We have been thrown a curve.
It's a very, very nice curve.
Just as we were writing the check for the Chevy Cavalier,
we were asked if we'd rather have a Corvette for the same price.
I'd like a Carvette, wouldn't you?
So, ...we are awaiting the details on the Corvette.
The Chevy people say by Tuesday, we're either in or out,
so we're getting numbers on the Corvette right now.
Gee, a Corvette would be really nice... (big Al Gore sigh...)
Julie has indicated she'd rather meet you website fans than the
general public.
This will limit her financial intake, but it will make things
easier to control.
This is a PRIVATE party.
The price of tickets is just $200
and you get free appetizers free beer and free wine,
and the price could get much higher, depending on which special
guests give us confirmation.
You can still get in for $200
until ticket prices go up again.
If you still want in for $200,
you have to PayPal your money now
For snail mail, contact us FIRST for the latest prices.
There are 30 seats left.
The plan is to FREEZE the guest list
weeks prior to the event.
Understand - we can't have a bunch of people
trying to get in at the last moment.
We can't fit 300 people in a room designed
for 160.
If you're not in by April 13th, you'll
have to read about the fun on bartcop.com
who hold national office, or who have held national office,
who are recognizable to Christian or myself,
not need an invitation to get in.
Such people would also not be expected
to remain for the duration - a five or ten
minute "drop in" would not only be acceptable,
it would be welcomes.
In addition, politicos who have been favorably
mentioned on this page are welcome.
Bill Press, for example, would not be turned away.
Democrats in Washington DC know the price Julie paid.
If they want to drop by and say "Thank
you," we could have some surprises.
To get inside - you'll need an invitation from Christian.
To get inside - you have to be on the list.
Studio 54 was Yankee Stadium compared to Juliefest
So send a short note, perhaps with "attending"
in the subject box,
Christian is monitoring the juliefest2002@yahoo.com
This is Christian's baby - she'll get all the credit.
Get with her, get your ticket(s) and if you do it right, you're going to meet Julie Hiatt Steele!
...pause to get used to the idea that you are going to meet Julie Hiatt Steele.
And trust me, meeting Julie will be like 200 times better than
some low IQ bonehead with ADD from some hick-rube dust bowl state.
Would you like to meet Julie Hiatt Steele?
Click Here for the original idea/story
Click Here to see the second wave of Juliefest2002 news!
Click Here to see the third wave of Juliefest2002 news!
Here to see the fourth wave of Juliefest2002 news!
Like Clooney says: Are you in or out?
Time is running out - to attend,
Send PayPal to bartcop@bartcop.com
mail to bartcop.com
Box 54466....
Tulsa, OK 74155
Once you've done that, send e-mail to juliefest2002@yahoo.com
so Christian can e-mail you a specially numbered ticket.
Snail write to Julie at PO
Box 1351, Virginia Beach, VA 23451
Or e-mail Julie at juliehiattsteele@bartcop.com
Tell her "Thanks for standing up to Ken Starr and his Nazi goons."
If you sent money for Julie and don't see your name on this list - contact me.
In order of when it arrived:
Contributor List Part One was got too large to load.
Contributor List Part Two dittoes
if you want to buy a drink for Julie, Bart, Christian etc, you don't have
to send $50.
You can send $6, $12, $18 - whatever.
We'd be CRAZY
to leave the hotel owing them money, right? Thanks, Margie!!!
Contributor List Three
Sub-Total $9800
Travis C $ 75 Hey BC! Wish
I could attend in person but please accept this "virtual" ticket payment
(at the upcoming higher price!) and give it to Julie. She deserves every
penny and more.
Travis, you got it.
Mike Fourn $ 50 Juliefest
Ron Van $100
An evening with JHS for two - Johnsburg, NY
Brendan P $100 Baltimore - Bartcop, One for
me, one for my wife. We'll be there
Mike J $ 50 Centerville
VA Yes, the night is all about Julie, but don't hide from your fans, Bartcop!
I would hide from anybody who was a fan of a 68 IQ Okie myself. :) I'll
be there.
Live in the DC area too, so yell if anything needs doing.
Maria C $200
Lawrenceville, NJ (prev contributor)
Beth Bax $100 Arlington
David S $ 50 Yo BC,
here's for JulieFest. all the way from Baltimore. Keep the hammer
mystery $ 35
from Atrios via Pancho
Sub-Total $10,560
Kay Ny $ 50 I can not
be there except in my thoughts. Thank you Julie. You are my hero.
Hopefully things will be much better in your future. You sure do deserve
Steve W $ 75 Hunts, AL
- BC, here is my 75 bucks, can't wait to see you and Julie
AGW $100
Bartcop: Cannot attend, but this is for the cause
Carol B $ 50 All the
way from Austin TX
Eliz S
$ 75 Breckville - See you in DC on April 27! Liz
Sub-Total $10,910
Steve L $ 75 Alpharetta
- I'm paying the higher $75 shot just because it's the right thing to do.
Hope I can make the event. I just may. (75 gets
you appetizers!)
Carolyn D $ 50 add my 50 to my husband's 50
- Wake Forest, NC
Serdar Y $ 50 for Julie, and grow
the hammer higher! (Thanks - Serdar is a pillar*)
Mike B $ 50 I don't
know if I'll actually be able to attend, but it would be stupid not to
be prepared.
Best of luck to all concerned. Sincerely, Michael B.- Somerville
John Tomato$ 55 from Gaithersburg
Greg M $ 50 from Philly
Sub-Total $11,240
Lori F $ 75
Morris Plains NJ - JulieFest - I hope to attend, but want to contribute
either way
Brian B $100 Ft Collins,
Colorado "We can't afford not to go"
Kevin O'C $ 50 hometown DC boy, Buzzflash
mentioned the site and Juliefest
Marg C $150 New York, friend
of Perkel's
Rob Cacc $ 50 Kicksville, NY - please upgrade
me to "appetizer" status, (Can do!)
C Carroll $ 75 all the way from
St Louis - JulieFest 2K2, by any means necessary
Sub-Total $11,740
Joe S $ 75
RPI Dude - Looking forward to meeting everyone, -Joe
Nathan R $ 75 Rock on, rock on
Jerome S $ 50 Millersville, MD
(Upgrade for two appetizers)
Diane K $150 Winchester, VA payment for
juliefest 2002 for 2 people
Justin F $ 75 from
DC - raise the hammer higher, brother
Nancy JP $ 50 Reston, VA See you
there! (Nancy - the last one in before the
price bump)
Sub-Total $12,215
Tim G $ 75 West
Warwick - for Julie Hiatt Steele
Marty E! $100 representing LA, making our
West Coast sweep a reality.
Alan C $ 75 Hickory,
NC + 50 to my fave website, bartcop.com, of course
Carol B $ 50 Austin
- upgrade for 2 yummy snacks
Chookie $ 50 (Chookie, did you
mean to send 50 twice? also need more ID details)
John C $ 75 from A
street in DC
The Vidiot $ 75 from Brooklyn
Karl E $ 25
appetizer upgrade ( need more ID details)
Peter E $ 75 Hughsonville,
NY probably attending
Sub-Total $12,815
Suzanne R $ 50 Harrisburg, PA I was going
to upgrade to $75 tickets, but since
I don't have to now (GO JAMES!!), I want this to go to Julie.
Jim C $100 from Charlotte
- For Julie...can't be there but it's worth the fight
Robert De $100 from Three Bridges NJ - Nice work, BartCop!!!
That's worth a supplemental contribution. This is going to be fun!
Mary AC $ 50 already sent $100 for the invite, kicking
in another $50 for the carville upgrade
... i'm bringing my best heels!!
Princeton $ 50 Carville upgrade - don't tell
my wife
Reminder: In the coming week or so, Christian will be mailing
out "tickets"
You must have a ticket to get in the room - security will
be tight.
Since we're cutting off ticket purchases two weeks in advance,
that gives us plenty of time to be sure we have it right.
There will be no cameras allowed inside the room, except for the official
picture taker and the videographer. We expect to have a picture-taking
session if you want to get a photo of you and Julie together.
Also, the dress code has been reassessed, and a coat and tie/fancy dress
is not required
but wear something nice, OK? Don't dress like you're getting
ready to paint the house.
e-mail Christian at juliefest2002@yahoo.com
in you have questions.
When we left the Marriott, we lost our $99 rooms.
We are making phone calls, trying to book a block of rooms to get a
better price.
There is a secret message
board for Juliefest2002 attendees.
This way, we can coordinate things for those
unfamiliar with the venue or the area.
has a list of who's paid for a ticket and Christian
will be e-mailing invitation if you have
indicated you're likely to attend.
To get inside - you'll need an invitation from Christian.
or be a current or former federal office holder or media person
about whom Christian or I feel generous :)
Nazi's need not apply
No Fox News,
No Moonie Times,
and CNN would do good to send somebody besides Candy Crowley