Subject: Hillary

  You really need to take a step back from all this and take a more objective look at this whole Republican/ Democrat thing. Until quite recently I had the same " Gee, when are the Democrats going to swing into action and expose this bunch for what they are?" mind-set that a lot of my fellow Americans have.

   I waited week after week, month after month for John Kerry to fight back against the Rove smear tactics. Why didn't he (as someone who first got into the limelight by opposing the Vietnam war) slam the Bush administration on their illegal war? Why didn't he expose and explain how the agenda pushed by Bush will put an end to the middle class and usher in a new gilded age for the super wealthy? Why couldn't he even act like he might actually want the job?

  At the same time I've wondered why do the Democrats keep caving in to the Republicans. Why do they always, when it's time to speak out for their constituents, seem to side with corporate America over the people of America? Why do most Democrats speak the same Orwellian alternate reality language that the Republicans use? Why can't they just come out and say what you and I and anyone else who can see thru this bunch knows already?

  I may be wrong, but it seems to me that the answer is as plain as the nose on your face. They act like they don't care about us because they don't care about us. As our Country is torn apart with the tactics of fear mongering, finger pointing, and blind, stupid nationalism the "Party of the working class" is strangely silent. As the troops so celebrated by millions of faded magnetic "ribbons" are cut down and hundreds of billions of Dollars are shifted from our Treasury to the pockets of the select few ( who selected Dumbya to represent their interests) it's just business as usual for the moping, go along to get along Democrats. These little pigs will never squeal too loud for fear that they will lose their place at the trough, being fed by the master that own both Parties.

   In 2000 I voted for Ralph Nader. After the election I felt like I made a big mistake. In 2004 I voted for John Kerry and he did nothing at all to deserve my vote, he was just not Bush. I will be God damned if I make the same mistake again. In the odd event we are allowed to vote in 2008 I will not throw my vote away on Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, or any other members of the Democratic wing of the Military/Industrial Party. They have no interest in my well being apart from a vote or better yet a donation. Ralph was right. The only change that will come for the people of America is the change the people America make for themselves. That is the way we gained our freedom in the first place and it is the only way we will ever get it back. God bless America.


Dude, punishing Hillary because Kerry is a wimp makes as much sense as
invading Iraq because we were attacked by Saudis from Afghanistan.

Trust me - *I* will be president before Nader.


Subject: Hillary

Mr. Bart,
Interesting that you have 'Shedding her Liberal Image' and  'Santorum' on the same page today.

If you read through the comments on, you found this:
"Interesting side note: Santorum's joined in sponsoring this one
[Santorum's Workplace Religious Freedom Act] by Senators Clinton and John Kerry...."
You stated,

> "If Hillary screws up, I'll bust her for it.   Until she does, ..."

Well, maybe you will comment on why she is co-sponsoring - with pink-tutu, wimp-out Kerry
- a bill that the ACLU says " would expand the scope of accomodations employers, public and
private, must make to the religious practices of employees" - i.e., we will be subjected to frothing
right-wingers screaming about Jesus.  .
T Quigly

T, do you know the story of the Trojan Horse?


 Subject: Zionism

 You ignore Zionism at your own peril. The majority of the problems humanity has faced
 can be traced back to Zionism, et al. WWI, WW2 and ALL of the wars in the Middle East.
 Hoping that the "evil Zionist" fight, pro or con, will just go away is not logical.
 Most of the Bush Administration is controlled by the neo-con Zionists as well as the Congress and the Media.
 Just about every damn thing you complain about on your website can be blamed on Zionists and their twisted beliefs.
 You wrote:

> As one of the few sane human beings in America, I don't get into that "evil Zionist" fight, pro or con.
> People who live in that cesspool lost their logic eons ago, and I refuse to go there.
 You have been living in that cesspool for years and didn't even know it.
 Brian with the famous brother

 Brian, you mean if I was smarter, I'd be as unhappy as you are?
 I don't see how you can blame one half of the insane fighters.

 I'm not "hoping" that anything will go away.
 Religious insanity will be around centuries after I'm gone.

 We could move the Israelis to Oklahoma where they could live their lives in peace,
 but they'd rather watch their children get blown up on a bus than give up their sacred sand.

 That's not Jewish stupidity - that's religious stupidity.


Subject: Hillary

If you think that the knuckledragging yahoos who voted for Bush are going to be receptive to a woman
for president , you are crazy !  She has zero chance with those red neck illiterates and she's pissing off
the true liberals who might support her by kissing up to the DLC (democratic LOSER committee).

As much as I'd like to see Democrat in the white house, I refuse to support another "Bush lite" disaster
like Kerry, which in my opinion, Hillary would be. Get me a bubba or western governor with some
populist creds, like maybe that guy in Montana.

I'm sick of the same old tired Washington insiders...Biden???? don't make me puke!

First, Biden makes me puke, too.
Second, nobody thinks the knuckledragging red neck illiterates will vote for Hillary.
There is a center of about 30 million voters that swing one way or another.

On this page, you're seeing a LOT of people screaming rage at Hillary for not left-wing enough.
Remember President Walter "I'm going to raise your taxes" Mondale?
Remember President Michael "I'd never use the death penalty" Dukakis?

Sometimes, Republicans win 85 states in a national election.
That happens when we run a true liberal for president.

The center isn't something to be avoided.
The center is where elections are won.

Have you all forgotten who Bill Clinton is?


Subject: Hillary

I hate to harp on you again about hillary, but here goes.

Dude, there's a long line of harpers ahead of you.

Clinton is going down the John Kerry road.

She has spent the last three years as a lackey for the Bush (N) administration.
She voted yes on the Iraq war, No Child Left Behind, and the Patriot act.

Put another way, she has positioned herself to win in 2008.

More recently she's been mucking around with the idea of attacking video game
manufacturers because their games have been hacked.  (lojasmo's eyes roll back in his head.)

It's my understanding those games have graphic rape scenes.
In Grand Theft Auto, you buy dope from a whore, then you get points
for going back and killing her and stealing your dope money back.

How young of a child should be playing that game?

She's adopting the language of the right on a nonstop basis, although it CLEARLY didn't help
Kerry (and he worked damn hard at it, too).

I believe your Kerry = Hillary analogy is flawed.

I'm telling you now, bart.  If Clinton gets the nod, she'll lose.  Bank on it.
People don't want republican light.
The republicans and the independents will vote republican if that's the choice.

I can't see to type - I have blood in my eyes from banging my head on the wall.

Since I turned eighteen I have never NOT voted democratic in a national or statewide election.
However, I will ABSOLUTELY NOT vote for a senator who has helped to advance the bush agenda,
and/or who has no chance of winning the general election.  Unfortunately, Hillary fits both requisites.

I want my president Al Gore to run again.

Jas, like (I think) every Hillary hater on this page, you have chosen to back a candidate who's not running.
...and you talk to me about a wasted vote?

"I'd also like to say that whatever it is that Howard Dean knows, or whatever it is
that he eats for breakfast every morning, if I could give it to every other Democratic
office holder and would-be office holder, we would immediately become the majority
in the Congress and we would have about 35 governors."

- President Bill Clinton, Nov. 12, 1997


Subject: Hillary

This woman carries a special power with her; she can control media coverage in a way that Kerry
never could. Let's not fall into the conventional wisdom that Hillary would be a campaign disaster.

Not true. She's too smart to let that happen. Here's a test for all you doubting Thomases out there:
Do any of you think that for one moment that Hillary would sit back and allow herself to be "Swiftboated"?

Nope, ain't gonna happen. This is the same woman who, when Bill Clinton was sitting catatonic in a chair
in the White House not knowing what to do about the monstrous and mendacious right wing attacks on him,
went on the Today Show and launched a salvo against the nut cases who were behind the Monica scam.

She then called in Sid Blumenthal to launch a withering attack against these people. No, this woman is crafty.
Is she my first choice for 2008? No, I can't say that is the case. But do I think she's a winner? You bet I do.

Lastly, anyone who says that he would take Bush over Hillary needs to simply drop the pretense
and candidly admit the fact that he waxes nostalgic for the good old days of The Third Reich.
Bethlehem, Pa

Don, you're talking common sense.
I should've put your letter on the main page.


Subject: Shirley

Hey Bart:
Just got back from watching Shirl and the boys and thought you'd like to know what went on.
The place was almost all full, although I did get a ticket in the third row for only 10 bucks from a scalper.
The price of admission included the fair so I started with a roasted ear of coooorrrrn dipped in melted
butter for $3. Mmmmm. Grown in central CA, probably not as good as yours, but our nude beaches are way better.
Opening act was Hot Hot Heat from Canada, and they weren't so hot.
Kinda whiny kids playing Fenders through little amps. Ho hum.
Gbage opened with Bad Boyfriend, which was great, 'cuz you just heard those chords and you knew
which song was coming. Played mostly new stuff for about 2 and a half hours. Shirley's voice was superb,
one of the best live vocal sounds I have heard-stereo delay making it swirl from side to side and sound really big.
Lots of energy from the band-now that they mostly do two guitars and a big bass and drum sound, it works
better than an electronic synth thing.
She went on a rant about how almost every young girl has heard of Jessica Simpson, but they haven't heard
of Chrissie Hynde or Patti Smith. Shrl said she may not be as pretty but she's smarter "and can shag better."
She was really hot onstage, temperature-wise, and she was "not even premenstrual." Put her hair up in a bun
"like my Grandma." She asked if any casual fairgoers were at the show after looking at pigs and goats and
horses-"well now you are watching Garbage!"
Steve was pounding on a Malcolm Young Gretsch guitar through Line 6 signal processors, and all the instruments
onstage were run through the mains to keep the stage volume down, without any speaker cabs, including sound
shields in front of the drums. Big ballsy sound though.
On one song Shirley ran up the side of the ampitheater while still singing, and ran around the cheap seats and all
the way back to the stage by the last verse. She had trouble with the monitor system in her ears and said
"she couldn't hear shit" during the encore. Still she maintained her composure, and sang to the security guards
at the side of the stage and strutted and posed as though she owned the place. For a couple of hours she did!

A wonderful concert on a warm summer night.
Teacher Ed
Mission Viejo, CA


Subject: Hillary

I'd personally love to see a Democratic president.
Unfortunately, Hillary is about as much a Dermocrat as JoeMentum.
That's a terrible thing to say.

Hillary has already shown she'll switch sides for personal gain.
She used to be a Republican before she met Bill and decided she needed to be
a Democrat if she was going to get him into the White House.

Now, it looks like she's on her way back.
Sorry -- if 2008 is between Hillary and Jeb, I'll just let Diebold decide for me.

Hmmm, sounds like another vote for Bush.


Subject: Bill

You know Bart, I think your unconditional love for Clinton has blinded you. He
was a good president not a great president. He would have been a great president
if he had stood up for his Democratic values, but instead his need to be liked by all
paralyzed him to a large degree. I fear Hillary is strolling down the same path.

I disagree 100%, but this page has to go up today.

The truth of these Republican bastards is being revealed to us daily. As of this writing 51%
of Americans now believe that Bush lied. (So it took awhile.) As Fitzgerald continues to
hammer away and as the next cache of photos and videos from Abu Ghareb are released
(see Semore Hirsch's writngs on this issue), the remaining 49% will find it impossible to
deny the fact that the Republican right and their agenda need to be overthrown.

I predict many will not believe their lying eyes.
Thirty percent will stick with Bush no matter how many
thousands of people he murders for a nasty oil lie.

I believe those who try to be Republican lights will get thrown out with the
bathwater and Hillary will have to kiss her presidential aspirations goodbye.

If Democrats vote for the BFEE because they hate Hillary,
your prediction will come true.


Subject: Hillary

Whether or not it will prove to be an electoral disaster, I do believe it will be a political disaster.

You mean worse than running left-wingers Mondale and Dukakis?

The woman's core principle is this:  "I want to be President."

Compared to whom?
Name a 2008 presidential candidate who doesn't want to be president.
McCain wants it so bad, he let Bush call him "nigger" and then he sang "Mammy.".

That's it. Period.
Everything else will be sacrificed on the later of her ambition.

Compared to whom?
Hillary can't have ambition because she has a uterus?

She sold the country out on her Iraq war vote.  She still continues to back it.

You might be wrong on that.

She's just another corporate-backed, DLCer.  It is DLCers that have led the "pink-tutu"
Democrats in their Bush ass-kissing for the last four years, and it is they (including Hillary)
who have let Bush get away with his shit for the past four years.

You're saying the non-DLCers have been fighting Bush.
Please list these fighters so I can send them money.

Quite honestly, I'm SICK of DLCers.

Maybe you're sicking of winners.
The DLC gave us our only two-termer since World War II.
Aren't you tired of losing?

If that's the best the so called "opposition party" can do in going against the Republicans,
and if this is the BEST liberals and progressives can hope for, than any liberal and progressive
should really think about moving to another country, 'cause this one is irredeemably fucked.

Phillip G least you're not voting for the BFEE.


Subject: Hillary

Hey Bartster,
IMHO, fugettabout the presidency, we need to retake the House of Representatives!
That's where the real action is. (as in impeachment, baby).
Besides, Bart, Senators don't get elected president. Even Kennedy needed some help
in Illinois to pull it off. We elect governors and an occasional military man.
If Elliot Spitzer wins the governorship in New York, it becomes a whole new ballgame.
That guy is as straight as they come and brilliant to boot. He'd be the first Jewish president.

ha ha
Stop it!

Remember, Bush has picked up a lot of political sympathy from the hawkish-wing of the Tribe
because they feel that attacking Iraq somefuckinghow helps Israel. Those votes will go to Spitzer.

Ok, I'm talking a lot of if come here but you heard it here first.



Subject: Shirley

Hey Bart,
Been checking your site for over a year now,
and I finally figured, "What the deal was with Shirley Manson?"

Upon your recommendation I went to the Garbage concert at the Orange county fair.
There even may have been some double "wardrobe malfunctions" down in the front row!
At one point Shirley ran through nearly the entire amphitheater as she continued to sing.
I wonder how she hides the balls under that short black dress?
I have changed my opinion on the requirement that the POTUS be a native American.
I nominate Shirley Manson in 2008!
Keep Hammering,
Steve in Perris CA

Steve, she's a monster, and I mean that in the best way.
Did you get any politics with your show?


Subject: Hillary

I'm starting to think that this government is just playing "good cop, bad cop" with the people.
It seems that the real power in this country always gets what it wants a
This is just a big game to confuse us.
We have to have a new government.
Here's an idea..... how about a government that represents the people?

Don M

Don, I'm with you - after we get the BFEE out of power.


Subject: Hillary


So, should I take this to mean that you've joined the DLC view that the
only way for Democrats to win is to act as much like Republicans as possible?

Do you have math skills?
The voters are in the middle.
To win, you must please more than the left-wing.

It's true that Bill got a lot of mileage from moving to the center.
But very few, and I see no evidence that Hillary is among them, are as politically talented as Bill.

Not only is Hillary possibly as politically talented than Bill,
she has him to advise her - how do you miss the obvious?

I agree with Truman.
When a Republican runs against a Republican, a Republican will win every time.

Jimmy Smartypants

Truman's dead.
Listen to Bart.

We can't win with a hug-the-left candidate.


Subject: Hillary

OK Bart.  I'm tired of reading stuff from idiots who would rather have
a Repug in office than say something good about Hillary Clinton.
I'm a lifelong progressive Democrat and I think she's doing a great job
of keeping her head out of the way of the bullets coming her way.
Like you, I can't understand why Democrats can't get together,
at least until we win an election.
Of course, you can't be sure who these people are from their emails.
Freepers are everywhere you don't want them.
Leland R

Leland, I think we're just hearing from the letter-writing left.
The majority who agree with me are nodding their heads, but the minority
who disagree and blistering their keyboards with angry anti-Hillary e-mails.

Emotion is good for politics, but we have to send Bush back to his ranch.
The last poll I saw (that's a qualifier) showed Hillary with 41 percent,
Kerry with maybe 15 and all the others with less.

Look at it this way: If Hillary wins the nomination, she'll become president.
If a better candidate comes along, I'll go with him/her, but right now, the only one
who can give Hillary a good fight is Wes Clark - and he needs a running mate.


Subject: Hillary

 BC, she's been screwing up for years, I guess you just haven't seen it yet
--sort of like bush lovers haven't seen it from their idiot either.
Too bad, you're laser precise on Bush, and totally blind on both Clintons.

Neil in VT

if Hillary lied to start a war, I would've noticed it.
if Hillary giggled while she killed, I would've noticed it.
if Hillary was stealing $100M a day, I would've noticed it.
if Hillary ruined the economy with tax cuts for the super-rich, I would've noticed it.
if Hillary sent 1800 soldiers to their death for no reason, I would've noticed it.
if Hillary raped and murdered the Constitution, I would've noticed it.
if Hillary appointed her felony friends to rule America, I would've noticed it.

Perhaps your hatred has blinded you?


Subject: Hillary


Concerning Zionist power and influence in America, you wrote:

> "As one of the few sane human beings in America, I don't get into that 'evil Zionist' fight, pro or con.
> People who live in that cesspool lost their logic eons ago, and I refuse to go there."

First, "Christian" Zionists in the southern states elected Bush.
Second, the Zionist pig Ariel Sharon is on the public record as admitting that the Jews control America.

Are southern "Christian Zionists" and Ariel Sharon living in an illogical cesspool as you suggest?
In my opinion, it is those who deny the power and influence of the religiously insane in this country
who are living in "an illogical cesspool."

James in CA

James, if I ever get some extra time, I'll try to work up some Jew hatred.
Right now, I just can't fit it into my schedule.


Subject: Hillary

I bet EVERYTHING on the Clinton's in 92 and 96 .
And I see where it got us.
Total loss.

ha ha
Yeah, peace and prosperity is such a drag...

If you think " Hill " and your friends at the DLC can win in 08 you need to sober up !!!

You're asking a lot...

Who do you work for ?

I work for the BFEE, as 1591 issues will prove.

This mindless whoring for Hillary ruins your otherwise terrific site.
Swear OFF the kool -aid.   The DLC IS NOT OUR FRIEND.........

Donna, I remember the ninties differently than you do.
Things were so good, the GOP had to fabricate one fake "scandal"
after another, day after day, to distract people from The Clinton Miracle.

If the nineties were a "total loss," what do you call the hell we have with Bush?


Subject: Hillary

Somebody needs straightening out.

If you want another wafflling, DLC twit, she's all yours.
I'll vote for Jeb or the fucking devil
before I'll support another one of these useless bastards.

It's time for the big flush.

If my mail is any indication, millions of Democrats agree with you that
another four years of the BFEE would be much, much better than Hillary.

That's puzzzling to a low-IQ Okie like myself.


Subject: Hillary

Liberal, my eye!

Last night I watched The daily show and like I usually do,
I had my CC on to read if I missed something.

The Closed Caption went like this " July 27, 2005. Comedy Cen..
Hillary Rodham Clintons R- The Daliy Show with Jon Stewart"

I watched Jon Stewart last night and Hillary wasn't on.
Maybe your TV got hacked?


Subject: anti-Semitism

I'm sure this correspondent also repeated the LIE that all the Jews who
worked in the World Trade Center were warned not to go to work that day.

I don't know, Bart-- my husband is Jewish, but we never get the memos about
how to control the country. Do you think we're doing something wrong?


Gayle, you guys control Bush, Hollywood and the whole world.
Can you get me a cameo on The Sopranos or The West Wing?


 Subject: Hillary the genius

 The thought just occurred to me.
 If Hillary keeps forcing Bush to agree with her, by echoing his positions,
 maybe the professional Hillary haters will also begin to hate Bush.

 Stunningly brilliant!
 Almost Rovian!
 Jim H.

You're a bad, bad man.
Don't confuse the cunning-less people.


Subject: Hillary


Why are we arguing about this?  Until the electronic voting mess is cleared up,
it doesn't matter who runs, because those who program the machines control the count,
and those who control the count control the outcome.
Wishing it weren't so

Mir, I agree.
...if only we could get the Democrats to do something
about the crooked Diebold voting machines.


Subject: Hillary

Bart, Hillary already has one strike against her in my book.

Just one strike?
You could be Hillary's campaign manager...


From yesterday's speech:

'In my dream, our faith in God and our shared values give us
 the strength to conquer our fears of one another and the unknown"

Excuse me, Senator Clinton?  Our faith?
That's some rather exclusionary language for a speech on Democratic unity, don't you think?


Dude, how's married life?

Don't hate Hillary for being smart.
She's trying to get elected.

You know how every election, the Nazi bastard candidate says,
"I have no problem with gay people?" and then once he's elected,
he has a long, long, long, long, long, long list of problems with gay people?

That's what Hillary's doing in reverse.
She's de-clawing the "godless feminist" attacks before they begin.
She's de-clawing the "appeasing Chamberlain" attacks before they begin.
She's de-clawing the "another northeast liberal" attacks before they begin.
She's de-clawing the "loaths the military" attacks before they begin.

Every letter that says, "She's not liberal enough" gets her closer to winning.

Don't hate Hillary because she's smart.
Don't hate Hillary because she's going to win.
Don't hate Hillary.


Subject: Hillary

Hillary said she will vote for Roberts.
Are you moving the bar, Bart?

A. I haven't seen that.
B. She hasn't done that yet.
C. You have to remember - Hillary is smart.

Let's say she announces her intent to vote for Roberts.
Then the Democrats dig up damaging evidence on Roberts so
Hillary can say, "I was going to vote for him, but this changes everything."

Not only does it make Hillary look reasonable, it makes whatever eveidence
they dig up more damaging because it changed the mind of the next president.

If  Hillary votes for Roberts, she'll likely lose the nomination.


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