Subject: your Hillary problem Bart- As a loyal Democrat voter, let me put to rest something that seems to divide you and your loyal fan base. First of all, it's strange that you argue on about
'reality' and 'common sense' even when it's evident that you
Is there a chance in 10,000 that you can make
that allegation stick?
In Shirley's case, it matters nothing because, well, the choice is personal preference and it's inconsequential. Thanks.
In Hillary's case it is lethal. You're right about that, but for the wrong reason.
Why? Because people ... just ... don't ... like ... her. No, the fact is more people like her than any
other Democrat
She is divisive. She is self-absorbed. She has a bad image. Translation: You don't like her.
And She doesn't have the 'common touch' or whatever you wish to call it that draws people to a candidate. Those are gratuitous assertions.
Doesn't it bother you, even at this early stage, that so many Democrats don't like her? She's the front-runner - by far.
Since I was raised Catholic, I recognize that
some numbers are bigger than others.
You've spent so much time defending her on one
web site;
I can't imagine what it would be like to have
an opinion that people agreed with.
And no, she's not the front runner because she's
So - you admit she's the front-runner.
If she runs, we will lose. Yes we will. So let this obsession go. Yes Sir - sorry for not agreeing that long shots
have a better chance..
Pick up someone else or just let the issue rest.
He is ... 1- Male. It's safe.
I like Bill, but I don't think he's reached 2
percent in the polls yet.
The list goes on, but I'll stop here.
Your fan,
Ray, it's always nice to hear from a fan.