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Subject: guns

Your main argument in favor of ownership of handguns for regular civilians is for personal (and family) protection, correct? 
So, what if we look at the issue this way.

I think it is reasonable that with much stricter gun laws, fewer people would own guns.  

No, you might slow sales of new guns,
but we'd still have 200 million guns in the hands of the people.

Most citizens would not want to do something illegal, 
or have the know-how or desire to get hooked up with a black market.

Drugs are illegal and people seem to find a way to buy some.

So here's what I'm thinking: normal civilians should be able to own handguns and assault weapons 
if and ONLY if the benefits of civilian ownership outweigh the risks.

The benefits are protecting yourself and your family from violent intruders into your home.

The risks are accidental discharge of the weapon causing harm and death,
(guns owned by the shooter, the shooter's family, neighbors).

The question is: Are more people killed or harmed in a year by home invaders that could have been prevented 
with possession of a weapon than are killed by guns that the shooter would not have had access to with stricter laws?

I heard on AAR that guns are 22 times more likely to be used against a family member instead of a criminal.
I guess that's possible, certainly with kids, but I haven't shot anybody yet.

I don't understand people who horse around with guns and
I don't understand people who drink whiskey and play with their guns.
But, there are a lot of unstable people in this country.

Please don't think disagreement means I'm attacking you. 
Intelligent disagreement and discussion is the backbone of a free society,
which is a big reason I visit your site! (That and to see the truth about the BFEE and cronies) c/;v,m

Ain't nothing wrong with asking a question or having an opinion.
I appreciate you reading the page and the feedback.

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