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Subject: TSA DNA scramblers and sexual groping  

Hi Bart, I regularly visit your website and, in general, agree with your comments. It is refreshing to read
stuff that avoids going around the houses to make its point. On the subject of the TSA and its groping,
therefore, I thought that, as someone who clearly thinks about things, you would be interested in this,
about the so-called ‘shoe bomber’ (from in Los Angeles:

Before the flight to the US:    

    * Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab travelled to Yemen to meet with “terrorists.” However, his mother also lives in Yemen, which could also explain the visit.
    * The alleged terrorists in Yemen had been in Guantanamo Prison. They were released without trial by the Bush Administration even though
       they were reported as among the most dangerous detainees.
    * The government of Yemen reports that Islamic terrorists there have been arrested who have proven ties to Israeli intelligence.
    * Abdulmutallab’s father, though we are told is a retired "Nigerian banker," ran their defense industry in close cooperation with Israeli Intelligence (Mossad).
    * Abdulmutallab’s father warned US embassy officials of his son’s dangerous behavior; this is corroborated with other US intelligence of warning.
    * Abdulmutallab’s visa to the US was never withdrawn, though he was on a "terrorist watchlist." This would make his trip impossible unless protocol was ignored.
    * Flying from Nigeria, Abdulmutallab entered the Netherlands without passing through customs; impossible to do without assistance from an intelligence agency.
    * At the Amsterdam airport, Abdulmutallab was assisted by a man appearing to be Indian, who claimed Abdulmutallab was a Sudanese refugee with no passport
       (he would not have been allowed to enter the EU without a passport through customs). This man and whoever authorized boarding without a passport are
       huge stories we haven’t heard. Where is the airport videos of this?
    * Airport security in Amsterdam is contracted to an Israeli company with the most sophisticated technologies who had developed the concept of security profiling.

During the flight to the US:

    * Witnesses reported a man standing ten rows behind Abdulmutallab stand and use his camcorder to film the incident before it began. This important testimony
       was not pursued to discover the identity and role of this seemingly complicit person.
    * Witnesses report Abdulmutallab was oddly vacant and calm; typical of a programmed “Manchurian Candidate.” This might explain the behavior of the
       person filming: a “handler” who gave the code for Abdulmutallab to perform an act. Manchurian Candidates are now acknowledged historical fact.
       Research this if you are unfamiliar with the disclosed history.

After the flight:

    * Witness on flight 253, attorney Kurt Haskell, reports that there was another suspect handcuffed at the airport after landing that the FBI repeatedly lies
       and changes their story in explaining. Haskell says the detained passengers were told this man was identified by a bomb-sniffing dog as having explosives in his luggage.
    * The Detroit News confirms the FBI has changed their story four times.
    * A photo of Abdulmutallab with an alleged al Qaeda flag is from the same organization that previously photo-shopped false background images.
    * 50 grams of PETN positioned on a seat and cushioned underneath a passenger are tested and would not cause significant damage to the plane.
    * The US and UK government are using this incident to justify attack and possible invasion of Yemen.
    * We’re reminded that yes, Yemen has oil and natural gas reserves worth stealing.


Interesting that the guy who tried to blow up his genitals with a ‘bomb’ in his underwear was also able to get through customs,
unchecked, without a passport or a boarding pass. Wish I could do that it would save me a fortune in air fares.

You raise some interesting points.
Too bad America doesn't have a free press that wants to pursue the truth.

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