Subject: Paris the martyr
I enjoy reading your site but this fawning over
Paris Hilton is ridiculous.
As Democrats, don't we pull for the underdog?
Let me get this straight, Paris is just a misunderstood
victim who should be
admired for her courage and shown sympathy for
her treatment in the media?
Victim? Without a doubt.
Misunderstood? Probably, since I don't
get why she's the most hated woman or person in America.
Admired for her courage? That was the point
of that piece.
Shown sympathy? I don't know - I've never
been in a giant arena
while everyone cheered the fact that I was about
to be put in a cage.
You don¹t get it. This woman¹s ability
to stay in the media spotlight for no
reason other than being decorative is her talent.
Gee, you're the first person to say that.
Would you like to see a list of everyone who's
rich and famous who probably
doesn't deserve to be either? It might
be a long list.
For her, there is no such thing as bad publicity.
Going to the MTV awards show
and being ridiculed (with an admittedly lame
joke) is Standard Operating Procedure for her.
Really? She enjoyed that?
Do gay people enjoy being ridiculed, too?
Do fat people? Or small people or burn
That ought to provide enough momentum to carry
her through until her release.
Then the media can go back to their coverage
of her spending her inheritance.
She makes a lot of money - I doubt she's spending
her inheritance.
Why do I know who she is?
Why should I care?
Yeah, poor misunderstood Paris.
Why should you care about any sports star, singer,
actor, model etc?
Michael Jordan made tons of cash dropping a ball
into a basket.
Keifer Sutherland makes millions screaming, "I'll
cut off your fingers.".
Paula Abdul makes more than everyone reading
this combined - can she sing?
The question is - why single Paris out for the
focus of your rage?.
While I would much prefer seeing W, Cheney and
their friends being marched into jail,
to me Paris represents the shallow empty advice
that Bush gave following 9-11: go shopping.
Michael in Burbank
Hey, cheer up.
Maybe she'll take a shiv to the neck in jail..
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