Whoops, They did it Again
Did you see Fox Whore News Sunday Morning?
They did it again!
They showed a graphic of a Zogby poll that had Hillary at 45
and Rick Lazio (is that his name?) at 32 % with
% undecided.
So what conclusion did the Fox Whore News characters draw?
"Hillary can't win - no way - her negatives are too high."
ha ha
You know how disappointed the clueless dorks who trust Fox News
are going to be come November? And what will Fox do?
They'll claim Hillary "stole" the election "with Clintonesque
instead of having the courage to admit they led the easily-led
down a big, fat liar's path, and the sheep fell for it.
You know who's the worst?
Juan Williams.
Hey, Juan, just suck me, OK?
He's more Uncle Tom than Uncle OJ Watts or Slappy the
Wonder Judge.
At least Watts and Thomas have been Whitey's Boy's all
their lives.
Williams just turned Clinton-hater recently when Fox wrote him
a big, fat check.
Granted, I'm not too fond of Uncle Tom sicko-fants, but gratuitous
Uncle Tom check-cashing whore-traitors piss me off royally.
Back to Lazio...
Can I confess something to you?
I realize as a Clinton fan, certain expectations are thrust upon
I was supposed to hate Smirk the first time I saw him.
I didn't.
As vicious, Nazi whore bastards go, his father wasn't the worst
He's a traitorous, back-stabbing, constitution-thwarting lying
pig, sure,
but he was never at the top of the Nazi list, so I gave Smirk
a break,
out of some twisted respect-for-the-presidency failing I possess.
It took me several weeks to get up a real dislike for Smirk.
Same for Giuliani.
I just didn't know much about him.
They said he was kinda liberal, for a Republican, so I was willing
give him a break and see where the chips fell before bothering
to invest
any strong negative emotions against Mayor Plunger.
Then he pulled that shit with the homeless people, and stood behind
cops who were shooting un-armed blacks one after another. Those
other things led me to a nice, healthy dislike for that Rudy
But this Lazio guy?
I started hating him the minute I saw that shit-eating grin.
I can't wait to dismember this asshole over the coming months.
I saw his "acceptance" speeech over the weekend.
Did you catch it?
He could've shown us one goddamn day of him being a human being,
but he went after Hillary like she'd murdered his parents.
Instead of talking about the issues, he started right in on how
Hillary was and how he was going to save New York from
One of the things that reallyt pisses me off about these clowns,
(and it shouldn't, because this is why they always end
up losing)
is the way they forget that the entire spectrum is watching them.
When he goes into this massive "I Hate Hillary More Than You"
the red-meat ditto-spanks in the crowd always start chanting
and cheering
like Smirk at an execution of a young, repentant Christian woman,
but they always forget the VOTERS are watching.
If there ever comes a time when they remember the voters
are watching,
we could possibly lose an election at that point, but we're not
there yet.
Instead of laying out some kind of vision for New York or this
Lazio starts whining about America's beloved First Lady, saying,
"She's so ultra-ultra-ultra-ultra-ultra-ultra-ultra-ultra liberal.
She's about as much of a "new Democrat" as she is a New Yorker!"
...then he stopped, looked around the room and flashed that shit-eating
that told me he thought he just delivered the biggest punch line
of the century.
No matter that bad behavior like that will cost him thousands
of votes,
it felt so good to him to lay a glove on a woman who wasn't there.
He doesn't mind sacrificing his career in politics, as long as
he gets a foot
closer to the opportunity to stick a shiv into someone named
That's the ONLY thing the GOP can think about these days.
Do they think the voters don't see this?
So, the Hate Lazio Season has started, and I just bought my permit.
It's amazing, I already dislike this piece of shit more than
(Note to JannyQ1: At your leisure, if you could create
another animated gif
of Hillary stomping this newest GOP loser into the ground, I'd
love to run it.)
She did, and it was great!
Anybody else with me on this?
This Lazio prick rubbed me the wrong way the second I laid eyes
on him.
Especially that shit-eating smirk. It's a good damn thing for
him we already
have a Smirk in this race, because he could've earned the title.
Lazio, it's going to be a lot of fun kicking your smirking ass this year.
You know what would be fun sometime?
Get the vulgar Pigboy in a soundproof vault, like they use on game shows,
and tell him a story of an immoral politician that goes like this:
BartCop: Rush, there's a mayor, of a major American city, who's
been estranged
from his wife for a long time, so he stared dating another woman openly.
To everyone's shock, he even gives here a ring.
Pigboy: Who is this guy?
BartCop: Wait, not yet.
This big-city mayor is so cocky, so secure with his new shack-up honey,
that he openly dated her right in front of the city press corp.
Pigboy: Sounds like a liberal, if the press is giving him a free ride.
BartCop: But should this guy be allowed to run for higher office?
Pigboy: It depends on the circumstances.
BartCop: But you already have the circumstances.
Pigboy: But who is the guy?
BartCop: Why does that matter?
Isn't morality important without looking to see if there's
a "D" or an "R" behind a politician's name?
Pigboy: I need more information before I can make a decision.
BartCop: Let's try it this way:
Tell me your opinion of a politician who cheats on his wife.
Pigboy: I think Clinton is a bad man for doing that.
BartCop: So, it's immoral when a politician cheats on his wife?
Pigboy: What Clinton did was sleazy, he should resign.
BartCop: So any politician caught cheating on his wife should resign?
Pigboy: Clinton is a bad, bad man and should resign.
These are the answers you get from money-grubbing whores.
They can't say, "Cheating politicians should resign," because the GOP
has too many cheaters on their side.
The same "trick" can be used dozens of ways.
BartCop: Should politicians allow donors to sleep in the Lincoln
or the Governor's mansion in Austin?
Pigboy: What Clinton did was a crime.
BartCop: So, any politician who lets donors stay over is a crook?
Pigboy: Clinton is a crook.
You see how they are?
Laura the Unloved, Paul Harvey, Bill Bennett - they're all the same.
Their outrage depends on which party the "offender" belongs to.
They're not Disciples of Virtue.
They're merely partisan whores for money.
How can anybody argue with that?
Bill Bennett is a whore.
Laura Schlessinger is a whore.
Rush the vulgar Pigboy is a whore.
Paul Harvey is a whore.
They're all whores.
...and if I'm characterizing any of them in a way that defames their
why don't they sue me and make me stop?
They can't.