Proof the Democrats Are Not Crazy


Subject:   The Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy

Some thoughts on the Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy to give John McCain
the Republican nomination.

                           Gore    Bush    Others
                              %       %        %     #Polled   MoE
Gallup/CNN/USA Today Poll
2/20-21                 45      50        5     515LV    +/- 5

Pew Research Center
2/9-14                   45      46        9     971RV    +/- 4

Zogby International Poll
2/4-6                     45      43       12     1,024LV  +/- 3.2

                           Gore    McCain  Others
                              %       %        %     #Polled   MoE
Gallup/CNN/USA Today Poll
2/20-21                 35      59        6     515LV    +/- 5

Pew Research Center
2/9-14                   41      49       10     971RV    +/- 4

Zogby International Poll
2/4-6                     38      50       12     1,024LV  +/- 3.2

1) Why would Democrats try to "sabotage" the Republican nomination by voting
for the candidate (McCain) who was more likely to beat Al Gore in November?
(Is this some new form of "creation" math?)

2) Months ago, George Bush was considered to be the frontrunner for the
Republican nomination because of his ability to reach out and attract independent
voters and Democrats.  Now that John McCain is ACTUALLY doing
that, instead of George W., all of the Bush supporters are criticizing McCain.

3) The IRONY of McCain's victories is that Bush supporters, betting on his
appeal to independents and Democrats, opened up their Republican primaries
to those very voters.  The fact that McCain is attracting independents and
Democrats isn't what's REALLY bugging people like John Engler, but rather
than George Bush ISN'T attracting those voters like he was SUPPOSED to.
These primaries were set up FOR George W. Bush, but it is actually John McCain
who has benefited from them.  Now, the Bush supporters who made all this possible
are crying foul.

4) It seems like there are a great number of George W. Bush supporters who think
it is more important that their candidate wins the Republican nomination that the
President of the United States.  John McCain supporters are already thinking of
November 2000, while Bush supporters are apparently thinking about November 1999.

- Jeff

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