Subject: I was a Hiliary fan,
now I don't trust her...
I'm not going to argue that Hillary Clinton
is a paragon of virtue. She's playing hardball in a game
so tough that I won't even play at the local
level. What I'm going to ask you is, do you trust that
she's playing to win? Do you trust that she'll
never stand down from the fight as Gore and Kerry
have done? Do you trust that she'd be a better
president than ANY Republican on offer?
There are many times a day that I find myself
agreeing with Kurt Vonnegut, that there are two parties
in America: the Winners and the Losers. The Winners
are further divided along the lines of Democrat
and Republican. We "Losers" have created these
"Winners" and I don't see a passion for revolution
amongst liberals and progressives, much less
Independents and Republicans. We are going to have a
choice in a few months to pick a Winner from
a limited field of contenders. I'm going to pick the person
I believe has the best chance of winning a landslide
victory over the Republican in November 2008,
and bringing along a veto-proof Congress on her/his
coattails. Right now, that person is Hillary.
And if that Congress is solidly progressive,
her corporatist loyalties will be held in check.
Is she lefty enough for me? No.
Is she too beholden to corporations and their
agendas? Yes.
Is she going to divert the nation from the disastrous
course on which it is now set?
Yes, I believe she will try to do that.
I also believe that she will root out the neocons
and Republican deadenders who have infested
every agency of our government and replace them
with competent civil servants. I believe she will
appoint leaders who will better serve the interests
of the American people at home and abroad.
I believe she will make great strides to repair
our reputation, and to take the initial steps to extricate us
from war and promote peace. I trust her to do
these things because it is in her self interest to do so -
and I trust that she is very intersted in her
legacy. Redemption along with revenge - that's what I'm
counting on Hillary to provide.
I also trust that she'll cut the balls off
any opponent who tries to stop her.
That's exactly what I'm looking for right
now in a Democratic contender.
Hillary has already survived the worst the Republicans
can throw at her, and she has a political genius
by her side - a partner of long standing with
a proven track record of winning and defying the odds to
lead America to 8 years of relative peace and
prosperity. During the 90's there was much more that
progressives could have done to throw dangerous
Republicans out of Congress and local offices.
But we were like happy little sheep, most of us,
making money and learning how to use the internet.
I include myself most of all in that description.
I hope we've all grown up a little over the past 7 years
and can balance our idealistic desires with a
dose of cold hard reality. We need a winner, not a whiner.
Hillary never whines.
Warmest regards,
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