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Subject: Good things about Hillary

Bart, I've never seen a laundry list like this before, don't know the source, 
but a bit of knowledge can go a long way. 

In the White House, Hillary led efforts to make adoption easier, to expand early learning and child care, 
to increase funding for breast cancer research, and to help veterans suffering from Gulf War syndrome who 
had too often been ignored in the past. She helped launch a national campaign to prevent teen pregnancy 
and helped create the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997, which moved children from foster care to 
adoption more quickly. Thanks in part to her efforts, the number of children who have moved out of foster
care into adoption has increased dramatically. She was instrumental in designing and championing the State 
Children's Health Insurance Program, which has provided millions of children with health insurance. 

She battled the big drug companies to force them to test their drugs for children and to make sure all kids 
get the immunizations they need through the Vaccines for Children Program. Immunization rates dramatically
improved after the program launched.After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Hillary worked with
her colleagues to secure the funds New York needed to recover and rebuild. She fought to provide 
compensation to the families of the victims, grants for hard-hit small businesses, and health care for front line 
workers at Ground Zero.She is the first New Yorker ever to serve on the Senate Armed Services Committee, 
working to see that America's military has the necessary resources to protect our national security. 

She has visited troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and at Fort Drum in New York, home of the 10th Mountain 
Division and other New York bases, as well as at Walter Reed Military Hospital. She has learned first-hand 
the challenges facing American combat forces. Hillary passed legislation to track the health status of our troops 
so that conditions like Gulf War Syndrome would no longer be misdiagnosed. She is an original sponsor of 
legislation that expanded health benefits to members of the National Guard and Reserves and has been a 
strong critic of the Administration's handling of Iraq.

She has introduced legislation to tie Congressional salary increases to an increase in the minimum wage, 
because she believes if America's working people don't deserve a raise, neither does Congress. She has 
supported a variety of middle-class tax cuts, including marriage penalty relief, property tax relief, and 
reduction in the Alternative Minimum Tax, and supports fiscally responsible pay-as-you-go budget rules. 

She helped pass legislation that encouraged investment to create jobs in struggling communities through the 
Renewal Communities program.She worked to strengthen the Children's Health Insurance Program, which 
increased coverage for children in low income and working families. She authored legislation that has been 
enacted to improve quality and lower the cost of prescription drugs and to protect our food supply from 
bioterrorism. She sponsored legislation to increase America's commitment to fighting the global HIV/AIDS 
crisis, and is now leading the fight for expanded use of information technology in the health care system to 
decrease administrative costs, lower premiums, and reduce medical errors.

Her strong advocacy for children continues in the Senate. Some of Hillary's proudest achievements have 
been her work to ensure the safety of prescription drugs for children, with legislation now included in the 
Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act, and her legislation to help schools address environmental hazards. 
She has also proposed expanding access to child care. She has passed legislation that will bring more 
qualified teachers into classrooms and more outstanding principals to lead our schools. AND SHE HAD 

Sent in by Rio

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