From: Bartcop <>
Subject: Hi, I disagree
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2000 07:48:22 -0600

You see Clinton's speaking out against gun violence as "proof" 
that he's using this issue to beat up the republicans.

I wonder what you'd say if he was silent?
Let me guess:
"Clinton is so guilty, and he knows it, he can't even bring himself to lie about it."

I can tell you listen to Rush Limbaugh.
Every word you wrote is verbatim from Rush's show yesterday.
Tell me, do you have any thoughts of your own?

You realize, of course, that America agrees with Clinton, not La Pierre.

Last night on Larry King, Gov Bush said LaPierre was wrong.
Today, Gov Pataki is calling for more gun controls.

You seem very much out of the mainstream.
If the GOP nominee agrees with Clinton, not LaPaierre,
what chance do you think Rush's ideas have?

The truth is you love Rush, and you hate Clinton.
If Rush said ice was hot and flames were cold - you'd agree with him.

President Gore will fix this problem.
We'll have another dozen shootings between now and the election.
The GOP will be forced to follow wherever the Democrats lead them.

He's right, Rush is wrong, and I feel sorry for you that you're
being led by a highly-paid entertainer who's not here to help.

Rush is paid to say the most outrageous things to get high ratings.

By the way, I own 5 guns.
I have 2 Glocks, a S&W 357, a Colt .38 and a Davis derringer.

I'm not anti-gun, I'm anti-idiocy.

I gave you a link on my page
If you'd care to respond, I'll print every word.

Do you publish mail from those who disagree?
It's the ONLY mail I print on my page.





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