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Subject: Driving Miss Hillary

You put up a racist picture. I tell you why it's racist,
but because I know it's racist, I must be the racist.

You learn the Karl Rove tactics very well.
If you wonder why I spend far less time at your site lately, maybe that's it.

Your first sentence tells me everything I need to know.
You start with "racist" and expect the conversation to be all happy and smiles?
To hear you tell it, the toon was Hillary selling Obama in chains on a tree stump
and I don't have the brains to see the obvious. No wonder we can't communicate.

Yes, very cute. "Why can't an old friend just tell me?" Then you pull that crap.

Let's not forget who started the fight. I run a friendly tequila treehouse,
and you saw a toon and became upset and set yourself aflame and came after me.
Maybe next time you could start out being nice?

Well, here's a clue, Bart. Barak Obama is not a taxi driver. He's a United States Senator,
running for President, and you're equating him with only being fit to drive Miss Hillary.

I didn't draw the toon. I get maybe 100 toons a day, and I grab the 30-40 best ones.
I don't have time to psychoanalyze every toon to guess who might be offended.
You, however, seem to have lots of extra time to look for clues to "my racism."
But then, like you said, you don't read the page much anymore, right?

Further, if you didn't see the movie, how can you tell me about the part that Morgan Freeman played.

I can't, because I didn't see the movie.
Maybe in less hysterical circles, my not having seen the movie would buy me a pass,
but Sheriff Jimmy won't take "Didn't see the movie" as an excuse.

My problem is, I don't see a black man driving a white woman as inherently racist,
thus the Vegas cab analogy that seemed to go right over your Sheriff head.

Watch the movie and then tell me that this picture has anything to do with the movie
other than the original picture was taken from it.

Life's too short for me to spend 2 hours trying to make crabby people happy.

Putting Clinton and Obama in that picture pretty much changes it entirely.
I understand that your intent was to attack me, but for people who have seen the movie,
you've pretty much made yourself look like an ass. Congratulations.

Jim H.

If my intention was to attack you, you'd know it.

You a Star Trek fan, Jimmy?

In "The Savage Curtain," Abraham Lincoln appears on Enterprise and enlists Kirk
in a fight of good against evil. While on the bridge President Lincoln meets Uhura.
Lincoln's first reaction upon meeting her, "My, what a charming Negress."

She wasn't offended by the remark and explained to Lincoln
that race was no longer associated with ones’ identity.

In this analogy, I'm Lincoln.
I missed the movie, Lincoln missed 500 years of history.

Nobody on The Enterprise was offended because they understood that Lincoln couldn't have known
about history the way I couldn't know about the movie. but if Sheriff Jimmy had been there,
you surely wouldn't scream "Racist!" at Lincoln, right?

And that assumes you're correct that the movie was racist, which makes me wonder.
Right now, between your racial sensitivity and Morgan Freeman's, I'll go with Freeman.

I can't tell if you're really this crazy or maybe you just like seeing your name in print.

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