Gore countered by proposing licensing of new
gun purchases and eliminating cheap hand guns.

Health Insurance for Kids
1. Bush suggested that the problem was that young, healthy people were not
purchasing insurance.
a. The Bush plan is to allow these people to establish a tax deductible,
medical savings account.  the reason they don't purchase insurance is
because they either cannot afford insurance or because they don't think they
will get sick.  A medical savings account won't cure either of those ills.
b. Bush proposed a $2000 government rebate to help offset the purchase of
2. Gore suggested that we expand the successful CHIP program.
a. Gore correctly pointed out that Texas ranks 49th in the percentage of
children covered by insurance and 50th in family insurance coverage.  Bush
said he didn't believe that number.
b. The CHIP funds were authorized by Congress in 1997 but it took Texas
until the end of 1999 to pass state legislation to begin signing up Texas
children.  Bush blamed that on the Texas legislature only meeting for four
months out of the year.  Gore correctly pointed out that Bush had pushed
through EMERGENCY legislation  for an oil company tax break but did nothing
for the children of Texas.   A federal judge had to step in and force Texas
to begin signing up children for health insurance.
c. Bush countered that he truly did care about children.  Gore asked him
that, as a Governor who truly cares about children, wouldn't he WANT to move
his state from 49th in insurance coverage.

1. Bush suggested that we should do nothing about global warning because he
doesn't believe that we know the causes.
2. Gore correctly pointed out that Houston is now the smoggiest city in
3. Bush suggested that there be no liability for 'brown fields' (industrial
dumping grounds) and that companies were happy to clean them up.

Those are just SOME of the notes I took last night.  I don't see a SINGLE
ISSUE that could be considered a win for Bush.  How in the hell do you get a
poll to show Bush won this debate by a wide margin (or ANY margin for that

Since it is clear that the polling was rigged to favor Bush (he sure as hell
couldn't have won on the issues) I think we need to counteract the media
bias by attacking full force!  I wasn't for this a few days ago but, on
seeing this debacle in news reporting, I think the time has come.  The media
wants a controversy - let's give it to them.
First, Larry Flynt and his ilk need to come forward with whatever
information they have on Smirk BEFORE the next debate.  Let's learn about
the cocaine, going AWOL, the love child and everything else we can that
speaks to Smirks character.  This has to come out before the next debate and
not from legitimate Gore sources.  if the media wants to report bullshit
then let's give them some anti-Smirk bullshit to report.  AFTER the debate
Gore should start to hammer Smirk on the issues of abortion, gun control,
health insurance and tax breaks for the wealthy.  Gore should make sure that
every nook and cranny of the truth is exposed to the American public.
Let the surrogates hammer Bush on the character issue and have Gore
hammer on the issues.
It's time to take the gloves off......

Dennis Courtney

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