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Ice Skating Olympics is porn
How does this fall under 'family entertainment?'

OMG, does this really exist in 2010?

The horndogs who run the Olympics force women to degrade themselves.
And American women don't have a problem with this?

You start off with the traditional ice ballerina spin.
The young hottie is told to wear a super-short shirt and then spin on the ice.
This causes her 'skirt' to spin out so the men can look at her pantied crotch.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for checking out a pantied crotch but why pretend 
we're interested in "athleticism" and "art" when it's primarily about sex?

We watched a LOT of the Olympics, and I noticed something about the ice couple's dancing.

Starts off, the two of them skate around for a while, then he grabs her by the waist
and he throws her into the air and catches her - so far, so good.

Next,  the two of them skate around for a while, then he grabs her by the waist and 
he throws her into the air and it's up to her to find her way back to the hard, cold ice.

Next,  the two of them skate around for a while, then he grabs her and throws her into the air,
and he catches her by the crotch and they do a lap that borders on sexual harassment.

Next,  the two of them skate around for a while, and then, swear to Koresh, they do a spin, doggie-style.
I am not kidding.

In 2004, I had the technology to grab TV images and post them immediately.
If I still had that, I could show you the proof, but if you've been watching them skate
you know exactly what I'm talking about.

It must be written in the rules that each couple does that doggie-style spin
because if there ISN'T such a rule, why would every couple do it?

Next, the two of them skate around for a while, and swear to Koresh, they do a 69 lap 
where their faces are in each other's crotches. You know I'm not lying because we all 
saw the same thing.

Seems like almost every routine has the girl's face planted in or near the guy's crotch.
Is this the Michael Jacksonization of dancing?

And the women who skate solo - it's just as bad. They have a mandatory move where they 
raise one leg over their head and they stuck a thumb in the skate and extend the leg and do a 360 
so alllll the men can check out the young girl with one leg behind her ear - that's skating?. 

Why do they force the women into such vulgar positions?
I expect someone will write and say, "That's how they've always done it,"
but is that a good reason for a young woman to degrade herself in such a way?

It's possible you saw "innocent ice dancing," but knowing how men-are-pigs-who-rule-the-world,
do you really think it's a coincidence that obligatory ice panty flashing, obligatory ice doggie and
obligatory vagina impaling and obligatory 69 dancing, done with vigor, equal Olympic gold?

They're doing more "figure skating"  tonight - watch and tell me I'm wrong.

Hell, they could just as easily put a camera in the local titty bar.
At least that would be more honest.

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