From the transcript of Sunday's (1-20-02) Face the Nation

SCHIEFFER: Mr. Attorney General, let me change the subject just a little bit. You excused yourself
-- recused yourself from the Enron investigation. And in the statement you released, you said because
of the totality of your relationship with Enron.
Now, we know that they were a contributor to your campaign. Is there any other connection beyond that?

ASHCROFT: I'm going to -- I have recused myself. I believe that it's appropriate for me to do so.
I will stay with my statement. And for me to comment further would be inappropriate.

 Look at the lying weasel squirm.
 OF COURSE he could tell America how much the crooks paid him.
 OF COURSE he could explain the conflicts of interest that pad his crooked pockets.
 He's not a Christian - he's a lying crook with secrets to hide.

SCHIEFFER: Well, wait. You're telling me there may have been some other connection with Enron,
other than the political contributions you received from them?

ASHCROFT: I'm telling you that my statement is the basis for my recusal.
And for me to be active or commenting on the case now is inappropriate.

SCHIEFFER: No, I'm not asking to you comment on the case, sir. I'm asking you to comment on, is there
--do you have a relationship with the company, other than the fact that they gave you campaign contributions?

ASHCROFT: I don't have a relationship with the company, no.

Check out Ashcroft the Liar, hiding behind the meaning of the word "is."
The meaning of the word "is" can change any question from true to false or false to true.

Does this mean Republicans everywhere are laughing like they did when Bill Clinton
stupidly said the same thing? - "There is no relationship with Monica?"

Bob, why did you let him get off the hook like that?

Why didn't you ask him to define his previous relationship with those crooked bastards?
Why did you give him a free pass, Bob?
Was it because the question had to do with the nation's top cop and billions of missing dollars?

When Monica was on her knees, you were among the breathless wolf pack who screamed,
"We have to know everything because this is constitutionally important."
Remember that, Bob?

Why can't you go after the real criminals with half the zeal you had
when you were rooting around inside Clinton's zipper?

What's wrong with you, Bob?
Are we supposed to think you're a serious journalist?

C'mon, Bob, admit it for me.
Say, "I am a sleazy gutter whore," can you do that, Bob?
You'll feel better once you admit the truth to yourself, Bob.

BORGER: Mr. Attorney General, very quickly. You received $57,000 in campaign contributions from Enron.
Do you intend to give that money back to, say, groups that are helping the former employees who were laid off
as a result of the failure of Enron?

ASHCROFT: I do not maintain a campaign committee. I left politics when I became the attorney general.
The president of the United States asked me to be a part of the Justice Department, which is divorced
from politics, ( ha ha)  and I don't have any intention of being involved in politics further.

I'm recused from the Enron case.
I've made a statement about that, and I'll not be making further comments about it.

SCHIEFFER: All right. Mr. Attorney General, thank you so much for joining us.

Hey, Bob, why didn't you ask Ashcroft to answer the damn question?
Why don't we have video of Ashcroft saying, "No, I'm keeping every dime of that Enron money?"

You know why we don't have that video, Bob?
Because you let him get away like his name was bin Laden.

What's wrong with you, Bob?
Why couldn't you at least have said, "So, you're keeping the money?"

Bob, I'm so old, I remember when you had integrity.
I remember, right here on this page, saying, "Schieffer is less whore than some,"
but I can't say that any longer, Bob.

Borger asked, "Do you intend to keep that money?"  and his reply was,
"I left politics, and I'll not be making further comments."

That crap never worked when you were asking details about Monica,
so why do you accept it when the Bush Family Evil Empire steals billions?

What's wrong with you, Bob?
If that had been a Democrat in 1998 dodging a salacious rumor about Clinton's zipper
you'd be on him like Ward Connerly on a black woman trying to get an education.

Why was Clinton's sex life more important to you, Bob Schieffer,
than the Bush-Ashcroft cabal stealing billions from innocent families?
And if Ashcroft is innocent, why couldn't he answer the damn question?

What's wrong with you, Bob?
Why are you providing safe haven for the crooks, Bob?
And why'd you turn whore?
Did you get a big raise?

Is it because your brother works for the Evil Empire and he promised to get you a
great-paying job after you give Monica to the GOP for the next few years, Bob?

Is that why, after one debate, you said, "Bush has an incredible command of foreign policy?"
Is it because the check cleared, Bob?
You knew you were lying when you said that, so why'd you do it?

Why bother to climb out of bed to do a Sunday show if you're going to let the big-time crooks like
John Ashcroft and the Evil Empire answer serious charges with non-sequiturs and non-answers, Bob?

How many billions would they have to steal to get you to do a follow-up, Bob?
How many families would have to be wiped out if the Enron thousands aren't enough?

What's wrong with you, Bob?

"I am the Central Scrutinizer.
 Lay off Brother Bob.
 He's a valuable member of Team Bush.
 He's cheap and he doesn't ask for much, so lay off!

 You got a smart mouth, BartCop.
 I think a few days of secret torture might straighten you out.

 Boys, get Torture Room 5 ready for our friend, Mr. BartCop.
 He needs to be taught about how to be a good citizen
 and me and my boys are just the people who can do the job.
 We'll have him screaming like a nigger on a Giuliani stick."

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