Subject: JHS primer for the slow
Hey, Bartcop:
I love your site even though I consider myself
neither a Democrat (liberal--not affiliated)
nor a monkey, but prolly dumbass in the white
house doesn't consider himself a monkey either.
You've already earned some respect from me.
The main reason I'm writing is I came in late
on Julie Hiatt Steele. I was working sixteen hour days
when the stuff went down with her and not yet
a bartcop reader when/if you introduced us to her.
I know the stuff you've said about her, how she
walks on water, etc. I don't necessarily disagree
--but I don't get it and I can't see through
all your admiration to the nuts and bolts of the matter.
Jojo, first, I like your "walk on water" analogy,
because it gives us a basis on which to proceed.
Julie might be the most focused person I've ever
talked to but she does not walk on water.
She's way, way unlike anyone I've ever
met, and I'm really old.
If you're in Washington DC on April 27th, you'll
So I'm hoping you'll either give me a few quick
and dirty facts about what happened, how she was
involved in the first place, etc. Or refer me
to a source, but not like a whole book. I just have a
hard time seeing how she's different from anyone
who's ever been ill treated by politics, and with
all the current axes there are to grind, I'm
trying to understand why she takes so much of your
focus--right on down to the 'fest.
ha ha
Bottom line:
Starr produced a typed script and told JHS is
she would memorize and testify to that script,
If she did, she could keep her life, her family,
her home, her job, keep f-ing everything, but she says
Starr asked her to lie so he could bring down
the president and she told Starr she'd rather be
alone and penniless than lie for him - and that's
where she is right now.
She's alone, (with her 11-year old son Adam) homeless
and penniless.
She had a comfy life with all the perks, but
she gave it up for the truth.
She is soooo much more credible
than Ol' BartCop.
I've said this a hundred times, too:
You threaten to take my Chinaco
away and I'll talk.
Starr threatened Julie with 40 years in prison,
and she kicked him in the groin.
You get that?
Hold on...
... ...
... ...
I just sent Julie $100 by PayPal.
Let me ask a question:
When Paul Revere rode his stallion screaming,
if by land," was he risking 40 years in
...I don't think so...
And I gotta say, as a liberal who does not accept
corruption even from a democrat
(and here, despite the economy, etc, is where
I differ with those of you who think Clinton
can do or has done no wrong--though I agree the
monica stuff was stupid), if big dog is so great,
why doesn't he save her? From where I sit, she
got smashed between the machinations of the
repugs *and* the clinton administration doing
what served their own or their parties' purposes
--and that may be the case except for the repugs
really went for the jugular--but I still can't
understand how Our Lady of No Wrong got caught
up in it.
Two good questions, let me try to answer one.
(The 'How she got caught up" question takes time
and patience.)
Robert Ray, Kenneth Starr's substitute, has let
everyone involved know that he's totally willing
to drag Clinton's alleged sex-life into the 23nd
Century if he can get the slightest excuse to do so.
Once Ray gets a new hobby, it will be much, much
harder to re-open this whole can of worms
unless something really, really shocking comes
to light.
Mark these words, I said them yesterday, ...or recently, ...who can remember..?
"Bill, you owe Julie Hiatt Steele. She could've
LIED and had the easy life, but she told the truth,
and now she's paying for it.
Julie could've read from the Starr script and enjoyed her comfortable life,
in her paid-for home, but she said,
'No, I have my morals and my dignity and I will not lie.' "
Please, though, don't think I'm gunning for Ms.
Steele--she seems to be a very nice lady.
I am sincerely trying to enlighten myself. I,
frankly, believe you're somewhat fanatical in your
adoration of clinton for all your religiocrazy
banter, and I would not march into a battle for
Clinton's good behind you... however, I'd follow
you to put the screws to the BFEE and
--well, I'm not sure of which category I'd put
Ms. Steele into.
Dude, you are an excellent asker of questions.
I don't worship Bill Clinton, I just think he
was the best president of the last twenty.
In every measurable context, that's as true as
it can be.
You'd think in these days of war and recession,
eight years of peace and tremendous prosperity
would count for something.
Keep up the great work--not a carbon copy of your
brain or beliefs, but I
have learned a lot from your perspective and
I read you just about every day.
Jojo, that was a good, keep-me-honest letter