Dedicated to Sharon Underwood and her son in Vermont.
Facts About Conservatives and Homosexuality:
Fact: Conservatives use religion to abdicate
their responsibility to be thinking human beings.
Fact: God is not for the privileged majority
and God knows gays and
lesbians did not commit any sin by being
gay or lesbian.
Fact: A wise person once said, “Whatever
happened to the idea of striving
. . . to be better human beings than we
Fact: Conservatives preach about protecting
families and children from
homosexuality while they tear families
apart and drive children to despair.
Fact: Homosexuality is not some sort of
sub-culture out there that people choose to join.
Fact: The same is true about heterosexuality.
Fact: If conservatives want to tout morality,
they best come up with
something besides their own heterosexuality.
Fact: Sexual orientation is not a choice,
a bad habit, a character flaw
or anything that can be “corrected” by
a 12-step program.
Fact: Homosexuals have fought in every
major war alongside heterosexuals
and bothered no one.
Facts About Conservatives and Abortion:
Fact: Conservatives believe in the “sanctity
of life.”
Fact: Conservatives invented the “sanctity
of life.”
Fact: Conservatives are all for protecting
the life of an un-born child,
but if a child should become a doctor they
may have to kill him.
Question: If the sanctity of life is so
important, then why do
conservatives worship violence?
Fact: Conservatives preach getting government
off the backs of the
American people, but when it comes to abortion
they don’t seem to mind
government being in a woman’s uterus.
Fact: Conservatives are anti-choice. In
other words, they do not believe
a woman should have the right to choose
parenthood or other alternatives.
Fact: Conservatives are anti-Sex Education.
Fact: In cities and states in which Sex
Education is taught, teen pregnancies
and abortions are lower than in cities
and states which do not teach Sex Ed.
Fact: If conservatives would allow Sex
Education to be taught, they
wouldn’t have to kill so many doctors.
Fact: Conservatives use religion to abdicate
their responsibility to
thinking human beings.
Facts about Conservatives and Firearms:
Fact: The Supreme Court ruled in five different
cases that no American has the
exclusive right to keep and bear arms,
only the right to a well regulated militia.
Fact: The “well regulated militia” mentioned
in the Constitution is today
the National Guard.
Fact: Only through the National Guard does
a citizen have the exclusive
right to keep and bear arms.
Fact: When the NRA whines about “defending”
their “right to bear arms”
they are really just blowing hot air out
of their asses.
Fact: When the NRA is reminded that the
Constitution has no provisions to
give every citizen the right to bear arms,
they revert to their “Plan B.”
Fact: The NRA “Plan B” is usually some
argument that citizens must be
armed to defend themselves from the Government.
Fact: This is bullshit.
Fact: Even the NRA recognizes the “Militia
interpretation” of the
Constitution on page 30 in their handbook.
Fact: Therefore every argument about “defending
rights” is right-wing
rhetoric and should be dismissed as much.
Facts About Conservatives and AIDS:
Fact: Some conservatives believe that being
a “responsible” heterosexual
makes them immune to AIDS.
Fact: AIDS is a sexually transmitted disease
and can be transmitted to
anyone, regardless of sexual orientation
and political affiliation.
Fact: Gay men being gay did not create
AIDS. Human beings having
promiscuous sex and sharing needles created
Fact: Again . . . Conservatives use religion
to abdicate their
responsibility to be thinking human beings.
Facts About Christian-Conservatives:
Fact: Christians refer to individuals who
believe in Christ Jesus as “believers.”
Fact: Christians do not refer to those
who reject Christ as “non-believers.”
Fact: They refer to them as “lost.”
Fact: I hate that.
Fact: Christians have used the religion
to make money for two-thousand years.
Question: How come nobody noticed?
Fact: When preachers sob over the “poor”
or the “lost” they always ask
for money to help turn the poor or lost
Fact: Preachers never offer to foot the
bill for rehabilitating the “poor” or “lost.”
Fact: They expect you to pay for it.
Fact: About thirty percent of Christians
believe one can be a liberal and
a good Christian at the same time.
Fact: Eighty-two percent of Christians
are conservative. Thirty-one
percent are strongly Republican. Which
is why I suppose they’re stupid
enough to vote for Bush Jr. And Senior,
for that matter.
Fact: In the 1996 Presidential Campaign,
ninety percent of Christians
voted for Bob Dole.
Fact: Above all of the Republican Presidential
Nominees, Pat Buchanan was
most favored.
Assumption: Given the evidence, at least
twenty-eight percent of voting
Christians are Right-wing bigots.
Fact: Eighty-two percent of Christian-conservatives
feel that abortion
should be outlawed except to save the mother.
Fact: Conservative-Christians do not believe
in women’s rights.
Fact: A majority of Christian-conservatives
believe that “traditional”
families, religious (Christian) people,
and gun owners need more governmental
protection than minorities, immigrants
and homosexuals.
Fact: Ninety-seven percent of Christian-conservatives
are white, and
sixty-seven percent are male.
Fact: Fifty-five percent of Christian-conservatives
have been married more than once.
Fact: Only fifteen percent of which have
been married as many times as
Rush Limbaugh or Newt Gingrich.
Fact: An over-whelming majority of Christian-conservatives
are Pro-Family.
Fact: An over-whelming fat man named Rush
is also Pro-Family.
Fact: And so is Newt “Dead Beat Dad” Gingrich.