Thank God
you don't live in Oklahoma
by Mark Morford
This is about how the Oklahoma state legislature,
as previously mentioned but not nearly sufficiently disgraced,
has forced through three of the most appalling
anti-choice, anti-woman, anti-motherhood laws in modern history.
One would require women seeking an abortion to
fill out an exhaustive, 20-page questionnaire about all aspects
of her personal life, which would be then given
to a government agency for "analysis" and posted online. Another
would force them to get an ultrasound and listen
to a detailed description of the fetus before getting the procedure.
Another would encourage doctors to lie to expecting
mothers. Still another would tie women to a pickup truck and
drag them screaming through the streets for ever
daring to have a vagina in the first place. I might be exaggerating
that last one. But not by much.
It is not for this space to delineate all the
ways these laws are an obvious abomination. (There were actually eight
abortion-related laws slithering through OK's
legislature. The state's Democratic governor, Brad Henry, has only
vetoed three of them. Each time, the Oklahoma
legislature overrode his vetoes).
Here is where we all offer up a collective cringe
and recoil. Here is where we suggest, only barely jokingly, that if
you live in Oklahoma, if you have a vagina and
like to use it, if you are at any point hoping to expand your horizons
and enjoy your body and celebrate feminine godhood
in any way whatsoever, you should be packing your bags
as soon as possible. Get the hell out. Now. Simple,
Yes, Oklahoma is that bad and they're so fucking
proud of how backwards and ignorant they are.
I blame the Democrats for not giving ignorant
hillbillies a reason to open their eyes and look forward.
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