Subject: Glaring omission on front page

From: Sean Foushee

 To Bartcop,

 On your front page you have a link posted:

 I thought I'd mention that not once in that entire diatribe that was thoughtfully
 and skillfully written did you explain to the readers exactly what Clinton did for
 the economy.  In fact one of the quotes you used was from Rush who aptly stated:
 "Name one thing that Clinton did to help the economy."   Not once did you offer
 supportive evidence that Clinton did anything to help the economy, and other than
 a graph that shows the Government budget there was not one single FACT or even
 OPINION that backed up your thesis.

 Instead of focusing on you conspiracy-like rants about the  "right-wing" media and the
 unfairness of the GOP trying to impeach Clinton you could have spent the time educating
 the younger readers as to what exactly the "greatest president" did for our struggling economy.

 I'm not a registered Democrat or Republican, but as a young American who attended
 High School during Clinton's administration and who has a deep seeded hate for our
 two-party system I have to this day not heard one example of Clinton's proactive economic plan.
 Perhaps you could enlighten a Gen-X'er as to why in my mind the economy rebounded with
 the internet boom and not some ghostly Clintonian Economic Stimulus Package.  I'm not trying
 to assert that Clinton did nothing, but I honestly can't find any facts that can support your
 argument that Clinton saved us in the 90's.

 Thanks for the 'Political Humor'

 Sean Foushee'
 Arlington, TX

 Sean, thanks for writing.
 Koresh knows, I love a challenge.
 Of course, I'd be happy to educate you on this matter.
 There are many. many ways to answer your question.
 I shall start with the most important and work down.

 There is no need to explain anything.
 The FACT that Republicans cause recessions and Democrats save us from them
 is all one really needs to know. That FACT cannot be argued. Oh, they like to claim
 that six Republican recessions and six Democratic recoveries are just a coincidence
 but aren't we a little smarter than that? After a while, patterns form and one can predict
 the future of the economy by just knowing who won (or stole) the last election.

 If you and I were playing a friendly game of 9-ball on a pool table,
 and I ran the table after each break, would you ask me to explain?
 Or would the fact that the table was bare be sufficient?

 If you and I ran a race and I beat you by 20 yards, would you ask for an explantion?
 Or would you assume I was faster than you?

 1D. (this is the last one, and it's my favorite)
 I'm no big bowling fan, but I once bowled a 234 drunk while in college.
 I was with my buddy Jay Gillespie, who was a good bowler, and we were gambling.
 (This was in my secular youth)
 Each ball I rolled that game hit between the one and the three pins.
 Each ball Jay rolled hit between the one and the three, but his pins didn't fall.
 He ended up with a 160 or so, and he jokingly said it wasn't fair.

 I explained that we had no choice but to count the fallen pins.
 It didn't matter that it seemed as though the balls hit in the "same spot,"
 they obviously didn't because he lost by almost 75 points.
 There was no need for any explanations.
 There was no need for a slide rule to get paid that day.

 Clinton didn't screw anything up.
 Sometimes, the best course of action is to simply make no mistakes.
 The first thing Smirk the Wonder Dog said was,
 "The economy is so strong, we MUST have a tax cut."

 A few months after getting into office, he said,
 "The economy is so weak, we MUST have a tax cut."

 That kind of idiocy sends a panic thru Wall Street.
 Every five year old in America knows if you only have a dollar, you can't buy
 an ice cream cone AND a snow cone. There's just not enough money.

 But the GOP, with their creation math, disagrees with that. They promise to
 - save Social Security,
 - save Medicare,
 - beef up the military,
 - spent a lot more on education (Smirk only)
 - and give the super-rich monsterously-huge tax cuts
 ...all without busting the federal budget and Wall Street wets their pants.

 If only the GOP would listen to their five year olds.

 Just remember this:
 Going back to when cars were a new invention, every Republican has
 made the economy worse, and every Democrat has made the economy better.
 That's why I use charts & graphs.

 Clinton took some real steps, such as re-financing our long-term debt with
 short-term interest rates (something like that) and I remember Rush the vulgar
 Pigboy screaming at him for weeks and weeks in 1993 for "messing around"
 with the economy.  When Clinton's gamble paid off, the GOP didn't give him
 credit for doing a good job. They said Reagan (of all people!) was responsible.

 We saw the same thing happen in 2001.
 When Smirk inherited the best economy in American history, they said it was
 thanks to Reagan. But once Smirk started monkeying around with the budget,
 and giving multi-hundred-million dollar tax breaks to companies like ENRON that
 hadn't paid taxes in four of the last five years, the economy went straight to hell
 and the GOP said, "That's Clinton's fault."

 I hope I have helped.

 Last thing?
 You're not alone in your hatred for the two-party system,
 but when it comes to the economy, you must always vote Democrat.
 The choice is between peace and war.
 The choice is between prosperity and recession.

 There's no choice.

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