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Subject: Kos was right 

Nevermind that "reaching out", in political terms, seems to mean "have a meeting with Markos",
which is so freakin' stupid I can hardly stand it.

He is absolutely correct.  Pandering to the Kos crowd is a completely useless move.  I've been reading 
DailyKos for a while, and I know there is no way whatsoever that - when the shit hits the fan - the Kos 
crowd would ever vote against stopping the GOP from yet another term.

So long as (she-who-is-not-to-be-named) ignores them and allows the media marginalize them during 
the primary - after all, they hate lefty sites that try to trump their 'media power' - she'll be handed the 
Democratic nomination.  After that, the media can try to attack her with the group she had marginalized, 
but I suspect the best Democratic campaigner in my lifetime (30 years) can give her a few pointers on 
how to de-fang the me-e-e-e-dia (bleating required) when it comes to their sudden, 180-degree turn 
to the ridiculous Right on her campaign.

She'll keep the keep the far-left crowd, because the other candidate is pure Satan. 
She'll win the moderates (for the most part) because by marginalizing the whackos on both sides,
she will look reasonable.  And as far as the Radical Right crowd goes...  fuck 'em. 
That 29% will always vote for The Republican...  no matter how much it hurts their own lives.

100 - 29 = 71%.  That's a win even Diebold can't kill. 
I'll bet she's talking to that Democratic Campaign consultant even now.

-Jesse in SD

Hmmm, no way they'd ever vote against stopping the GOP?
Taking away the double negatives, you're saying at the end of the day, the Kos people will
do the right thing and get behind someone who is so hated we can't even mention her name?  

Wouldn't it be a whole lot easier to not assign the frontrunner zero percent status to begin with?
I have a lot to learn about Kos and his loyal readers.

P.S. - Now all we need is a picture of Ralph Nader naked and snuggling with Karl Rove... 
What a juicy (and hideous) endgame that would be.

You didn't need to offer up that image :)


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