The venue has faxed us a contract.
We expect to sign and return it by Thursday the 21st, so we can
start the
promotion once we hear back from them, hopefully later in the
day on the 21st.
Julie has indicated she'd rather meet you website fans than the
general public.
This will limit her financial intake, but it will make things
easier to control.
This is a PRIVATE party.
We have made some changes to increase the odds of success.
NONE of the changes are negative, so read this carefully.
Remember how this started?
> What'll
it cost to attend?
> I attended one of these for Susan McDougal,
so I'm using that as a blueprint.
> It was $100 a ticket and they served a nice,
fancy meal.
> The more parts this production has, the more
there is to go wrong, so my thinking is
> to go $50 a ticket without serving a meal.
Is that too low? Too high?
We are moving to a two-tier system, and I'll tell you why and how this works.
The room, wages, taxes, "service fee" and security is 2-3 thousand
That's the bad news.
The good news: Every dollar spent on drinks
and appetizers comes off that figure.
Using round numbers. if 100 people spend $25 at the party,
room will be free.
If you've already paid for a ticket, you're losing nothing on this.
This "second tier" I'm talking about will help pay expenses, so
we're raising the price
of tickets to $75
and whoever gets in for that larger amount will get free appetizers.
Starting in a few days, once all of you have had a final chance
to get in for $50,
the price of the remaining tickets will be at least $75.
All $75
ticketholders will be offered free appetizers, and the price could go up
depending on other attendees and celebrity guest speakers.
If you paid your $50 to meet Julie, that's still going to happen.
Matter of fact,
you can still get in for the original $50 deal until
we finalize the contract.
But once we make the deal, and the venue is secure, we're going
to be able to
formally invite various guest speakers and see who we can entice
to attend.
So, once we start the big ball rolling, tickets will be $75
If you want in for the $50, you have to PayPal your money now
or post mark your snail mail by March 20th at the latest.
By end of day March 20th, tickets will be $75
and higher.
Remember: If you got in for $50, you're still in,
you're just not in for the appetizers,
which is this fancy finger food the Marriott is serving. If you
paid for a $50 ticket,
and want to get in on the appetizers, send us $25 and you're
in for the food, too.
are we doing this?
When we started, drinks were the only thing coming off the expenses.
Now, they're letting us deduct food, too, and that means every
dollar spent
on food is a dollar in Julie's pocket - how can we say no to
a deal like that?
This reduces our (Julie's) risk.
If only 50 people attend, which is very unlikely, and they spend
$25 on food and drink,
then we have to pay a thousand or whatever for the room. But
if 100 people spend $25
the room is free and isn't that the best and quickest way to
raise more funds?
Reminder: YOU haven't lost a thing.
We're not backing up on you, we're moving forward.
If your objective was to pay $50 and meet Julie - BINGO! You're
But if you want more, instead of loading up on food prior to
the event,
leave some room for some fancy finger food and you'll be helping
...and be sure to come thirsty!
We expect to have plenty of Chinaco Anejo fine,
luxury tequila
and plenty of Grey Goose, the finest vodka you're
ever going to taste.
We are looking at a third tier, but so far, we're woefully low
on high-rollers.
But then again, we haven't even officially announced this event,
so that may change
Keep in mind that if/when we are free to announce special guests,
the price may go up
- but not for you if you're already on the confirmed list.
If, some chance, ...a certain former president were
to agree to drop by,
tickets will go thru the roof - guaranteed - so if you want to
attend, secure your tickets now.
It has been pointed out to me, by a person
I trust, that IF a certain someone
were to drop by the Juliefest celebration
on April 27th, we probably wouldn't
get confirmation of it until he/she actually
arrived at the venue.
This would especially apply to those with
Secret Service protection.
So with that in mind, I am announcing a policy change:
Security will be extra-tight for this event.
So tonight, the plan is to FREEZE
the guest list two weeks prior to the event.
Understand - we can't have a bunch of people
at the last moment.
We can't fit 300 people in a room designed
for 160.
If you're not in by April 13th, you'll
have to read about the evening on
Exception: Democrats
who hold national office, or who have held national office,
who are recognizable to Christian or myself,
not need an invitation to get in.
Such people would also not be expected
to remain for the duration - a five or ten
minute "drop in" would not only be acceptable,
it would be encouraged.
In addition, politicos who have been repeatedly
and favorably mentioned on this page
are welcome to stay for a few moments (or
all evening).
I'm not saying anything will happen for sure.
I'm just saying we can't rule anything out.
Democrats in Washington DC know the price Julie paid.
If they want to drop by and say "Thank
you," we could have some surprises.
We haven't even officially announced yet, and I already got an
e-mail from a reporter for
the Washington Times asking for "Press credentials."
It's my guess there WILL be press interest,
perhaps a whole lot, so this may become a media event,
and that could attract people considering
a run for higher office. (cough)
BTW, we're telling the Moonie "NO!"
a re-cap of the changes looks like this:
Nothing has changed for the worse.
If you opt for appetizers, the venue will pay 100 percent
of those costs to Julie!
Can you believe that?
We can't turn that down.
Eating will help, drinking will help.
Maybe that happens all the time, but I'm new to this.
If you pay for food, Julie gets $25.
If you buy a shot of Chinaco or a Fuzzy Goose,
Julie gets 100 percent of that.
Julie had the courage to risk 40 years in prison to tell Ken Starr
Couldn't you have few Buds or a few shots of Crown, or Jack or
to help repay her for that incredible risk she took?
Don't we owe her that?
This would be a different country if Starr yanked Clinton out
of the Oval Office,
which is why we might have surprise guests, so c'mon and join
the fun! never know who you might run into.
Also, once we reveal the venue, make your reservations.
They're offering $99 rooms, a bargain at this fancy place.
Once you're in, you'll have access to the chat room (below)
It would be easy to hook up with a fellow attendee and share
a room.
That means a room could cost you $49 instead of $99.
More to spend on food and drink at Juliefest2002!
To get inside - you'll need an invitation from Christian.
To get inside - you have to be on the list.
Studio 54 was Yankee Stadium compared to Juliefest 2002.
So send a short note, perhaps with "attending"
in the subject box,
Christian is monitoring the
This is Christian's baby - she'll get all the credit or all the
Get with her, get your ticket(s) and if you do it right,
you're going to meet Julie Hiatt Steele!
...pause to get used to the idea that you're going to meet Julie Hiatt Steele.
And trust me, meeting Julie will be like 200 times better than
some low IQ bonehead with ADD from some hick-rube dust bowl.
Would you like to meet Julie Hiatt Steele?
Click Here for the original idea/story
Click Here to see the second wave of Juliefest2002 news!
to see the third wave of Juliefest2002 news
Help me make this work.
Like Clooney says: Are
you in or out?
Will you help?
PayPal to
Box 54466....
Tulsa, OK 74155
Write to Julie at PO Box 1351, Virginia Beach, VA 23451
E-mail to Julie, use
If you sent money for Julie and don't see your name on this list contact me.
In order of when it arrived:
Contributor List Part One was getting too large to load.
if you want to buy a drink for Julie, Bart, Lorena, Christian etc, you
don't have to send $50.
You can send $6, $12, $18 - whatever.
We'd be CRAZY
to leave there owing the hotel money, right? Thanks, Margie!!!
Contributor List Three
Sub-Total $9800
Travis C $ 75 Hey BC! Wish
I could attend in person but please accept this "virtual" ticket payment
(at the upcoming higher price!) and give it to Julie. She deserves every
penny and more.
Travis, you got it.
Mike Fourn $ 50 Juliefest
Ron Van $100
An evening with JHS for two - Johnsburg, NY
Brendan P $100 Baltimore - Bartcop, One for
me, one for my wife. We'll be there
Mike J $ 50 Centerville
VA Yes, the night is all about Julie, but don't hide from your fans, Bartcop!
I would hide from anybody who was a fan of a 68 IQ Okie myself. :) I'll
be there.
Live in the DC area too, so yell if anything needs doing.
Maria C $200
Lawrenceville, NJ (prev contributor)
Beth Bax $100 Arlington
David S $ 50 Yo BC,
here's for JulieFest. all the way from Baltimore. Keep the hammer
mystery $ 35
from Atrios via Pancho
Sub-Total $10,560
Kay Ny $ 50 I can not be there
except in my thoughts. Thank you Julie. You are my hero.
Hopefully things will be much better in your future. You sure do deserve
Steve W $ 75 Hunts, AL -
BC, here is my 75 bucks, can't wait to see you and Julie there!
AGW $100 Bartcop:
Cannot attend, but this is for the cause
Carol B $ 50 All the
way from Austin TX
Eliz S
$ 75 Breckville - See you in DC on April 27! Liz
Sub-Total $10,910
Steve L $ 75 Alpharetta
- I'm paying the higher $75 shot just because it's the right thing to do.
Hope I can make the event. I just may. (75 gets
you appetizers!)
Carolyn D $ 50 add my 50 to my husband's 50
- Wake Forest, NC
Serdar Y $ 50 for Julie, and grow
the hammer higher! (Thanks - Serdar is a pillar*)
Mike B $ 50 I don't know
if I'll actually be able to attend, but it would be stupid not to be prepared.
Best of luck to all concerned. Sincerely, Michael B.- Somerville
John Tomato$ 55 from Gaithersburg
Greg M $ 50 from Philly
Sub-Total $11,240
Lori F $ 75
Morris Plains NJ - JulieFest - I hope to attend, but want to contribute
either way
Brian B $100 Ft Collins,
Colorado "We can't afford not to go"
Kevin O'C $ 50 hometown DC boy, Buzzflash mentioned
the site and Juliefest
Marg C $150 New York, friend
of Perkel's
Rob Cacc $ 50 Kicksville, NY - please upgrade
me to "appetizer" status, (Can do!)
C Carroll $ 75 all the way from St Louis
- JulieFest 2K2, by any means necessary
Reminder: In the coming week or so, Christian will be mailing
You must have a ticket to get in the room - security will
be tight.
Since we're cutting off ticket purchases two weeks in advance,
that gives us plenty of time to be sure we have it right.
Tickets are
$75. At least until we unveil any surprises
The good news is you'll get fancy appetizers for free!
It's hard to predict the future, but I expect tickets to be $100
by April 1.
This is a little like boarding an airplane. We can't have a bunch of people
show up at the last minute to get in because there's just not enough room.
If we get a LOT of last-minute requests, we could possibly rent
another plane.
but we can't spend another $1950
for 30 extra people, you understand.
There will be no cameras allowed inside the room, except for the official
picture taker and the videographer. We expect to have a picture-taking
session if you want to get a photo of you and Julie together.
Also, men will be wearing a coat and tie, women in cocktail dresses.
Julie said she thought requiring tuxedos was a little much - and I agreed
e-mail us at
in you have questions.
People are asking about sharing rooms, which is a good idea.
I think they'll allow 4 to a room, so your cost could drop to $25.
There is a secret message
board for Juliefest2002 attendees.
This way, we can coordinate things for those
unfamiliar with the venue or the area.
has a list of who's paid for a ticket and Christian
will be e-mailing invitation if you have
indicated you're likely to attend.
To get inside - you'll need an invitation from Christian.
or be a current or former federal office holder or media person
about whom Christian or I feel generous :)
Nazi's need not apply
No Fox News,
No Moonie Times,
and CNN would do good to send somebody besides Candy Crowley