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Subject: A Letter to Hillary

I am writing today about a grave and serious concern about your stance on job outsourcing. 
Though I do not claim to know all the details about your stance on this issue or the details of 
your relationship with the Indian government, I must admit that I am very concerned about any 
politician that does not recognize the outsourcing crisis that is gripping our country. 

As a member of the IT community I hear and see first hand the effects of valuable American 
tech jobs being done away with in favor of cheap and substandard labor in countries like China, 
Mexico and India. While I do realize that a healthy international trade relationship is essential for 
our economic survival, if let unbalanced, unregulated, and unmitigated it will continue destroying 
the future of America's quality job pool and national self reliance.

I would like to give you the benefit of the doubt and believe that any modern age Democrat will 
have no problem seeing this problem and seek to protect the middle class from this plague, but that 
demands that you make your position clear as soon as humanly possible before your opponents on 
both sides of the aisle use the current accusations to their advantage. 

Your recent spat with Barack Obama's campaign over this issue will only be the tip of the iceberg 
you leave this unaddressed. I'd like to see you win the Presidency, but you must convince the voters
that you are on our side and will not let unchecked corporate greed rob America of the bright future
it deserves. 

Fair trade, not free trade, should now and forever be the motto of the United States. 

Thank you, and good luck
 Chris Luk

Who has an opinion on what to do about job outsourcing?

Make it short
Don't say, "Job outsourcing is bad and here's why..."
Tell us how you'd fix it - and I don't think you can do it with a law.
    If you mandate, "You have to built X and you have sell it for Y
    and you have to pay the qworkers X," that company or industry 
    will probably go out of business and that's the worst of all outcomes.

 "I have an opinion, Bart!"

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