Subject: Paul Harvey and Rush Limbaugh Went searching for one of Paul's infamous stories,
and came across
this one,
That's why I'm here - to educate the ignorant and entertain the smart. Gee, what a surprise to find out that you not only defaced a respectable person like Paul Harvey, Respectable? but are so shallow, and obviously have no life,
to come up with trash like this about Rush.
Rush is that rare kind of guy who liked
the Vietnam War
And nobody has a better life than Ol' Bart.
Like Rush says, we need people like you to remind us on just how fortunate the rest of us are! If that's what you take away from this, God bless you! (sarcasm - There is no God) When you don't have anything of substance to say, you fall back on your zero intelligence to make a point. Actually my IQ is a very respectable 64. Typical from your kind! I know some people who are smarter than me - can you believe that? Someday when you mature, if that ever does occur,
you might realize what an idiot I was.
ha ha I realize that right now. What did you intend to say? Look, it's not my fault that Rush's ass was too
dirty for the Army during wartime
As far as Harvey, you gonna blame me for his attraction to male horses?
You can try to blame me if you want, but ...I have a witness. Mr Ed, was Paul Harvey a decent man with high morals?
Harvey's horse molestation is so widely knowm, Nintendo made a video game.
The game is Paul Harvey with his pants around his ankles chasing stallions in a field. It's hilarious!
BTW, right now he's in hell playing Canasta with Ken Lay and Jerry Falwell.