Message from Isaac Peterson

                      I was invited to be one in a group of journalists to go to South Africa in March. I want to do this badly, but the catch is that
                      it's with a citizen group with no funding, and I'd have to cover some expenses on my own. Here's an excerpt from my invitation:

                      "I am honored to invite you to participate in an international professional and cultural program. People to People Ambassador
                      Programs is developing a delegation of Journalism and Mass Communications educators and media executives to meet in
                      South Africa in March 2004. As the appointed delegation leader, I believe you would contribute valued expertise to the mission,
                      while gaining immeasurably from the experience.

                      ...During our sojourn, we will be able to look inward and outward at every aspect of Journalism and Mass Communications in the
                      South African society, as well as determine its impact on that society since the ending of the country's apartheid form of government.

                      So why a high-profile U.S. Journalism and Mass Communications delegation to affirm much of what we already know about a
                      country still struggling in transition?...While our visit won't be limited to professional counterparts, Journalism and Mass
                      Communications will comprise the bulk of what we do. The research our delegation gathers will provide the basis for a published
                      scholarly report upon our return that will be made available to media and academic institutions in the United States and elsewhere...

                      Since People to People Ambassador Programs is a private citizen effort, delegates are responsible for their own program costs.
                      The estimated cost per delegate is US $4990.00 (departing from and returning to New York). This includes round trip airfare
                      from the convening city, group transportation, meetings and cultural activities, accomodations, most meals, and essentially all
                      costs associated with participation in the program...

                      Invitations for this project were sent only to selected professionals in our field...

                      FD,    Journalist, Writer and Adjunct Professor [University of Florida]"

                      I've checked these folks out and as far as I can tell, they're legit. They started doing this kind of thing when Eisenhower was
                      president. Every year they send a group of professionals to a foreign country, and this time I was chosen to participate.
                      They tell me this trip was postponed because of the terror attacks that held up foreign travel. When I called to ask about
                      particulars I was told that it's possible we'd be able to meet with Nelson Mandela and tour the prison where he was held
                      all those years. I don't need to tell you those are things you can't do in Minnesota.

                      What I was wondering was if any Bartcop readers might have any ideas for any funding I might be able to hook up with.
                      I need to get this covered pretty fast; $500.00 needs to be deposited by December 15, and the balance by January 15.

                      I can be e-mailed at

                      Anyone with any ideas would be making an Eskimo boy very happy indeed.


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