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Should Hillary Leave Him Now?
 They just can't let go at


For many years, a lot of people wondered if Hillary would leave Bill. 
It was a topic of much speculation by pundits and normal folk alike. 

ha ha
Well put.

Most people felt that she showed weakness by not walking out on a philandering husband.

Pure horseshit.
Name a politician who got caught where the wife walked out.

In fact, many women were so angry with her that they vowed to not support 
a woman for President who didn't seem to have the pride or courage to publicly
chastise the man who publicly humiliated her.

"Many women?"
That would be what - 45?   200?  
Out of 160,000,000 women? 

So, this is my question. Why is no one asking the same question now that she is no longer in the race? 

Because it's none of your goddamn business what goes on in their marriage.
Maybe we should talk about Arianna's marriage-for-convenience to a gay fella.

Arianna was a liberal when she dated Jerry Brown, then she turned right-wing bitchette when she 
married Mickey Huffington for his money, knowing he wasn't straight, then she turned liberal again 
to get on a TV show with Al Franken, so why is she so concerned with Clinton's cock?
Maybe Arianna should mind her own goddamn business?

Before it seemed to be the top question on everyone's mind... 

No, only those who remain addicted to Clinton's cock.

Now all we hear are questions about what she will do in the future, how her loss to Obama 
changes her stature, how Democrats will fare without her, and why she waited so long to exit. 
But no one seems to care that she is still married to the man who many feel was a hindrance to her ambitions.

Because it's none of your goddamn business.

Y'know, the journalistic "standards" of rivals those of Matt Drudge.

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