From: Larry Kilbride


Subject: Transcripts

I just read transcripts from Will Commer and the only conclusion is that BartCop was humiliated,
got in a rage and stormed off the debate in utter defeat and humiliation.
Do you have a copy of the transcript?
I would like to compare it with the one you have.
Did you get it from BartCop directly?
I wonder if he doctored it?
Has it been put on the website?
I just looked at the Chat section and could find nothing.
Does it include the rage BartCop got in when Will Commer accused him of having a very expensive website
that was far too costly to be run "just for fun?"
Then he accused and asked him directly to answer if he was funded by the DNC. 
That's where BartCop lost it in a swearing, sputtering rage and soon signed off the debate?

To: Larry Kilbride


Subject: RE: Transcripts

Who are you?  What are you talking about?
I find it hard to believe that Bartcop would have stormed off as he was not defeated.
I will say that Bartcop my have played the game somewhat unfairly.
You see, he had FACTS.

Mr Commer only had the same wild accusations that Mr Starr had during his inquisition.
Mr Commer started the entire issue when he said that the Clinton Administration was rife with Convictions.
Yet, during the debate, after much thinking, Mr Commer could come up with only ONE conviction,
and that was for someone who had committed a crime AGAINST Mr Clinton.

Only someone who knew nothing about website production would think that BartCop's site
is expensive to produce, therefore BartCop would not get angry at the comment ( he would laugh),
so he'd have no reason to sign off.

And Bartcop was still there when the debate finished.
Mr Commer was not.

I do have one more question.
How, exactly, does one express a "sputtering rage" within a typed dialog?

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