My Brush with Greatness - and sleaze
My brush with Greatness
It was the mid 70’s and I was walking down 7th Ave near 43 or 44 street
in NYC.
I worked for a copier company so I was carrying a briefcase in one hand
and a tool case in the other.
As I looked across the street towards Broadway, I happen to see a
yellow cab packed with folks
pull up in front of the movie theater there. I thought it odd that so
many people were in this cab.
Lo and behold the first person out was Muhammad Ali!
Instant traffic jam. Horns were honking
and blowing.
People were shouting Ali! Ali! Ali!
I crossed the street to get a closer look at this melee. His movie ‘The
Greatest’ was opening that week
and it was playing at this movie theater. He was working the crowd…’The Best Movie Ever Made’!!
’The Best Movie Ever Made’!!
I had worked my way to the inner circle
of the crowd (remember with briefcase in one hand and tool case
in the other) so I’m standing right behind him as he is working the
crowd and then whoosh!!! A fist is
planted right in front of my face!!! Outta of nowhere. He looks me
right in the eye and says
‘I still got it, huh brutha?’
Best no hit I ever experienced!
My brush with Sleaze.
So I’m taking the bus back from Pittsburgh to Washington DC and we pass
through Hagerstown MD.
The bus station there is so small you have to wait outside for your bus
to board. I look up and recognize
immediately John Fund. He sits
across from me.
Talk about frumpy? He is on his cell
from there, through Baltimore all the way into DC. I heard so much
of his personal business. Someone wanted to fix him up on a blind date.
He gave his specifics and even
his cell number. I started to write it down but didn’t. There is a
saying that we use amongst friends,
TMI, Too Much Information.
That is what I felt as I listened to
his conversation. When we got off in DC, I realized how tall he was
(I’m 6’2). One word came to mind, tailor. His suit and tie just did not
fit him well.
Ronald T
e-mail to Bart
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