My Brush with Greatness
I went to High School
in a small town in Switzerland.
The town of Leysin also included the American College of Switzerland
and the college guys
who couldn't connect with the girls in their school used to hit on the
high school girls.
One of the biggest horn dogs was a guy
named Sly. He was constantly hanging around
the younger girls and trying to impress them but mostly they laughed at
He was in Switzerland to avoid the draft. This was 1966.
Ten years later I was amused to see him
starring in "Rocky" and all the publicity
about him growing up poor and struggling to make it just like the
character he played.
Sylvester Stallone went to a very
expensive school in Switzerland to dodge the draft
and went on to play macho soldiers like Rambo, how ironic.
Rohn in Cali
e-mail to Bart
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