I voted for W. Bush because of the following reasons:
1, he's a Christian,
No, he claims to be a Christian.
Would Christ have used Bob Jones to slur
Catholics to win Carolina?
Would Christ have called McCain a sellout-traitor
to his fellow P.O.W.s?
Would Christ lie about doing cocaine?
Would Christ go AWOL after promising he'd
fulfill his obligation?
Would Christ pay for a 15-year old's abortion?
You started off with a joke, to break the
ice, right?
2, he's pro life,
He's for a bigger and more intruisive government
to get inside your wife's uterus
and make decisions that should be left
to your wife and her doctor.
Where is your brain?
Haven't you ever had this conversation
with anyone before?
The GOP wants control over your wife's uterus.
Don't you want her to have a vote, too?
3, he's a Republican,
He is that, and you still
voted for him..
4, Al Gore was Bill's vice prez,
5, Clinton/Gore was the most corrupt administratation in the history of this country,
You are goofier than a runover dog.
I've been down this road with 500 people,
you're 501.
Besides Monica, name a crime Clinton
was proven guilty of - go ahead.
You can't - you're stuck.
Name a Clinton administration member who
committed crimes in office.
There are none - you're stuck.
Besides the "crime" of oral sex, Clinton is crime-free.
Want to guess how many members of the Nixon/Reagan/Bush
administrations pleaded guilty,
did hard time or got a pardon to keep them
quiet? Jesus Christ, G. Gordon Liddy alone
had more felonies than the last four Democratic
administrations combined.
...are you, like, ...stupid?
...Rush told you Clinton was "corrupt,"
and you bought it?
That's sad.
Rush has done well with you.
You must be in your early twenties, and
don't remember the Nixon/Reagan/Bush crimes.
Those were real crimes, son, not
crimes of trying to hide a little sneaky sex.
6, Al Gore looked like a social retard in public (it was embarassing).
ha ha
Compared to who?
The boy who didn't know Social Security was a
federal program?
Bush has never spoke an unscripted word - ever.
And he won't appear anywhere unless Uncle
Dick gets to read the questions first.
And as far as looks go, I hear Lincoln wasn't
very TV-friendly, either.
Lincoln would be too "retarded looking" to get
your vote?
Now don't get on my back about calling Clinton/Gore
I literally can't find anything good on
those two. If I found hard evidence that could disprove the
accusations leveled against Bill and Al, I would
become skeptical of Limbaugh, Boortz and all the others.
The fact is I have NOT found anything.
The evidence that supports their arguments is too strong to ignore.
ha ha
What evidence?
You said, "If
I found hard evidence that could disprove the accusations," which
is insanity.
The reason those are accusations and not
is because they weren't true.
Don't you know what an "allegation" is?
If I allege Bush murdered 60 Mexicans in the
seventies, what evidence could possibly be produced,
by anyone, that would prove my allegations
were false?
Don't you know what an "allegation" is?
I wish you liberals would just ditch Clinton/Gore
and band together with people like me who
want to see the power mongers in DC brought to
their knees sobbing in the agony of exposes.
You voted for a rich idiot whose father ran/runs
the CIA,
and you think Gore was the power
monger in that race?
Gore needed government money to fund his race
for the White House.
Smirk's daddy's friends, CIA spooks and BIG oil,
funded his race,
but you saw Gore as the power monger?
Cheney made $22,000,000 last year, and he left
that to make $200K?
Cheney took the 99 percent cut in pay for
the power.
Don't you have any cognitive skills about
good/bad, up/down, big/small?
Our representatives are supposed to serve OUR
interests first, not their own.
Do you agree? And its both Reps and Dems.
All politicans put themselves first, but
never in history so blantantly as Bush.
Some called Clinton a pawn of the trial lawyers
or the teacher's union.
How does that compare with BIG tobacco, BIG oil,
BIG religion and the NRA?
And you say you want to stop the power mongers?
Are you crazy?
What we need is a national media that digs deep
to find the dirt.
Like it used to be. You can't disagree
with me on this.
ha ha
I agree 100 percent.
After a decade inside Clinton's pants, the press
won't even ask Smirk where he was
when his duty roster says he didn't show up for
National Guard duty those two years.
Yes, you got that last one right :)
The purpose of this e-mail was to find common
ground with a liberal and a Democrat.
Something I think Bush wants to do.
No, that's more crazy-talk.
Someone told Bush he won a mandate in the election
and he believed them.
Do you read the Drudge Report? HE thinks
like me.
Skeptical of everything. Skeptical until
the hard truth is found.
Those first two sentences are true.
You and Drudge think a lot alike.
You think giving arms to terrorists is OK,
but you think trying to hide oral sex threatens
our Constitution and the "Rule of law,"
You, my friend, are insane, but I enjoyed hearing from you.
I gotta run now.
PS. If you want to argue Alaska and the other
stuff I snipped,
resend it, with
numbers if possible, and we'll get into it.