[15:27] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> he never checked or anything
[15:27] <Hanna> I think Bartcop would have posted an update if there
had been a change in the time of the redass debate.
[15:27] <Xajez> agreed.
[15:27] <Fudbbl> are you stupid or something do you think bart is
going to sit here all day waiting for a monkey to show up at the wrong
[15:27] <JoeBacon> hmm chicken gonna take his 11 secret herbs and
spices with him?
[15:28] <Buggerface> buck buckAWW
[15:28] <maheanuu_tane> He surely would have....
Think that you are like all the rest of the chicken hawks lots a hot
air at both ends, both smell of methane.....
[15:28] <^Phelix^> did I miss the show?
[15:28] <Buggerface> bart is our imam.
[15:28] <onebox> you'rer early, Phelix
[15:29] <Fudbbl> if bart comes in then the chan goes on moderated
so it's a one on one
[15:29] <Buggerface> i hope bart gets here soon.
[15:29] <Fudbbl> i could call him i guess
[15:30] <maheanuu_tane> Sorta sounds like a one on none jscraphammer
has to go tie a knot in shacks jock strap
[15:30] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> call him
[15:30] <rude^boyee> call em fud so the dewd can't escape
[15:31] <maheanuu_tane> craphammer, you a vet???
[15:32] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> I gotta run
[15:33] <maheanuu_tane> Don't let the door hit you in the ass on
the way out
[15:33] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> Maybe next week
[15:33] <PlayswithPotos> Later monkey
[15:33] <Syphora> And we will also tell him you are an idiot.
[15:33] <Fudbbl> shattup i'm calling him now
[15:33] <theoTrabajo> we'll tell him yer a whiner
[15:33] <mrbisco> why don't you make 10 statements you'd like him
to answer
[15:33] <bigbillhaywood> ditto monkeys...you gotta love 'em
[15:33] <maheanuu_tane> What you da man You order people around
like you own the effen place what a dog turd you are craphammer
[15:34] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> No brisco
[15:34] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> I want one on one
[15:34] <Buggerface> hey does anyone have a sound file of when bart
made g gordon liddy squeal like a piggy?
[15:34] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> Good night to you all
[15:34] <yoohoo> and he bravely tucked his tail and ran
[15:34] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> and bart knows where to find me
[15:34] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> anytime anywhere - except when I laker
[15:34] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> goodnight
[15:35] <mrbisco> hey, what's the point of ridiculing him
[15:35] <Fudbbl> bart is coming in a minute
[15:35] <onebox> so is there not going to be a debate now?
[15:35] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> one minute?
[15:35] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> no we will reschedule
[15:35] <Syphora> He will still leave you know, hes got that 'big
game' to go see and all.
[15:35] <bigbillhaywood> bart bart bart bart bart bart
[15:35] <maheanuu_tane> He is gonna run.... He doesn't have
time after all he has "tix"
[15:35] <yoohoo> stick around and give him your best shot JS
[15:35] <Buggerface> and i so wanted to see monkey-boy have his
ass handed to him.
[15:36] <Fudbbl> you gonna chicken out JSRUSHCOPHAMMER?
[15:36] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> bart is coward - not me
[15:36] <mrbisco> you should wait...the longer you wait, the less
traffic you will get
[15:36] <Fudbbl> you are the coward
[15:36] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> I have been here for too long
[15:36] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> no Bart is a coward
[15:36] <Fudbbl> now you are going to run away
[15:36] <yoohoo> sure after he eats you alive on his site for everyone
to see
[15:36] <maheanuu_tane> When you learn to tell time, you are welcome
[15:36] <bigbillhaywood> monkey boy is like all righties ...chickenshit
[15:36] <Fudbbl> haha what a pussy
[15:36] <BigTop> How is he a coward? He set the time, you wanted
to change it. Perhaps he was out having a life?
[15:36] <BigTop> A novel concept, I understand.
[15:36] ***bart arrives
[15:36] <onebox> uh oh
[15:36] <Buggerface> BART
[15:36] <yoohoo> you can't tell time moron or you can't read which
is JS
[15:37] <Buggerface> our imam has arrived
[15:37] <bigbillhaywood> BART
[15:37] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> I guess I can't get there a little late
[15:37] <bart> JS, the time to meet was 9 PM CST -
[15:37] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> answer your emails ever???
[15:37] <maheanuu_tane> He hasn't learned to tell time bart
[15:37] <onebox> this is it?
[15:37] <Buggerface> less talk, more monkey bashing.
[15:37] <RogueRooster> cue music
[15:38] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> So Bart - tell me why have disregarded
my emails?
[15:38] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> cold feet?
[15:38] <bart> which address did you use?
[15:38] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> no idea - the one on your website
[15:38] <bart> ha ha, yeah, I'm afraid of you
[15:39] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> so what the hell is the program here
[15:39] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> what kind of low budge slimeballs you have
working for you?
[15:39] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> they got me all riled up and ready
[15:40] <bart> trust me, you're not ready
[15:40] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> Did you see my email about having lakers
tix or not? Bart?
[15:40] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> answer the question - I am ready
[15:40] <bart> I haven't seen any mail from you
[15:40] <bart> OK, let the attack begin
[15:40] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> I can show them to anyone who wants to
see them
[15:40] <bart> I didnt' say you didn't send them
[15:40] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> thats lie number 1
[15:41] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> lets start this off
[15:41] <bart> go
[15:41] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> 1. Lets talk about your horrific and stupifying
[15:41] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> "Clinton never sent a soldier into battle
that lost his life" - you briefly brushed over this
in your stupid rant on your site
[15:41] <bart> OK, you want me to answer that?
[15:41] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> no - shut it for a second and let me give
you some context
[15:42] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> I mentioned Mogadishu. And your reply
was that is was Bush Sr.'s fault?
[15:42] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> Elaborate
[15:43] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> (that means your turn Bart)
[15:43] <bart> Clinton didn't send those men to Somalia, Bush did,
and he sent them without the armor they needed to protect them from AlQaeda
[15:43] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> HAHAHA - Let me ask you this - who is
Les Aspin?
[15:43] <bart> He was sec def
[15:43] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> for whom?
[15:43] <bart> Clinton, you nut
[15:44] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> so why did he say after this tradgedy
"The current administration should have ok'd the equipment requests"
[15:44] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> you just lost that point on to another
[15:44] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> time is ticking
[15:44] <bart> It's my understanding it would've taken a long time
to send the armor there. Why wasn't it sent with the men?
[15:45] <bart> Why didn't BUsh's CIA warn him that violent warlords
ran Somalia?
[15:45] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> do you know who was in charge of this
mission to somalia?
[15:45] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> The cia did warn clinton and clinton rat
fucked 18 young men
[15:45] <bart> that's real cute
[15:46] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> by not sending in the APC, the specter
[15:46] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> whats even funnier is that for all the
harping you do Bush for bypassing the UN
[15:46] <bart> Did you not understand the timing thing?
[15:46] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> It was the UN that got us into the somalia
mess in the first
[15:47] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> orchastrated by FRANCE in particular!
[15:47] <bart> No, Bush made the decision after Clinton kicked his
ass in 11/92
[15:47] <bart> The UN can't order Bush to do anything
[15:48] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> Could clinton have pulled out?
[15:48] <bart> How do you compare Somalia to Beirut, where Reagan's
idiocy "rat fucked" 240 marines?
[15:48] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> Could clinton and his administration stopped
asking our special operations to go risky tupid kidnap missions
[15:49] <bart> yes
[15:49] <bart> but we were there to deliver food and the bad guys kept stealing it, so they had to be handled
[15:49] <bart> tell me about Reagan and the 240, please
[15:49] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> bottom line is he caused the deaths of
18 men because they werent equipped to handle the missions asked of them
[15:50] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> dont change the subject rushcop
[15:50] <bart> we'll talk about Reagan next?
[15:50] <bart> ha ha
[15:50] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> you changing the subject
[15:50] <bart> why, you afraid to compare 18 to 240?
[15:50] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> is wrong - give me your thoughts
[15:51] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> I will rebute
[15:51] <bart> we can talk about the 18 first, but tell me we'll
get to the 240
[15:51] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> go ahead - change the subject
[15:51] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> just admit you lied when you said "Clinton
never lost a soldier in battle"
[15:51] <bart> you waste so much time accusing me of changing the
subject when all I need from you is a "yes" to conitnue
[15:52] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> admit you lied
[15:52] <bart> No, I said, "Clinton never sent a man into battle
who didn't come home" - words mean things
[15:52] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> you are a hypocrite
[15:52] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> i guess they came in a pine box, but they
came huh?
[15:52] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> oh - not they guys who were dragged bare
ass naked thru town and ripped to shreds
[15:52] <bart> I never said "no men died," I said Clinton didn't
send them
[15:53] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> back peddling
[15:53] <bart> if you change my words, I will correct you
[15:53] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> semantics
[15:53] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> doesn't change the fact that you are a
[15:53] <bart> words mean things, but you're afraid to admit it
[15:54] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> if this had happend on Bush's watch what
would your reaction be?
[15:54] <bart> No, we're doing the 18 vs 240 before we move on
[15:54] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> give me your hypothesis - before i tear
it shreds
[15:54] <bart> admit Reagan's personal fuck up killed twenty times
more marines than Somalia and we'll move on
[15:54] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> what was his mistake? please enlight me?
[15:55] <bart> the joint chiefs wanted the men on ships, where they'd
be safe, but RR thought it would "send a signal"
to have them on land, and a pickup truck killed 240
[15:55] <bart> you're soooooooooooooooooooo concerned about
the 18, but ignorant about the 240
[15:55] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> did he pack up the bags and ship everybody
out with their tail between their legs
[15:55] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> (like Clinton did?)
[15:56] <bart> your goddamn right he did - that sent the terrorists
the signal - then the bastard sold weapons to them
[15:56] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> I never said that Reagan was right or
wrong - I really never liked the guy
[15:56] <bart> ha ha - you can't defend him
[15:56] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> and I don't like guys like you
[15:57] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> that say things that arent true to back
up their bullshit political beliefs
[15:57] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> you are a fanatic - hence my name
[15:57] <bart> the real reason is you're so obsessed with Clinton
that you look past the guy who screwed up 20 times greater
[15:57] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> You are the bizarro world of Rush Limbaugh
[15:57] <bart> did you say you needed to be straightened out on the
USS Cole?
[15:57] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> sure
[15:58] <bart> It's a warship
[15:58] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> I asked a question
[15:58] <bart> I don't see a question...
[15:58] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> what would you have to say if it happened
under Bush's watch?
[15:58] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> (beleive me I would love to hammer Rush
limbaugh just like I am hammering you)
[15:58] <bart> ha ha, yeah, I'm all bloody
[15:58] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> USS COLE and Bush jr
[15:59] <bart> Bush isn't expected to personally baby every warship
in the fleet
[15:59] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> that is bullshit bart - you are such a
hypocrite - bizarro rush
[15:59] <bart> what's bullshit? say something besides the
[16:00] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> if it happened on Bush's watch you would
be all over him like flies on shit
[16:00] <bart> The Cole's captain let a bomb drive up next to his
ship in hostile waters - how is that BC's fault?
[16:00] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> Clinton gets the pass?
[16:00] <bart> answer my question, please
[16;00] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> how was beirut Reagan's fault? hypocrite
[16:00] <bart> Reagan overruled his military experts
[16:01] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> you were in on the phone call to his joint
[16:01] <bart> If Clinton ordered the Cole to that port over the
objections of the JC's, then he'd be responsible
[16:01] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> or is this something you read off of Jeanine
Garofolo's website?
[16:01] <bart> Garafolo wasn't around in 1983
[1601] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> I have a game to get to
[16:02] <bart> a game? we're 3 minutes into the assigned time and
you're quitting?
[16:02] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> no quiting
[16:02] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> switching the subject
[16:02] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> unless you want to keep talking about Clinton
[16:02] <bart> you're supposed to bring the attack to me
[16:03] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> Ok new header - Operation Iraqi Oil
[16:03] <bart> yeah...
[16:04] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> Why is that we sent all the troops half
way across the world for oil?
[16:04] <bart> because Bush is a greedy bastard
[16:04] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> when we could have knocked over a coupld
of fruit stands in south america for the same amount of supply?
[16:04] <bart> why do you think Cheney and Rummy gave up multi-million
dollar jobs to work 80-hour weeks for 1 percent of the money?
[16:04] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> venezula? why are we not in there?
[16:05] <bart> Bush backed the revolution there - but it failed.
[16:05] <bart> besides, Iraq has more oil - these bastards
think big
[16:05] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> colombia?
[16:05] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> we could have sent the marines into alaska?
[16:05] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> shit, Siberia has vast amounts of Oil
[16:06] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> that argument is retarded
[16:06] <bart> and your point is...?
[16:06] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> your full of the brown stuff
[16:06] <bart> why don't we debate like men, instead of third graders?
[16:06] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> read your moment of calrity today about
saddam not using his WMD
[16:07] <bart> he doesn't have any, apparently
[16:07] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> willing to make a side wager?
[16:07] <bart> the GOP keeps saying "we can't find WMD because Saddam
hid them"
[16:07] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> maybe his guys had second thoughts
[16:08] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> you know the guys with their tfingers
on the triggers
[16:08] <bart> the dead guys didn't want to screw some Americans
as they died? that makes no sense
[16:08] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> are you willing to put your money where
your mouth is?
[16:08] <bart> not if Bush is going to decide the answer
[16:08] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> oh, I get it - they will plant them there
[16:09] <bart> Bush will say Saddam had WMD no matter what
[16:09] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> i agree
[16:09] <bart> No, that's beyond the capability of the CIA... (sarcasm)
[16:09] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> i think it would be
[16:09] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> especially if we found barrels upon barrels
of the stuff
[16:09] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> which we will
[16:09] <bart> when?
[16:10] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> let me look in my crystal ball
[16:10] <bart> why didn't they use their WMD in the last few days?
[16:10] <bart> maybe because they don't have any? Bush decided on
9-11 that he would invade Iraq
[16:11] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> along with the whole 25th republican guard
division who completely they probably decided not to use them
[16:11] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> reason a: consequences
[16:11] <bart> the dying guys were worried about consequences?
[16:11] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> reason b: they realize hussien is outtie
[16:11] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> dying guys - whole divisions of RGs disappered
[16:12] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> my guess - they put down their guns and
went home - wisely
[16:12] <bart> If I was Saddam, I would've launched everything I
had, as deadly as possible, the second the first bombs hit Baghdad
[16:12] <bart> it's the only smart move a dying man can make
[16:12] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> saddam was going down - they realized it
- and put down the guns
[16:12] <bart> right, so why not take others with him?
[16:13] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> is that so far fetched?
[16:13] <bart> yes, it's nearly impossible
[16:13] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> you think saddam has some sort of red button
[16:13] <bart> you're saying Saddam had a conscience?
[16:13] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> no - you are misreading
[16:13] <bart> if he's got scuds and WMD, why didn'the use them?
[16:13] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> Saddam may have ordered the use of WMD,
but no one on his side obliged
[16:14] <bart> Oh, so his dying military had the conscience?
[16:14] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> explain the Atropin and thousands upon
thousands of gas masks found
[16:14] <bart> gas masks do not equal WMD
[16:14] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> atropine?
[16:14] <bart> what is atrophine? and did he buy it from Bush 41?
[16:15] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> it is a medication used to counter balance
the effects of nerve gas
[16:16] <bart> I admit that's semi-suspicious, but you're saying
it's a smoking gun?
[16:16] <bart> Hell, he may have had that left over from the Iran
war - who knows?
[16:16] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> there are several reports of our troops
finding all sorts of crap
[16:16] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> over there
[16:16] <bart> yes, but no WMD
[16:17] <bart> what's your bitch with bartcop radio?
[16:17] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> Bartcop radio - was that really you?
[16:17] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> You even sound like Rush...lol
[16:17] <bart> of course, you think I hired a guy with a bad voice?
[16:18] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> er er ah ahh oklahoma blah blah blah
[16:18] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> I feel sleep 4 minutes in
[16:18] <bart> that's your criticism?
[16:18] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> and awoke 6 minutes later to you blathering
about an unelected monkey
[16:19] <bart> yes, that would be one George Bush
[16:19] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> thought you could do better than that
[16:19] <bart> how long have you had narcolepsy?
[16:19] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> maybe you should just stick to putting
your lies in print
[16:19] <bart> I think you might have a problem with the truth
[16:19] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> although I would love to call in to your
[16:19]<bart> call the bartphone 918-493-1500
[16:20] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> I am not spending any money
[16:20] <bart> Yeah, it'll set you back 20 cents
[16:20] <bart> send me your street addy, I'll send you a shiny quarter
and you can keep the extra 5 cents
[16:20] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> I think i would vomit if one red cent of
mine went into your pocket
[16:20] <bart> can't keep food down and can't stay awake - I think
you're sick
[16:21] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> I also have one other thing to add...
[16:21] <bart> Oh, I can't wait
[16:21] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> well two things, actually
[16:21] <bart> I'm getting sleepy waiting for you to get to the
[16:21] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> I don't hate you nor rush, I view you both
as entertainment and thats all...y
[16:22] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> ou both turn twist and turn the truth,
you both are full of the brown stuff...
[16:22] <bart> as your masterful performance tonight proves?
[16:22] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> you didn't impress me either
[16:22] <bart> victory comes easy to the shallow
[16:22] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> thats why a phone call is in order, you
should pick up the tab
[16:22] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> to gain some knowledge and wisdom from
[16:22] <bart> I was serious about mailing you a quarter - did the
Bush economy do you in?
[16:23] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> nah, I have job and make a decent living
[16:23] <bart> I'll bet you made REAL money when we had an elected
[16:23] <bart> Your money is going to the super rich
[16:23] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> Clinton's taxes have done me in
[16:23] <bart> ha ha, those peace and prosperity taxes?
[16:23] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> estate tax, what do you think?
[16:23] <bart> but you like the war and recession taxes better?
[16:23] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> for or against?
[16:23] <bart> I'm OK with it
[16:24] <bart> why are YOU arguing for the super rich to get a break?
why not argue for yourself, instead?
[16:24] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> so a the little bart is going to get bent
over by uncle sam when you keel over
after some RushCOPhammer gives you the shivers
[16:24] <bart> I'll send you a dollar if you can diagram that sentence
[16:24] <bart> Bush isn't giving crap to the people struggling
[16:24] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> didn't he extend welfare? I would have
voted no on that
[16:25] <bart> I don't know exactly what Clinton did with welfare,
but the left hated him for it so you should've liked it
[16:26] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> so little bart is going to get bent over
by uncle sam after you keel over from a heart attack
[16:26] <bart> what does that mean?
[16:26] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> you have a little bart?
[16:26] <bart> I have one in my pants, you interested in that?
[16:26] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> a son or daughter
[16:26] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> a dependent?
[16:26] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> a wife?
[16:26] <bart> I have no children,
[16:27] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> who is going to inherit that vast amount
of 20 cent phone call money?
[16:27] <bart> The estate tax is only for in excess of what, $600K?
[16:27] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> less - 450K - not much
[16:28] <bart> are YOU going to be hurt by the estate tax? Or are
you just trying to protect Bill Gates?
[16:28] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> I will be hurt by the estate tax
[16:27] <bart> you are so centered on that 20 cents
[16:27] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> its crap - plan and simple - ok -
I am missing the laker game for this
[16:28] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> so - my last point - are you ready?
[16:28] <bart> I'm ready for your attack to begin
[16:28] <bart> and you're whining repeatedly about 20 cents?
[16:28] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> just a question
[16:29] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> i am making a mockery of it, not whining,
- sarcasm
[16:29] <bart> Oh, that was an attempt at humor?
[16:29] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> i guess your not catching on to it
[16:29] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> yeah
[16:29] <bart> ok, last point is...
[16:29] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> i guess you can't laugh when you have to
research Bush is Nazi websites all day
[16:29] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> or a plane didn't hit the pentagon websites
all day - must be tiring - ok - last point
[16:30] <bart> wake me when he makes it?
[16:31] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> What is up with posting those pictures
of that fire crotched crack hoe
(Shirley is it?)? Her band is called garbage for a reason.
[16:31] <bart> ha ha - you need to get laid or something
[16:31] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> yes - I bid you a fond farewall
[16:32] <bart> Fud, open the gates
[16:32] <JSRUSHCOPHAMMER> And I hope to be able to call you whenever
Martin Sheen funds your radio station
[16:32] <bart> I already have a radio show - almost
[16:32] <Fudbbl> ok that was a waste of time...proven over and over
[16:32] <^Phelix^> dayum JSRUSHCOPHAMMER that was weak even for
a monkey
[16:32] <bigbillhaywood> i could debate the ditto monkey perspective
better than THAT ...what an anticlimax to a long wait...
[16:32] <JoeBacon> THink you're right he is a sta;ler
[16:32] <thatwaslamerushcop> i never saw any actual points
[16:33] <Lefty> ah well, what do you expect - from a red-assed monkey
[16:33] <PlayswithPotos> That was, well, not worth our time.
[16:33] <Frankiebaby> hey lardass limbaugh lover, go take a tour
of the basaball hall of shame
[16:33] <rude^boyee> the firecrotch thing woke me up
[16:33] <Fudbbl> even a slow guy like me can refute anything he said
[16:33] <bart> ha ha
[16:33] <hammerin> jeez, nothing he said made any sense--what a waste
of time
[16:33] <JoeBacon> Nobody insults Shirley and lives
[16:33] <DubyaDespiser> horrible effort there rushcop
[16:33] <^Phelix^> I lost count of the number of times JSRUSHCOPHAMMER
resorted to name calling .. anyone got a running count
[16:33] <JFURY> I get a bit quesy when someone pays attention to
me and then asks me about my kids. bit of a STALKER mentality
[16:34] <bart> nuveeeena, we should get JS laid
[16:34] <JoeBacon> I have refused to go to Dodger games since Screwpert
Murdoch bought the team!
[16:34] <nuveeeeena> hahah nuh-UH
[16:34] <nuveeeeena> not me, but I'll kick for a hooker
[16:34] <DubyaDespiser> shit he lives in LA and can't get any? what
a loser
[16:35] <Gazpacho> Yeah, he has to deal with the estate tax and
still can't get any?
[16:35] <DubyaDespiser> bart you didn't have to fight too hard for
that one but good job nonetheless
[16:35] <bart> If he was better I could've been better
[16:36] <bigbillhaywood> kinda' like the dempsey firpo fight...without
[16:36] <onebox> i didnt like the debate. it was just a bunch
of name-calling and animousity
[16:36] <nuveeeeena> he was FLACCID
[16:36] <bart> ha ha, she said flaccid
[16:36] <Gazpacho> It's hypocritical when hypocrites call people
hypocrites, isn't it? Don'cha think?
[16:36] <onebox> JS is not even worth debating, anyway
[16:36] <nuveeeeena> *snerk!* about JS
[16:36] <JFURY> all i saw was some dude asking a lot of personal
questions. maybe it was andrew sullivan?
[16:36] <DubyaDespiser> shit i've been missing the anaheim detroit
game to watch rushcop fumble for something to say
[16:37] <Fudbbl> incredible he just kept changing the subject
[16:37] <RogueRooster> i thought estate tax only affected estates
of 3 million.
[16:37] <monger> haha nuvie, she said "you want it HOW??"
[16:37] <bart> it makes some sense for a rich guy to whine about
estate taxes, but why do broke people whine?
[16:37] <nuveeeeena> LOL
[16:37] <unknown> what percentage of americans pay estate tax anyway?
and the bushites keep relating it to the family farm
[16:38] <RogueRooster> fuckin wannabe rich boot licking cock mongers.
Hoping their train will come one day.
[16:38] <nuveeeeena> monger, quit... I sprayed screwdriver out of
my nose...! lol
[16:38] <bart> yeah "family farms" like archer daniels midland
[16:38] <Buggerface> the tax cuts hit the wealthy mainly, and the
bushbabies still pretend it's about regular americans.
[16:38] <bigbillhaywood> but it works bart...the big lie and all
that 17% of the US population think they are in the
top 1% of the wage earners. Got a lot of misguided folks
on this country.
So, there you have it.
I would've preferred an adult debate, but JS seemed to enjoy
saying "You're full of the brown stuff."
I wish there was a way to screen these monkeys, but when they
start screaming "Bart is afraid to debate,"
they must be dealt with, like a pesky fly or mosquito.