From: Lanny the Stalker


Here is the update on the Clintons and their legacy:

Those voters inclined to support Hillary Clinton in the 2004 presidential election
should please remember that Hillary supports killing the unborn

...just like Governor Bush's wife and mother.
If you have a problem with Pickles and Barbara Bush killing the unborn,
write to President Braindead and ask him why he married a monster.

...and killing the aged,

ha ha
Who told you that?
Rush or Hannity?
ha ha
If it was two shots to the head, we could suspect Hillary cause that's her MO.

...and Bill and Hillary were the most corrupt administration in American history,
including, but not limited to the following:

Hold on - let me pour a shot of Chinaco...

Damn, that's tasty stuff...go ahead...

These are the American military forces and equipment that disappeared between 1992 and 2000.

709,000 regular (active duty) service personnel;
293,000 reserve troops;
Eight standing Army divisions;
20 Air Force and Navy air wings with 2,000 combat aircraft; 232 strategic bombers;
13 strategic ballistic missile submarines with 3,114 nuclear warheads on 232 missiles;
500 ICBMs with 1,950 warheads;
4 aircraft carriers, 121 surface combat ships and submarines, plus all the support bases,
shipyards and logistical assets needed to sustain such a naval force - INCLUDING THE
-- Al Gore's favorite contributor.

...and your point is?
The downsizing of the military began under Bush I, when Snarl Cheney was Sec of Defense.
Why pay to upkeep more military than we need?
Remember, that's Clinton's military in Afghanistan right now.
The young Bush boy hasn't upgraded squat.

Then we move on to provable and documented non-military accomplishments of "Bill the Impeached":

1) 72 House and Senate witnesses pled the Fifth Amendment.

 When the ditto-monkey congress gets in heat, answering any questions
 would result in being charged with perjury, even if you're telling the truth.
 If you testify that it's a warm day and the DM congress says it's cold,
 you'll be charged with perjury, son.  Don't you know how the game is played?
 That's how Julie lost her home.
 She told the truth, not what Starr claimed was the truth.

2) 17 witnesses have fled the country to avoid testifying.

 Name one.

3) 19 foreign witnesses have refused to be interviewed by US investigative bodies.

See answer #1.
Who would volunteer to get inside Hardon Kenny's witchhunt, besides me?

4) 19 charges from Whitewater investigations

None relating to Clinton, other than he was the victim of Web Hubbell's thievery.

5) 4 convictions from Whitewater investigations

See answer four - none relating to the Clintons.

6) 8 imprisonment's from Whitewater investigations.

See answer four - none relating to the Clintons.

7) 55 total charges in all Clinton scandals

A charge is merely an accusation. There were HUNDREDS of wild accusations
made against our best president.  Why limit yourself to 55?

8) 32 total convictions (so far) in all Clinton scandals

See answer four - none relating to the Clintons.

9) 14 total imprisonments (so far) in all Clinton scandals.

See answer four - none relating to the Clintons.
Why do you keep barking up an unrelated tree?

10) 938 overnight stay's at the White House for Clinton supporters.

You wanted him to invite his enemies to stay the night?

11) $48 million - cost of Starr's 2-year investigation because of Clinton's impediment.

I didn't know Clinton had an impediment.

Yes, Starr spent tens of millions investigating Clinton.
Why would you want to point that out?

Are you saying if Starr had spent $200,000,000 dollars inside Clinton's zipper
that would prove Clinton was more guilty when Starr eventually found nothing?
Are you saying it would've been cheaper had Clinton confessed to the charges?

12) $49 million - cost of Clinton's 10-day trip to China.

ha ha
How dare the president travel.

13) Over $50 million on latest trip to Russia with a 1000 person party.

What's the cost of vodka in Kiev?
It's about as relevant as whatever point you're not making.

Then on to the general, well-known but only partially documented, due to obstruction of justice,
destruction of evidence and stonewalling activities of Clinton and his minions:

These will, no doubt, be my favorites.
Tell me, will they be as cogent as the first 13? (snicker)


Good thing he didn't sign up, then go AWOL, right?


The jury found him not guilty, remember?

...illegally obtained 900 FBI files,

Ken Starr says that never happened.


It's my understanding he commuted the sentences of non-violent members of the FALN,

...lied to the American people for 9 months about Monica,

So, presidents who lie should be impeached?
What about Bush and Reagan and Bush?

"I was out of the loop, didn't know nothing." Bush 41
"There were no weapons on those two small planes." Red Ink Reagan
"I will bring honor and dignitude to the White House." Bush 43

...sold nuclear and missile secrets to the Chinese communists for some campaign cash,

Sounds like a crime to me - why didn't Starr indict him for that?
Why did Starr chose, instead, to indict Clinton for the crime of Monica?

...had the FBI and IRS attack the fired Travel Office personnel,

Objection - assumes facts not in evidence.

...didn't know what happened at Waco,

Senator Ralston Purina says Vern set that fire, himself.
You don't trust your GOP elders, do you?

...called off the investigation of Ruby Ridge,

ha ha
You nut!
George Herbert Herbert Bush had Randy Weaver's wife murdered
I know Rush loves to tell his sheep (you) that Clinton did it,
but it happened in 1992, Einstein - who was president in 1992?

...demonstrated against America in Moscow and Britain,

Protested the war in Britain.
There are 55,000 names on that black wall in Washington DC.
Tell me, Lanny, how many more thousands of names
would you like to have on that wall?

...accused of rape by Juanita Broadderick and others,

ha ha
So Clinton is guilty of being accused?
Do you know the difference between an accusation and a fact?
If I accused you of having a brain, that wouldn't make it true, would it?

...smeared and lied about Kathleen Willey,

I know he released a glowing letter of priase that she wrote him AFTER the alleged incident.
Why was she chasing a man she later claimed attacked her?
Could it be that $300,000 the tabloids promised her?
Or is she, perhaps, a little bit slutty and a little bit nutty?

...had a Bimbo-Eruptions control team on the campaign staff,

(Bells, whistles and sirens go off)
Richard Mellon Scaife was crusing Arkansas with handfuls of 100 dollar bills,
asking which trailer park tramps wanted to make so quick cash, so yes,
there were a looooooooooooot of accusations to be dealt with.
You got this one right, Lanny. I'll back you on this one.

...lied under oath about sex with Gennifer Flowers,

Sounds like a crime - I wonder why Starr didn't indict him for that?
I wonder why he chose to indict him for the crime of Monica, instead?

...bombed an aspirin factory to distract from his impeachment vote,

No, he bombed an chemical weapons factory run by bin Laden.
That's the trouble with you guys - you can't remember which slur you're on.
Half the time you say "Clinton took no action to save us from terrorists" but the
other half of the time you say, "Clinton took unnecessary actions against terrorists."
Maybe you could enlist a fourth-grader to help you with your strategery...


Lanny, listen real hard now - you ready?
An impeachment is an accusation.

Say it: Ack-you-ZHAY-shun

You can't be guilty of being accused.
Try to learn the difference between an accusation and a fact, would you?

...had Jihad Janet kidnap a six-year-old to return him to his beloved communism
after the boy's mother DIED trying to get him to freedom,

He returned a scared little boy to his father.
Think how scared you get when your Daddy's not around.
That's how poor little Elian felt when that crazy Marysleezes held him hostage.

...sold pardons for millions of dollars and on and on and on...

Sounds like a crime to me - I wonder why Robert Ray didn't indict him for that?
That's a much more substantive charge than "lied about a blow job."

Their record speaks for itself.

Yes, it sure does.

22,000,000 new jobs,
tripling of the stock market,
lowest unemployment in history,
highest standard of living ever,
record home sales,
fewest abortion on record,
lowest crime rate in 30 years,
eight years of peace and prosperity,
and the most ethical administration ever,
so I agree - their record speaks for itself.

Why do you think the GOP tried for ten years to destroy him?

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