Dear Bartcop,
Thank God I finally found your site. Imagine posts and/or editors notes
that actually make sense, what a concept.
It will never cease to amaze me, probably for the rest of my life,
how easily, vastly, and deceptively the current
"moral" majority can be totally swayed by a few mere emotional hot-buttons.
The exact same strategy used by
Nazi propagandists, what a coincidence. As I said I'm new so forgive
me if I'm writing things that have been
written a million times. But I just felt I needed to say this to somebody
somewhere. I've tried to say it to people
a million times, but of course the information immune "Ditto-Heads"
will never hear me.
Anyway, my point is this:
Are there any reasonable humans out there old enough to actually remember
those terrible, "morally bankrupt"
hippy days that we now hear constant derogatory remarks about? If not,
they were awful. They had heinous
Ideals like: Peace, Love, Freedom, Egalitarianism, Community, Brotherhood,
Sharing the Earth, and Responsible
Consumerism. Thank the Lord for people like Ronald Reagan, Jerry Falwell,
and George Bush senior, who back
in the 80's put America back on the "moral" track, way back: Classism,
Racism, Fear, Hate, Paranoia, Ruthless
Greed and Competitiveness, Authoritarianism, and Conspicutive Consumerism.
By following the "moral majority" path there have been so many improvements:
Back then, the most scandalous T.V. show was Laugh-In
Now we have Jerry Springer, The Man Show, and Jack-Ass to name a few
Back then, we had Dr. Joyce Brothers
Now we have Dr. Laura Schlessinger
Back then, we had Music like the Beatles, James Taylor, Carol King,
Crosby Stills and Nash, to name a few
Now we have Britney Spears and the ad infinitum clones
And to finally get to the HUGE ad homenim buttons:
Drugs and Sex The Marijuana and L.S.D of the 60's and 70's were replaced
in the 80's
with the "morally" superior Cocaine-Crack, and Heroin
And the "old" sexual revolution which was based on Love and Connection
to other Human Beings and like
"Austin Powers" said "it was innocent, Man" Has been replaced
with the "new" sexual revolution which is
based on immediate gratification and accumulation
Vastly Superior Concepts
I'm now 45, and have been a long-haired hippy the vast majority of
my life; and the vast majority of my life
I've been a Nurse, Psych Counselor and a reasonable responsible political
activist. Most of my life has been
about helping people. Love and Compassion for my fellow humans, what
terrible, naive and "morally" degenerate ideals.
I recently saw a movie about John Lennon, and in it he said "weren't
the 70's a drag".
What do you think he'd be saying now?
Merritt Awbrey
Damn Proud "long haired hippy type pinko fag"....