Subject: Reagan Taliban Photo
re-posted the photo of Reagan and the Taliban with the quote on
Reddit...and was told that it was not true.
Now as I recall, I think the quote was one he used about the Contras'
wasn't it?
hammering Bart.
Phil in Louisiana...
PS. I'm too old, too poor to send anything but my Thanks for your
Ain't much in this world, But I mean it sincerely.
Phil, I think the photo and
story are true, but I'm just
guessing. I also think
the Bushes had the Taliban come to visit them in Texas, but instead of me guessing,
maybe our crack team of
detectives can settle it for us.
And don't worry about the donation.
If things get bad enough I can always turn teabagger and then my only
will be my nagging conscience and which colors I want my fleet of Lexus
LS 460s to be :)
Is this photo real? is this quote real?

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