From:  Volume 94 - Outside, It's America

Did Rush Contribute to McVeigh's Crimes?

This, from Wide Load's radio show...

"If you own property in America, and it rains on it, on your land,
  and if a puddle forms, I can almost guarantee you that some
  liberal, federal bureaucrat will declare it a "wetland" and
  take your property from you without compensation."
    -- The Prince of Pricks, 4/16/97

Now, you and I would hear him say that and think,
"Boy, that Rush is a funny bastard."
He's been saying crazy shit like that for years.

Harmless fun, right?

But what do the McVeigh Republicans think?
How does the right-wing see a puddle of water?

Rush, the most honest man that ever lived, GUARANTEES them
(do sheep even hear Rush's "maybe" qualifier?)
that King KKKlinton is coming to steal your land.

YOUR land.

Land your great-grandfather fought and died for.

YOUR land.

Land your father worked until he was 85 years old.

YOUR land.

Land you had hoped to pass on to your kids someday.

YOUR land.

But nooooooooooooooo.
King Klinton and Janet Reno are coming to fuck you to death!

Look at the TV!

Look at the TV!

The forecast calls for RAIN!!!

The forecast calls for RAIN!!!

Stockpile the automatic weapons and ammonium nitrate!!

So, a fellow-with-problems like Tim McVeigh agrees that "government is the problem."
He decides he's the perfect patriot to attack the "big-government traitors" and save America.
He's a soldier. He's been to war.

He's got a job to do.

"It's not my fault."
-- Cancerboy's Radio Show, over and over, always, constantly

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