The Hillary-Silverstein Connection Bart, in Volume 1677 you responded to a letter from Andy: > Andy, you say this Silverstein guy admitted blowing up the WTC?
Bart, I think YOU may be wrong about that. Larry Silverstein, the controller of the destroyed
WTC complex, stated plainly in a PBS documentary
In the documentary "America Rebuilds", aired September 2002, Silverstein makes the following statement; "I remember getting a call from the, er, fire
department commander, telling me that they were not sure they
In the same program a cleanup worker referred
to the demolition of WTC 6: "... we're getting ready to pull
Dude, clearly one of us is crazy.
He's saying Hillary is so guilty,
she had lunch with a FDNY consultant?
You then went on to say to Andy: > And I'm in bed with NBC, CBS, ABC and FOX? after Andy stated: > Larry Silverstein has dinner with Hillary Clinton every week. Since Andy was stating that Hillary has dinner
with Silverstein every week, I think he was implying
I hope I have helped clear that up for you.
But that means my "whoredom" springs from wanting
the next president to be someone
If someone makes an accusation - fine.
Subject: Silverstein and WTC7 >From my own page on the subject ( [Popular Mechanics] * Does not address the comments
of WTC7's [landlord] Larry Silverstein:
You can hear it in his own words and see the footage
(originally aired by PBS) in any of half a dozen
- Muddro
Muddro, so you agree with me that this is crazy: Silverstein (who admitted blowing up WTC7 [and indirectly the rest of the WTC complex] with shaped charges), Thanks for the note.